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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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This is one of the many reasons I will never play on PvP servers. Once in one game and never ever again. It used to be known as griefing but it's pretty much free for all on PvP servers in my experience.
There's a big, fat warning every time you log into a PvP server, not just when you create a toon, but every time.


PvP on a PvP server will NOT be acted upon by the CS.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Maybe you should have chosen an Pve server if you dont want to see PvP happening.

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and that is why i play on pve servers. if i want to pvp it will be at my choosing


Which is kinda wrong since it takes away the 2 factions at war feeling from the game. But i guess that only 1 big faction thingy works for people that wants to play on PVe server.

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it would be nice if you got a debuff that stacks for every x levels lower than you you kill


or a buff for the dead guy :) REVENGE! after 3 deaths by the same player you get a huge bolster so you can get an edge on them - not an overpowering one but just enough to turn the tides


after all, is there's no emotion, what's the point :)

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Im sorry you shouldnt have rolled a pvp server.


I will be damned if QQ like this ends up nerfing pvp server areas with level restrictions and things like that.


You can just pack up your things and go to a pve server.... because honestly if you cant roll on a pvp server knowing that things like that happen alot then you have no business being there.



I am not saying what they did is right but thats just how it is on those servers and how alot of us that do world pvp like it. It creates conflict and a hate towards the other race that can make seeing a sith out alone and ripe to be ganked repeatedly oh so much fun....


But those guys... were probably bored so they camped you, dick move yes but please remember what server you play on.

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it would be nice if you got a debuff that stacks for every x levels lower than you you kill


or a buff for the dead guy :) REVENGE! after 3 deaths by the same player you get a huge bolster so you can get an edge on them - not an overpowering one but just enough to turn the tides


after all, is there's no emotion, what's the point :)


I miss being ganked and I'm on a PvP server. Gets the blood pumping, managing your fights to stay in position to defend oneself and the always enjoyable trackdown for revenge kill.


I say we Dub Tat the tarren Mill of SWTOR and free for all.


The lack of gankage is my main complaint so far on a PvP server. i.e. they feel like PvE servers.

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Which is kinda wrong since it takes away the 2 factions at war feeling from the game. But i guess that only 1 big faction thingy works for people that wants to play on PVe server.


Technically speaking, the 2 factions are NOT at war at this point in the timeline.

True, the peace is fragile, but it is still the official state.

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Awesome, every one is okay with Ganking low level players.


I was against it because I tend to try and stick to a 'fair game' sort of attitude and I honestly thought it would be bad gamesmanship to kill any player 5 levels below you, and I would get a bad tag by other players on my server.


I am not against players of the same sort of level killing each other but seems a bit like kicking a dead cow when a high level player attacks a low level (especially if its a group attack)


Im an imperial players and I have never attacked a player 5 levels below me ever, firstly it sucks for them, and secondly I don't get anything out of it (its not challengin, hence not fun).


But now, it seems to be the 'IN' thing to do, im gonna change my attitude, and start crushing those little low level newbies just trying to lvl up and enjoy there class story so they can get to end game and start competing properly with PvP.




Finally I have found something end-game that I might find enjoyable.

Edited by Ajudicated
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I am not saying what they did is right but thats just how it is on those servers and how alot of us that do world pvp like it. It creates conflict and a hate towards the other race that can make seeing a sith out alone and ripe to be ganked repeatedly oh so much fun....


But those guys... were probably bored so they camped you, dick move yes but please remember what server you play on.


I'll say it for you, what they did is right. It's right as can be and it's encouraged. Lets not sugar coat it, the OP rolled on an Open PvP server and then came here and complained he got killed by another player. The only part that is wrong is the OP coming here complaining about something that's normal on the server he rolled on.

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it would be nice if you got a debuff that stacks for every x levels lower than you you kill


or a buff for the dead guy :) REVENGE! after 3 deaths by the same player you get a huge bolster so you can get an edge on them - not an overpowering one but just enough to turn the tides


after all, is there's no emotion, what's the point :)



I dont know what it matters which level someone is or how many attackers there is. On PvP server you can attack on people of opposite faction as supposed to no matter what level they are and 10 50s can grief 2 30s 5 hours straight without anything worng about it, there is an PvP solution for those 2x30s after all like all game companies states on griefing/pvp issues. If you kill someone, you shouldnt get penalized for it, if you die , you shouldnt get buffed or awarded by it.

