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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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Except it's not "as simple as that." Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't the one with Cunning be Agent gear, NOT Marauder?
Orange gear will have the correct stats for your class as soon as you strip the mods from your current armor piece and place them in the new piece.
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Orange gear will have the correct stats for your class as soon as you strip the mods from your current armor piece and place them in the new piece.


If you roll need on a piece for my class so you can destroy the mods because you like the look, you are an extremely inconsiderate person.

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If you roll need on a piece for my class so you can destroy the mods because you like the look, you are an extremely inconsiderate person.
You don't need to destroy the existing mods. I usually pull them out and put them in one (or more) of my companion's armor pieces. So I am actually upgrading both my main character and one of my companions.


More often that not, I only need to pull out one or two of the mods, since not all of them are class-specific (particularly enhancements).


One orange piece could be an upgrade to my appearance, an upgrade to one of my other pieces (with the enhancement) and an upgrade to one or two of my companions.

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This entire subject line is why Blizzard was forced to be "babysitters" by graying out the need button for non-class items. Because there are too many idiots with no manners playing MMO's. I'm not saying I've never made a mistake clicking the wrong button, but I've immediately offered a re-roll right there on the spot, and would have coughed up the item in question if they'd cared.
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You don't need to destroy the existing mods. I usually pull them out and put them in one (or more) of my companion's armor pieces. So I am actually upgrading both my main character and one of my companions.


More often that not, I only need to pull out one or two of the mods, since not all of them are class-specific (particularly enhancements).


One orange piece could be an upgrade to my appearance, an upgrade to one of my other pieces (with the enhancement) and an upgrade to one or two of my companions.



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(Now Edited to address responses. See below about the refrain of 'you need to make loot rules


Wish is why every loot drop from flash or op need to be class base and on top of it


they need to grey out the need buton for thos who are not the class so if a bh piece drop only Bh players on groups will have the need option every other class will have a greed one or pass

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Your right i should make him pay for it, i won the roll after all.


That's totally correct, here is how it could play out in Party chat:


Trooper: why the **** did you roll need on that heavy chest?

You: oh it's ok i'm going to take some of the mods out and replace them

Trooper: what?

You: Do you want the mods i'm taking out?

(You have been removed from the group.)

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That's totally correct, here is how it could play out in Party chat:


Trooper: why the **** did you roll need on that heavy chest?

You: oh it's ok i'm going to take some of the mods out and replace them

Trooper: what?

You: Do you want the mods i'm taking out?

(You have been removed from the group.)


Lol so much rage.


You fail to understand that not everyone care only about gear and appearance is important for some.


When there is an orange item that drops, you roll for the following: The appearence and the 3 mods.


Now lets say we have a trooper and a jedi knight, and a heavy chest with str drop.


The trooper want the chest for the appearence, and the jedi knight wants it for the stat but he will put the mods in that other chest he like more.


Most often the player that want it for the mod only will roll need, but this is wrong. If the trooper really want the chest for the appearence, why cant he have it and give the mods to the jedi?


Especially in lower level FP, mod last a few level while appearence can last for ever.

Edited by boobaffet
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This is the exact same path that WoW has walked down in the past few years, and I can assure you (Bioware) it is not a nice path to travel.


Back in the early days of WoW, ie vanilla, alot of the top raiding loot was class specific, ie could only be worn by the class it was intended for, and it was a good system, plus all servers were close knit communitys, so any form of bad behavior on a players part involving loot quickly led to a bad reputation on that server.


Back in the early days, instance runs and raid runs were a significant time investment, and instances of "Ninja" looting was very rare indeed tbh, players had respect for each other, and an understandinding of that time investment.


It was not perfect, nothing is, or ever can be, arguements raged about weapons (mainly due to Hunters stealing everything, lol) and arguements raged over armor (mainly in 5mans) due to bad itemization on the part of Blizz, who made items that were usefull to more than one class, so was bound to cause problems.


Then over the years, things took a turn for the worse, class specific loot was not implemented anymore, and the "close knit community" structure was destroyed by cross realm grouping, so now players could Ninja loot safe in the knowledge that they will never meet again the player that they Ninja'd from.


