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    South Elgin IL
  1. People like this need to get off this game! PVP is a MINI GAME not the point of an MMO. PVE is the whole point of everything. Get off this game and go back to Call of Duty. I can not believe that somebody would only play this great game for only the PVP. Terrible....
  2. Best advice I can give is play it for the story! I played both Kotor games and you want to talk about bugs! I beat them both because the story drove me. Each character in this has an epic line and I love it. So don't worry about pvp, gear, and all the other nonsense people are spouting.
  3. I have enough gear now to run anything on normal mode. I figure I'll earn enough gear to do the same with any expansion.
  4. Ok so you clicked this link so your my target audience. What is with this fascination with gear in apparently all MMO's? Once I hit 50 and run all the flashpoints once I started a new character until the next content comes out. Why do people need to get "the best gear" just to have fun? To qualify myself I've never played an MMO before this one but I've played both KOTOR games and both Dragon Age games and loved those. The story is so epic in all of these games. (The novels too!) So I hear about people quitting because the "economy" is messed up and the gear is crap and PvP sucks, but that's all secondary to the true heart of the game isn't it?
  5. Why would you only play this game for the gear? There are 6 different classes that you can progress through and each one has an epic story line. Once you hit level 50 and done all the quests with one character stop and make a different one. By the time you run through everybody there will be more content. PvP is just a mini game in this. Who want to run all the way to valor 60? What a waste of a fantastic game!
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