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Everything posted by Snert

  1. Just purchased like 30 million credits worth of items on the GTN and when I got to my mailbox to claim the items, there is nothing there. The mail icon showed that I have 12 messages, and now it shows zero. Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. List of new features: 1. New Operation - Raid on the Cartel Market. This new operation will only cost 1800 Cartel Coins to purchase and will feature one new boss to test your skills against. For harder difficulties of this operation, it will require an additional 600 Cartel Coins per difficulty level to unlock. - This new boss has a chance to drop an unlock that will grant you further access to hidden items within the Cartel Market. 2. It will now cost you 50 Cartel Coins every time you access the Cartel Market, regardless of whether or not you make a purchase. **NOTE** There will be no refunds on Cartel Coins lost due to disconnection, or accidentally opening the Cartel Market. 3. There are several new items being added to the Cartel Market, including a Jabba the Hutt collector pencil with a Boba Fett shaped eraser! 4. Ever wanted to visit old planets that you might have missed quests on, or hang out with your lower level friends? Now for the low price of 150 Cartel Coins (per planet), you can do just that! 5. 10 new datacrons have been added to the game and will be hidden in easy to find locations on all starter planets. Each datacron will cost 250 Cartel Coins to collect, along with the 150 Cartel Coins to visit the starter planets mentioned in the above addition. 6. Current subscribers will have their monthly stipend of Cartel Coins reduced to 25 Cartel Coins per paid month of subscription time. 7. A new launchpad will be required to log into Star Wars: The Old Republic! This new launch pad will only cost 1000 Cartel Coins, and will be purchasable within the next few weeks. **NOTE** If you fail to purchase this new launchpad on time, fear not! You will be able to call customer service to have your gaming experience restored for 1500 Cartel Coins.
  3. Greetings, I am a returning player looking for a guild to hang out with after a hiatus from the game. I've been "around" since closed alpha way back when. While an active friendly environment is my top priority, I am also looking to get back into ops. I've got a fair amount of experience with older content, though haven't done much in the way if ops released over the last 10 months. If anyone is interested, please contact me in-game. -Twinn
  4. Contradiction much? So you want story and lore to explore....but you hate the idea of rolling toons on a different faction? k....
  5. I had one in beta.....so I know they existed then. I wouldn't say that they don't exist in live. I would say that no one has found out how to get one.
  6. I think they go overboard with it.
  7. Yea, because the servers have fourishing communities and have no need for tools that make the game content more accessable and easier to utilize. All of you folks complaining about this make me laugh....seriously. This is almost certainly a step in the right direction, without question.
  8. Yeah guys...seriously. You shouldn't complain about something you don't like....just keep your opinions to yourselves. If you don't like it you should just quit and can I have your stuff? You should never ask that things be fixed. Especially when it involves a service that you pay for. Who do you think you are some kind of consumer who thinks they deserve a better product? geesh...... Especially those of you who've been around since early beta.....
  9. The knight is clunky. Shadow tanking is where it's at.
  10. 1. I'd actually like to see an update to this as well. It was touched on very briefly at launch, and there hasn't really been much more communication on it. That, or I'm just not looking in the right place. The one update I did see was them saying that there would be special powers associated with the legacy system. But that was quite a while ago. The legacy system did not exist in beta, at least not in any of the closed beta builds. 2. The guild system is severly lagging behind right now. And to be honest, I'd rather see bugs and gameplay issues fixed before something like this ever gets touched. One would have thought however, that something as important as guild perks, banks and housing might have been added at launch. Unfortunately I fear that this is something we will be waiting a long long time for. 3. There was a fairly lengthly discussion about this on the beta forums. BioWare, at first said they weren't going to allow it in game. Then they changed their mind. They said during beta that it wouldn't be available at launch, but added that it would become available at a later date. And personally, I think that people who don't like the idea of it being in game need to get comfortable with their own sexuality before they start commenting on someone elses. There was a lot of QQ about the possibility of it being added because folks didn't want "the children" exposed to that kind of thing. It's 2012 not 1950.
  11. You don't get credit for the points until you turn in whatever quest you are working on.
  12. If it's unenjoyable to play on a pvp server, don't play on a pvp server. Then this is a moot point altogether.
  13. All of this was addressed in closed beta. The problem it's either working as intended, or BioWare currently has no idea how to make the changes and not screw something else up.
  14. No benefit, no disadvantage....it's a fabricated illusion of choice that plays little to no relevance in any aspect of the game.
  15. Because the current social aspect of this game is a budding flower waiting to explode at the first glimps of the sun on a summer morning. I'm still wondering why there are 9000 playable servers. I think this lies at the heart of the population issue.
  16. It isn't about being negative. It's about pointing out that this game has glaring issues that need to be fixed before we start talking about expansions.
  17. The first expansion should be called "Bugs Strike Back." - In this expansion bugs will strike back with a vengance. - Everything from characters getting deleted to accounts getting locked. - Mobs 10 levels lower than you that one shot you, perma-stunning from the opposite faction, dissapearing ops bosses and keybinds that don't initiate when the button is pushed. This would be just a few of the features that could be added in this expansion. The third expansion could be "The Return of the Customer Service." I have yet to decide on the details of this expansion yet. More info as ideas develop.
  18. Protip 1: go with a friend....get killed....have them res you on the other side of the door....problem solved.
  19. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought this was the case.
  20. I felt the same way in WoW when someone would just pop a lockbox into a trade window while I was playing my rogue.....
  21. Nice edit. Unfortunately, you've failed at passing it off. You took one sentence from the entire post and focused on that. Not only that, but you didn't mention the response to my own in-game issues. You clearly didn't get the point of why I mentioned it in the first place. Reading comprehension isn't for everyone....I forgive you.
  22. We run and clear HM ops weekly. Sadly, these aren't difficult. Anyone who checks their issues at the door can clear them. Something even more unfortunate is that nightmare modes drop the same gear as hard modes. So there isn't even a point in running them. I've ran a grand total of two hard mode flash points. There is honestly no point in running them.
  23. Congrats on your first-born. Can I have your stuff? I'm totally kidding! Obviously!
  24. I've done my share of defending this game, as you can probably tell by my posts. But after this experience, I've nearly lost the will to do so.
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