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Everything posted by Ajudicated

  1. All those saying PvP should be played purely for the fun of playing are not really looking at the whole picture. Have you tried PvPing under-geared against geared players? Not so much fun. Fair enough, then we need to gear up, hence the need to grind gear is REQUIRED and NEEDED to properly enjoy PvP. At the moment the way of getting gear is not fun or enjoyable. Do you see the issue now? If not then no biggie, it just means you are either not lvl 50 or you are already fully geared.
  2. Get use to doing the same things over and over and over again. Illum - Dailies, Weeklies WZ - Dailies, Weeklies You should be geared to the Max and done all EG content after a few weeks. Don't bother with the HM FP's until your geared. No one will let you in otherwise. Well this is how I did it when I was playing the game.
  3. This would imply that your only going to be receiving data as fast as the slowest connected player in your vicinity? I know it sucks for some people, but maybe that's an option, you must regularly have bars of 3 or more (i think it 0 to 5) to join WZs and PvP Illum. If you have low latency you cant connect or if are in game and low latency occurs more than 5 times within 5 mins you get dropped from the instance (maybe TPd back to your ship)
  4. I know some of the basics around what causes low FPS and LAG in online games. These include: Server bandwidth Client bandwidth Frequency of sending/receiving packets Size of packets Transport mode & encryption (http, https, binary,xml etc) Costs of Compression and Decompression of game data (client and server) Just in today's technological age I cannot see why 100 players could be causing so many issues when they come together. I know its not ideal in a game like this to have 50 v 50 in one place at one time (usability, chaos, reduced usability experience), but it should be handled better than this if it does happen. 1. What areas have I missed? 2. Where do you guys think the bottle necks are? 3. What areas could be looked at to improve performance? If you think about it, you have at some points 2000 players playing on one server, and if they are all dispersed throughout the map, you would encounter very little or no performance issues. Even if you add in group content (4-16-32 players) where there can many groups of this size, in most cases performance is again good. If I had to look at something, I would look at the packet size and compression/decompression used. IMO, i wouldn't be surprised if there is some inefficiencies here that can improved on.
  5. I agree with all the points that you bring up. The thing that gets me personally is these are things that are so obvious. Unfortuantly BW and the game designers put there heads in the sand and hoped things as quoted would sort themselves out naturally. It hasn't, and I it wont unless a few key areas addressed. There is another suggestion thread going around which is adevertised by BW community moderators that has some very good ideas for PvP. Its very interesting to note though, all the ideas/issues in this thread are 80% the same issues/ideas in all other threads about PvP etc. So we as a forumn/gaming community seem to all be reading the same PvP book and are on or around the same page. BW/EA/Game Designers/Testers/, need to pick up the PvP book and catch up to where we all are.
  6. Its a design and usability issue. BW designed these damned maps. Anything that is open to interpretation can be interpreted wrong, hence the need to mitigate such factors especially in a team based game Simple fix: Visually Number or named the points or areas (on the map). e.g Just about any online MP team based game does this. Think of BF3 and its objective markers A.B,C...simple but everyone one knows where to go, when someone yells INC A This would take out any guess work. Its Usability 101 (I know I did that course). A
  7. Its not our Fault BW designed these damned maps. The could have at least numbered or named the points or areas. Then we could say INC 1 or INC PandaCuddles This would take out any guess work. Its Usability 101 (I know I did that course). Anything that is open to interpretation can be interpreted wrong, hence the need to mitigate such factors especially in a team based game A
  8. LOL Try being a melee DPS class and then you will find out how annoying WZ can be. We get CCd by everything, and knock back, snares. One game I had everything done to me. Good times. But you know what, I adapted my game plan to negate 30% of this crap. Simply by identifying ppl will spam cc, knockbacks, snares as soon as they see me. So I force charge in, Group CC, target one player and hit him for everything, then cloak out, then charge back in using a singular cc (choke), and lots of AoE (force smash mainly). Also always go with at least 1 other person. It makes a big difference. Yeah, it sucks, but you can mitigate it, so its not always annoying. My main concern with knock back is that it also stuns/blinds me.