Edited by Forsbacka
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I miss being ganked and I'm on a PvP server. Gets the blood pumping, managing your fights to stay in position to defend oneself and the always enjoyable trackdown for revenge kill.


I say we Dub Tat the tarren Mill of SWTOR and free for all.


The lack of gankage is my main complaint so far on a PvP server. i.e. they feel like PvE servers.


I feel that they really went out of there way to keep the two factions seperated on most planets. It really is a dissapointment when you roll on a PvP server and probably have less than ten fights by the time you reach level 43. I'm looking forward to rolling Republic...maybe I can see some more action.


To avoid getting griefed, you need to have an alt ready to switch to. No sense giving them fun when you can just switch planets.

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Which is kinda wrong since it takes away the 2 factions at war feeling from the game. But i guess that only 1 big faction thingy works for people that wants to play on PVe server.


Funny, because I kill Imperial NPCs all the time on the PvE server I am on. It doesn't take the "2 factions at war feeling" away at all. The only thing it takes away is having some other player decide what I want to do at a given time.


If that works for you, fine. But please don't get sanctimonious about styles of play that don't happen to include you inserting yourself into someone else's game play.

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OP...How does the opposite faction tell you "you suck"??? I didnt think we could talk between factions. Did I miss the chance to tell some one "GF"?? I know the e-motes work some one killed me and then blew me a kiss hahaha. Gotta love PvP. Don't get annoyed get even. If you explore the whole planet you will find there starting places. You can get pretty close. Then you get the "Nerf codex" hahaha, got that in the rep base on Alderain.:eek: Edited by Malefik
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PVP servers are definently fun for this. Me and my duo partner wnet out to go get the Datacron from the blimp at Tatooine. When we got there, a level 28 was fighting a level 32 - and he won, oddly! He warned us that there was a PVP Empire there, and so we did the logical thing - we teamed up.


Slowly with time, our little 3-man team became an 8-man operations group, all going for the Datacron. The guy that kept trying to stealth kill the 3 of us at first (He was stealthing, waiting to grief us, but we would catch site of him, AoE him, and murder him) wound up giving up and warping.


After about 20 minutes of waiting for the baloon we needed to get to the datacron to come, we finally were able to see it coming closer - and on the Horizon, a level 50 sith and 2 friends coming along with him. On-levels, but was a bit of a surprise.


Let me be honest with you, we were not a coordinated, masterful, expert group by any standards. I had my doubts that I could heal everyone, or that the team we had would work together enough to pull it off. The numbers were stacked in our favor, but our highest level was 1 44 - meaning this level 50 had a clear advantage.


When they came and attacked, one person's HP dropped by 50% in one casted strike. It was a rather painful thing to recover from, but we healed through it - and you know what was funny? With all of us swarming that 50, we beat him down to 50% HP rather fast.


He proceeded to run to recover, leaving his friends behind. At which point we slaughtered them all. We held our ground, fighting the 50, and got on the baloon in the end.


The greatest part of it was that in the end, he tried to run to the edge where we had jumped form to escape - tried to cast a spell on us in a last-ditch effort of 'I can still kill ONE of you!'... And I proceeded to ranged-interrupt his face. Nothing quite as epic as that. XD


Moral of the story: You need to PVP on a PVP server to survive. There's power in numbers, and while I'm sorry to hear that 50's were curbstomping you, you really should rally some friends / randoms together to fight back. It's all you CAN do. Otherwise, you just have to give up, or go to a different shard if you're able to.

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I'll say it for you, what they did is right. It's right as can be and it's encouraged. Lets not sugar coat it, the OP rolled on an Open PvP server and then came here and complained he got killed by another player. The only part that is wrong is the OP coming here complaining about something that's normal on the server he rolled on.


I'm a PvE player and yet even i know this, roll on a PvP server and you roll with the punchs.


Don't want to bash the guy, but coming to forums and complaining about it won't help, on a PvP server it's to be expected, or better yet as the quoted post said "it's encouraged".


My advice to the OP is: a PvE server might be more your thing, where you can PvP when you want, it isn't forced.


But keep in mind it loses some of it's magic, such as living on the edge never knowing when you'll be attacked.


Seriously though, i don't see the problem, like i said in previous post the only part i disagreed with was the "you suck" they spammed you with, because you were one lv 30 guy vs a group of 50s.


But as i also said, it's going to happen on a PvP server, roll with it or change to PvE with warzones/illum. You'll only get rocks thrown at you *insert sage here* for even complaining about it on forums tbh.

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