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Don't ding 50! The pvp is much better 10-49.


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At first he says farming lower lvl players as a 49 is awesome then he goes on to insult others in Battlemaster gear for killing fresh 50s.


Curious how you get farmed by a 49? 49 by 30 should be pretty even match if you kept up with your gear. By 40 you shouldn't even have issues with a 49.

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the gear disparity is quite bad, worse than wow thats for certain, especially since this game is not 2 months old yet. you would expect to see this kind of gear disparity after a YEAR or so.


10-49 is more balanced because gear is not an issue. obviously the low 10's wont have that many skills and will be at an disadvantage. but you should have most if not all of the pertinent pvp abilities by 30 or so. everybody's hp pool and damage potential (across same AC) remain relatively the same no matter what your level.

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10-49 was fun... and I felt everyone had a chance to do well against me... if they hit the right buttons.


50 is a joke... I am having true fun beating up on Battlemasters racking up 10 comms and winning 9 out of 10 matches... seriously are all the early 50 players that bad. Or have they all just got soft beating on ungeared players the last few weeks. :)


Seriously if you don't have gear yet like I don't... Stack a crap ton of Surge and Crit... wear the most tank type gear you can find for you class... and notice that most of the geared 50s are pretty bad players in general. :)

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add craftable expertise mods to give new 50s a step up and be more competitive. don't make it as good as the uber gear but make it better than whatever you have from 40s.


Zzz. There is already a system in place for <50 to get expertise. Go buy the L46 lightsaber, strip the mod, and put it in your gear. Free 25 expertise per mod, you can hit 200 that way.

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I started a new toon. Playing juggernaut and enjoying it over a 50 commando. Either I'm steamrolling noobs or being steamrolled. Any decent fight on relatively even terms is too far and few between to make 50 PvP enjoyable.



can't compete? don't like challenges and people that know their class? be king lowbie!





What does gear have to do with knowing your class? SWTOR PvP is a complete numbers game. No skill necessary.


There are two types of players: Bad and Normal.


Normal player play the class as Bioware has laid it out. Skill trees corral you into a particular pattern of atacks to maximize damage/heals.


Bad players ignore the skill tree instructions.


I wouldn't say it takes skill to be a normal player. And it definitely does not take any skill for a fully armored battlemaster to take on four 50 noobs who simply don't have the stats to do enough damage. It's hard to take anyone seriusly who thinks gear = skill.

Edited by Dayshadow
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But gear is part of those numbers!


Wow you fail at reading comprehension. He's saying that having gear does not reflect your ability to play your class. The fact that SWTOR is a numbers game is a separate thought. And an accurate one. They should incorporate a test that you must pass prior to posting on the forums.

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Trooly the werst kind of player in mmo's OP.


When people have to have an advantage and cant compete on an honest level, they seek exploit, bugs, and hacks.


Every pvp game since EQ I have seen this kind of player, It is a good thing they are the very small minority.


My guild is full of adults, who love pvp gaming but dont have hours to drop into it. We are always behind the gear curve, and Heathen has been around for 10 years. WaR DaoC chapters. We had a great time with our new fifties in WZ's last night. It just takes team work, and sometimes it takes a little tolerance because these types of players exsist in the 50 tier too.


Its a game, a competition, someone has to lose a match. Get a grip, and a team an come play. You could always ask your mom fer a hug if you lose a match.

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Wow you fail at reading comprehension. He's saying that having gear does not reflect your ability to play your class. The fact that SWTOR is a numbers game is a separate thought. And an accurate one. They should incorporate a test that you must pass prior to posting on the forums.


As humorous and awesome it would be for an IQ test to be incorporated before granting privileges... this game would fall flat on its face if that happened. :(

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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, I find that a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. Pair this with me always being purple-geared, I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized, this means battles last longer and fights are more challenging. 1-49 is EZmode for me, so while I do enjoy stomping every now and again, I'd be lying to myself to say that's where the real pvp is and you'd be lying to yourself to think 1-49 is more balanced.


Do the dailies/weeklies, do some HMs to gear up instead of writing whine posts. You'll gear up fast enough. Save up 1k/1k + 1 champ bag before 50, you can get a few pieces right out of the gate. You can also run some FP's. Getting champ gear is easy; and BM is not much better than champ.

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I can show you many exemples and videos of lvl 20 that kills lvl 40+... and than kill them again and again because of, as many said on this tread it is the skill that make you win.


But may I please see the exemples and videos of the fresh lvl 50 that kills full champ lvl 50 as easily as the 20 kills the 40+ ?



It seems that it is more fun to be a lvl 20 surounded by lvls 40+ than to be a fresh lvl 50...


Please show me that I'm wrong.

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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


I would agree, Im on both sides, Have a fully geared assassin that *****, and have a 50 operative non geared that gets ridiculously owned 24/7, really wish I would have got my valor rank up before i hit 50 on my operative because now it is ridiculous, has nothing to do with "Eh brah Dun like a challenge ?" its just ****. lol, Like I said Im on both sides of this.

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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible

- Warzone queues take ages to pop.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.

- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags.

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.

You don't really sound much better than the BM kids that run around think they're good, now do you?


I enjoy low level pvp way more than lvl 50 pvp simply b/c there is no expertise and people can actually compete against each other without having to spend 100 hours trying to grind gear in order to do so.

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While there is some degree of expected angst with the uncertainty surrounding the bags, it should be noted that the most likely reason you enjoy the lowbie bracket lies in your competition.