  9. Resolve is useless for a Melee class. You get CCd, while getting smashed by a player, then another player CCs you, resolve fills up, all the while your still getting hammered by 2 players now. Player 1 attempts to CC you again, Resolve kicks in YEY, unfortuantly, you die a second later. RESPAWN depending on your luck, you may be in you respawn waiting for the duration of the resolve to end, or the time it takes to get back into the fight, resolve is depleted. Oh and then the CC sequence starts again. And don't tell me ******** about I shouldn't be taking on 2-4 players at a time. The truth is I don't set out to take on 2-4 players at a time. I target one and start my ability rotation, but his buddies see me, stop what they are doing and come to his aid, just as I would if I saw a teammate getting targeted as well. People will always go for a group kill....its faster and more effective than engaging 1v1.
  10. Simple solution You can only leave a WZ without penalty up to 30 seconds after the game has started. This means you can leave any time before a game starts and gives you 30 seconds to leave once a WZ has begun. The 30 seconds is also applied to anyone that joins a game in progress. After 30 seconds you can leave, but you will get a debuff or a penalty of some sort. ANOTHER IDEA IS Every time you leave a WZ for any reason you take substantial damage to your gear
  11. What is more amazing is you can say something like this and not have noticed all those that have responded positively to this post. Ignorance is bliss, but self inflicted blindness is a bit sad.
  12. You know, I am starting to think I am being trolled. The amount of people responding with "PvP on a PvP' are obviously not reading the post or are only seeing what they want to see. The OP has NO issue with PvP, I have no issue with PvP. I dont have issue with 3,4,5,6,100 VS 1 player. Its a PvP server and this happens. What the OP is demonstrating is the way around the 11 second PvP cool down respwan after death. If the cooldown was meant to be exploited then why would they even have it? Reading and understanding ones written word is meant to be a basic skill shared among billions of human beings...at present it is really lacking in regards to this post.
  13. Spawn camping is frowned upon by many and you know it. Just because you can doesn't make it right. Little kids do this sort of stuff to people. Cowards do this to people. People like you
  14. Awesome nerf the only thing these classes can do DPS. Even better nerf the only thing they can only really do effectively once they are geared to the max. Leave the poor guys DPS alone. The only thing I agree with is, these guys need an ability to heal themselves in some fashion during combat. My idea would be to incorporate healing into 'Force Camaflage'.
  15. Yes yes yes yes yes yes and yes (I have more yes's, I win). Jokes aside, I am starting to realize now, guilds may be the only thing that can keep the game going in these early days. To encourage and support them will be beneficial to you and me in the long run. Whether or not they should be encouraged as described in the OP, the answer is not a simple yes, no, but I believe Guilds and joining a guild should be encouraged in some way. I was a late guild joiner, I soloed from 1 to 50 (reached 50 3 weeks ago), and it wasn't until a week ago I joined a guild. At the time I could see no reason to join a guild.
  16. As a Marauder I have encountered similar issues as well. Most of the time my resolve bar is useless. I get stunned resolve fills and triggers (normally after I have re spawned as Ive been killed), finally I can get in and fight, then I get slowed, snared, resolve gone, cc'd, killed. Basically this is how WZ go for me. Not so bad in Illum as the zerg protects me as its harder to target me. Pure Melee DPS characters such as the rauder/sentinel need a little attention. I think its survivability abilities need to be better. Its a class which gets in, does damage, then gets out of there. Its not meant to go toe toe with its opponents. 1. The unleash ability cooldown should be lower. This is because rauders are more likely to get stunned and knocked back, snared, basically cause they have to get close to a target. Makes sense they need to recover more often. I would rather have this than resolve. 2. Cloak needs to be X seconds longer OR when cloaked health regen increases (cloak only last a few seconds so the health regen wont be OP if its done properly) The above isn't too much to ask for, is it? I just want to have a fighting chance.
  17. If you leave a WZ, just dock valor. Its not very courageous to tuck tail and run when your team is losing. Set the valor fairly high like maybe 1 level (6750). That should stuff a few up. Another option is to cause durability damage when you leave. Like half the durability on ALL your gear goes down. Should be expensive for most people and a money sink for losers.
