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Opinion: Do you see yourself playing at the end of the year?


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I see myself playing this game for the next 10 years.


There are some annoying things they need to fix, lemme list 'em for ya:


- Not being in the Ops group frame when in a WZ.

- Not getting credit for wins towards daily/weekly in WZ's.

- Not getting credit for operation weekly if you're not in group 1.

- Republic Ship Voidstar exploit to get over the gates pre-match.

- Queue bug (which is being exploited) which puts more than 8 people on a single team in a WZ match

- Ilum daily takes too long. My fix: Armaments need to spawn at North & South as well as Central and contain 3 armaments per box.

- Abilities not triggering when you press the hotkey.

- /stuck in Huttball to get back on defense. (Should be a 10-15 countdown before it kills you or something.)

- Keybinds that cannot be un-keybound.

- Crew Skill popups in combat or while you're at the GTN or in your bank.

- Getting stuck running in one direction.

- Not having a way to convert WZ/Merc->Centurion->Champion->BM commendations.

- Map on Voidstar covers up part of the right hotbar.

- Requiring someone to select a category and click search before they can do a custom search on the GTN.



But I believe most of these problems they know about and are addressing as we speak.

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Nope. I'm already starting to wrap it up to be honest and I just hit 50. I play a Jedi Guardian and along with the host of bugs that affect questing and my class mechanics (ability stuttering ftl), the PvP hasn't been as smooth an experience as I'm used to. I understand that the game is new but still, it's been choppy.


I plan on finishing my character's storyline (2 quests to go) and then seeing how I feel but I already see myself slowly checking out other games and my interest waning. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and Mass Effect 3 will be the combined end of this game for me I'll bet.

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I'll be attending grad school next year so I won't be playing nearly as much, which will affect my desicion. It'll be a shame though because my shadow is so sexy NPCs choose the [flirt] option in conversations. Edited by Innercalm
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Pretty much a bridge game until GW2. Depending on how deep into the year GW2 comes out, I may stop before that though and then just wait... that depends on how well BW can pump out some new PVP content before then.


I doubt it will happen, but if they could really wow me PVP update wise in the next 4-5 months, maybe Ill play this AND GW2, but that seems highly unlikely.

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I'm assuming you're implying that you're going to leave. This isn't a slur to your character or anything but I say take off dude. I'll stick around and have a blast. The lower populations means all the ppl who stick around will just be bigger fish.
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I will not be playing this game in a year.


It has a few months of PvE value but that's it. The PvE isn't even that good, it's only the storylines that are interesting.


Everything else about the game is mediocre to garbage. The PvP is especially bad.


I'm only here until GW2 comes out and probably not even that long.

Edited by --Grim--
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Lol, I don't even see myself playing this laggy, buggy piece of...this wonderful game at the end of next month (ie February). The subscription is cancelled and unless they fix it so my class is actually playable in pvp, before my play time runs out, I am done with this broken excuse of a game. It's 2012, it's BW, they spent 300 million dollars (despite that the dollar isn't worth anything) on the game and I expected A LOT more.


What actually works in the game? Solo-leveling in PvE? Really, that's it? Guess what? Skyrim is a better game than this, and it's also a single player game...and it lags less.

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Great reponses so far. It's good to see a positive thread with no bashing one way or another. I am still on the fence myself. I still enjoy the game, but have concerns about the game's long term future. I hope that BW can deliver on some of their promises and fix some of the well known issues.
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I really like this game. I really enjoy my guildmates, and would like to continue playing with them.


If this game has not fixed the plethora of bugs/problems plaguing it right now I will not be playing this game in a year. I'm rolling alts because I'm bored with my main already, that's not a great sign :( I hope this game succeeds.

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Pretty easy to say, really. Pretty much depends on how good GW2 is.


If GW2 is better, then no. If it's not, then yes. I do think GW2 has more potential than TOR does, just because It seems to be trying to push the envelope of what MMOs can do, rather than just trying to improve on the WoW formula.


Problem with innovation is that it can sometimes backfire, so we'll see. I'm optimistic that both GW2 will be good, and TOR will continue to put out content and improve itself. I hope that by the end of 2012, I will be facing a harsh decision for the right reasons, rather than one game simply being better.

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Waiting for D3 or GW2 or Planetside 2. Not sure If I will actually make it that long even as end game (pve and pvp) is getting super boring and dull for me. Its looking like this game won't even hold me as long as Rift did (granted months of beta access for this game burned me out to some things im sure).
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Honestly... No.


I would have to find a good guild and a lot more end game content than currently exists needs to be added for me to be here that long. I may play a few months (to explore the PVE stories) and then do something else.


Maybe Wild Star will hold me? Maybe some one will create a new sandbox to compete with Eve? I don't know. But MMO games simply lack the staying power they had in the old days now.

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I'm playing until GW2, that has been the case since I pre-ordered SWTOR on 7/26/11. Outside of GW2 being canceled nothing will change that.


What is with all this hype for GW2?


If anything is going to be big it's going to be Blizzard's unannounced "Titan" MMO.

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i think once things get polished up ToR has such an icredible chance for Rated WZ's. Once balance and bugs get all ironed out i will play just Huttball for a decade, not to mention the other WZ's, Hell were getting a new one next month :)



and lol jedi sent's and sith mara's are all quitting, must be a really un-fun class to play.

Edited by Izola
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i will play GW2 as well, but i will continue playing this game as well i think. the fact that BW has the subscriptions coming in tells me this game will be relatively better over time, maybe even truly better than gw2 at some point. i also think the innovation of gw2 will wear off after a while.
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What is with all this hype for GW2?


If anything is going to be big it's going to be Blizzard's unannounced "Titan" MMO.


Project "Titan", now this is something I can't wait to see confirmed details on.... although i'm assuming its going to be a good 10 odd years till its released :/ I don't know how long it's been in the making for though...


Also, I looked up some GW2 videos and it really didn't impress me... looked kinda clunky. Reminds me of how annoying the annoying pvp was in Rift.

Edited by Vyruzvetrix
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