In the 50s bracket lie most of the talented and organized PvPers. Someone in PvP, by it's very nature, has to win and someone has to lose. If you are talent-challenged it becomes more of a necessity that you find either a level/ability advantage or lower skill/organization opponants that you have a chance to defeat.


I'm happy you found your solution.

Edited by Untallow
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While there is some degree of expected angst with the uncertainty surrounding the bags, it should be noted that the most likely reason you enjoy the lowbie bracket lies in your competition.


In the 50s bracket lie most of the talented and organized PvPers. Someone in PvP, by it's very nature, has to win and someone has to lose. If you are talent-challenged it becomes more of a necessity that you find either a level/ability advantage or lower skill/organization opponants that you have a chance to defeat.


I'm happy you found your solution.


Id say thats half true, but teh other half is early access peeps, like myself, who got close to full BM gear i the first couple weeks by farming lowbies and newbs, before the brackets even existed. So, like i said, half true.

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While there is some degree of expected angst with the uncertainty surrounding the bags, it should be noted that the most likely reason you enjoy the lowbie bracket lies in your competition.


In the 50s bracket lie most of the talented and organized PvPers. Someone in PvP, by it's very nature, has to win and someone has to lose. If you are talent-challenged it becomes more of a necessity that you find either a level/ability advantage or lower skill/organization opponants that you have a chance to defeat.


I'm happy you found your solution.




10-49 is fast paced, limited CC, all fun, no gear grind PVP. Very few premades are in the 10-49 bracket as well. Queues are instant.


In fact there isn't a single thing that is better in lvl 50 than 10-49. Not one.

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You get exp from warzones in case you didn't know and a lot too.



So? Nothing to stop me from re-rolling a new toon, rushing him to 10 then doing WZ's to 50, rinse and repeat. I've already backed off playing my one 50 toon, it's simply not enjoyable being force fed down someone's throat in order to progress. I wouldn't mind if it was competitive, but as it currently sits the gear gap is too wide to breach unless you have a huge amount of patience and tolerance for stupidity (I have the former not the latter), or get very lucky with RNG. When and if they finally get things right I'll have multiple toons to chose from for End game, or not because seriously if I fill my character slots with 50's before they actually fix things I'll be deleting toons.

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I enjoy my level 50 pvp. Because I don't suck.


good joke... did you mae your BM title by trade killing? so now you can go there and almost one shotting starters? gz... you definetly not SUCK.....

in this game there is no such thing like PVP SKILL... there is gear against gear... better gear always win.


and this idea of forever 49 lev... is pretty resonable in fail pvp game like this one. at least for players who really stay here more than few weeks.

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Id say thats half true, but teh other half is early access peeps, like myself, who got close to full BM gear i the first couple weeks by farming lowbies and newbs, before the brackets even existed. So, like i said, half true.



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Is it really so hard to understand???



Poeple are just getting tired of Carrot on a Stick Style of Gaming. Everyone who says RPG´s are all about progression has to wake up.


Its as much about Immersion and Customization then progressing Stats.


Poeple dont want to spent countless hours with little Fun to finally have fun when they are geared. This is just a terrible Game Design which tailors to the stupid masses living on this Planet.


Poeple will PvP for Titles(anyone remember the title from DAoC for archieving 1000 Solo Kills? that was awsome) for Looks and just for Fame. Its ok in other Genres for Poeple to just have Fun but somehow in RPG´s we need an Itemreward......


Also anyone saying that all the Poeple who dont want to join in into the endgame because

of Killtrading, Early Access or just the random Nature of Bags cant compete Skillwise @ 50 is truley in Denial about what Skill is.


PvP in this Game has a Skillcap which is rather low compared to other MMO´s.


80% of the Customerbase just wants to have fun, they dont need a Epeen increase because they have grown up?

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10-49 = skill


50 = gear


maybe next patch will make 50 functional, but untill then im farming valor as long as i can in 10-49


basically 99% of 50s are covering up their suck with gear

Edited by Bejita
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Seriously when you hit 49 just stop leveling, stop questing, stop doing flashpoints and quit warzones just before they end, this way you can stay 49 forever.


Why you don't want to ding 50:

- Ilum is terrible


I have a great idea, genius: Just don´t go to Ilum at 50. And guess what: The effect will be the same as staying at 49. No Ilum till they can design something that copes with the imbalance of player numbers on both sides.


- Warzone queues take ages to pop.


Sure...because it may be that way on Your server, it has to be that way everywhere. On my server it´s instant to 5 Minutes as long as I don´t try to play long after midnight or on weekday mornings.

- Kids in full bm/champ gear run around nearly invincible farming new 50's thinking that their op expertise gear=skill.


Expertise doesn´t matter much. Simply try to play this game as it obviously is meant to be and don´t play Pvp clad in green items and lowlevel-orange. Gear up and get purple items and augments. This game throws them at You for almost nothing at all. Even if You are completely broke upon reaching 50, it won´t matter. At Level 50 the game showers you with credits and gear.



- You don't have to worry about stupid fail rng bags


Yeah. If you are someone who "worries" about such things...just stay out of level 50 pvp.


But if You are such a person, who actually cares?

- You will be the king of the 10-49 bracket.


Let me guess:


You will be "king" because You are such an experienced and skilled pvp-player and not some kid seeking easy kills without any skill to justify them due to the imbalance in game mechanics resulting from playing pvp at Level 49?


I see the great difference to those "nasty kids" in "imbalanced gear" You mentioned above...

Edited by XElementalX
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