  18. If they implemented the stuff in the OP, this game would finally start to reach the peaks that many players hoped for. Can agree more with the Guild and Faction ideas. But I mostly agree with the PvP suggestions. On Illum the game is very one dimensional, mass mob, camp at opposition base. Adding the OP's suggestion will force more tactical game play. Players will now decide where to place defensive forces to hold key points and fortifications. The results could be amazing, not just in game play but in system performance. The splitting of forces, will improve FPS as we wont often get the mass groups in one area as losing fortification and points could be very costly (if buffs and advantages are implemented correctly). Instead you will several battles going on simultaneously for control of the planet. It will add different gamplay mechanics, like stealth infiltration and sabotage, small task groups, guerrilla warfare etc. Finally with these changes you could feel like you are part of a galactic war. The next phase would be to apply changes like this not only to a single planet but all planets, not just controlling ilium but tatooin, nar shadaa etc.
  19. At present, open PvP lends itself to 1 dimensional game play, that is, the dominant faction ends up camping outside the oppositions base, while the opposition is happy to stay in there base. What ideas does BW have that can possibly grant incentives for players not to camp and defenders to not turtle?
  20. After playing a lot of PvP lately, I have noticed a few trends and game mechanics that lend themselves to negative game play, especially in open PvP (Illum). The biggest issue I have at the moment is base camping from both sides. Sure it serves a purpose (valor farming, dailies), but is it fun and also is does is have a positive affect on the PvP experience. The issue here is, a) the attackers are under no threat and have no reason to stop camping, and b) the defenders are fairly well protected and have no need to leave there base. Hence we get these 1 dimensional games. I believe that this can be addressed. At the moment we have capping points, that for all intensive purposes just allow a team to control illum and get valor bonuses. Making these point harder to cap, actually have the auto defense do dmg, and making each cap have a greater buff (in ration to team sizes) for the holding faction (and maybe a nerf for the ones not holding them) may cause the game to open up. Now when a faction is pushed back to there base, they can taxi to another point, cap it gain a buff and auto defenses. This should cause the camping faction to a) try and hold points (as they are more useful), and b) spread there forces (cant hold all points). Also this will make the battle more dynamic and tactic driven leaving a different way of battle opposed to mass up and move forward...you will need to cover you flanks and points, hence massing up and just moving forward will not be enough. Could work, you never know.
  21. Not sure if its the content thats the biggest issue. Its more of a game design and mechanic sort of issue. Its UI and usablity things that have left out, not applying best practices (observing and using where appropriate game mechanics that have proven to be successful). Some things are deeply ingrained into the game design and would take a big shift away from their current thinking (not to mentions large changes) to change. Some things can be added (not content based) but by then the hoarse has already bolted. I will continue to monitor how the game is progressing and if some significant change occurs down the line i will come back because I like the game concept of being at war with either the reblic or the sith in a Star Wars theme.
  22. Wow, you pretty much picked my ratings for me.....friends http://www.swtor.com/community/images/swtor/icons/icon7.gif
  23. I am a casual player and this is my first MMO I have ever played. I have played RPGs alot (Diablo, Titans quest etc) To me this game feels like leveling is too fast. I wrote a previous post which describes roughly what the OP suggests about levels 40 to 50 being a bit longer to achieve. Basically I was suggesting that the class story finishes at 40ish and end game starts around level 40. I guess the current end game (or its limitations) has affected my decision making in regards to my idea. End game I dont feel like I'm progressing my character (even though I am getting better gear). So having a few levels to attain after my class story might give me something to look forward to and make PvP etc more worthwhile. In summary I feel leveling is too fast, leveling between 40 and 50 should be longer, and at the end of your class story you should be around lvl 40 (not 50).
  24. Thats odd, I have a subscription and I brought the game, but I don't like it at the moment. There are heaps of people playing the game that are like me. We are hoping it gets better, because we are fans of the Star wars genre, and the start wars label carries loyalty from ts fans. Not the game though.
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