Players became more selfish, self centered and arrogant with regards to loot, and it all went to hell in a handcart very fast indeed, just go take a look at the WoW forums with regards to loot problems in Dragon Soul, lol.


The result - Players got fed up with it, large numbers of people have left WoW because of these exact types of loot problems, they are simply fed up with having loot stolen from them by selfish people who simply cannot, or will not except that instance running is a TEAM sport, you work as a team, and you loot as a team, ie with regard for others.


Yep, many many people left, and are still leaving, simply fed up with running the same 5mans and raids over and over again in a desperate attempt to attain that item of gear that was Ninja'd from them.


How did Blizz respond ?


Well, badly tbh, one of the first responses was to suggest that loot rules be agreed before the start, and I have seen this mentioned in this thread, hence my TLDR post, suggesting to players that they should agree loot rules before the start simply does not work, or solve the problem, WoW has proved that, so scrap that pipe dream ok.


Then they simply turned their backs on it, pretended it was not a problem, when it so obviously was, their loss (Blizz), your gain (Bioware)


The point of this TLDR post ?


Dont make the same mistake, dont walk the same path, not every path Blizz walk is lined with gold, as they are recently starting to find out.


Sort this out pronto, from the start, make it clear, with no misunderstandings, make it clear to your userbase exactly what your policy is on this.


Why ?


Because no one likes a Ninja looter in an MMO.


Suggestions -


Make instance loot Class specific, and can only be equiped by the class it was intended for, regardless of any mods, its not perfect, but its better than nothing.


Make a seperate section of loot for Companions, clearly marked as to which campanion it is intended for.


Install a strong sense of community on the servers, and never ever break this with multi realm grouping.



I am very, very sorry, for this TLDR post/rant.



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while i have never had this happen to me i completely agree that rolling on something solely based on "looks" or "mods" is completely horrid. Honestly get in a guild and usually they will have set standards for loot. If its a Big upgrade for a player in the ops/FP then they usually get it. If its not but still an upgrade then they usually still get it. If its not an upgrade at all but merely cosmetic in nature who cares who gets it really.

considering the fact that this was a BIG upgrade from what your claiming, all i can say is instead go quest and get gear like that. Honestly a FPs gear is not that much better than planet gear and can and will be outleveled in no time.

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while i have never had this happen to me i completely agree that rolling on something solely based on "looks" or "mods" is completely horrid. Honestly get in a guild and usually they will have set standards for loot. If its a Big upgrade for a player in the ops/FP then they usually get it. If its not but still an upgrade then they usually still get it. If its not an upgrade at all but merely cosmetic in nature who cares who gets it really.

considering the fact that this was a BIG upgrade from what your claiming, all i can say is instead go quest and get gear like that. Honestly a FPs gear is not that much better than planet gear and can and will be outleveled in no time.


appearence >a big stat upgrade at level 30

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Except it's not "as simple as that." Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't the one with Cunning be Agent gear, NOT Marauder?


If you're confused about the classes' main stats, you should read the codex or use google to find out what stats your character uses.

If you're confused about just changing a bunch of mods that about any player can either craft for himself or buy from the GTN, then maybe you should start playing more.


An agent who doesn't care about the looks and trashes the jacket in a few levels for something with better stats anyway. Since obviously, this agent was ONLY interested in the stats, your first modable jacket comes from a simple mission on Dromund Kaas already, and can easily be remodded by the agent to stats identical to or better than the one shown in the first post. It simply CANNOT be a considerable improvement, since that'd mean you were slacking on keeping your gear upto date. Which means your DPS as an agent wasn't what it should've been, which means you put LESS than your share into downing the mobs.


And on the other hand a Marauder who loves the looks of the item, so will replace the mods but not trash it till far beyond levelcap.


Looks very logical to me: the Marauder makes WAY better use of it in my opinion.


If you want to roll exclusively for stats, then stick to your green, blue and purple drops (blue generally being of comparable quality to the orange ones, purples being more rare, but also more powerful). There's plenty of those in Flashpoints as well. Orange is FFA for those of the applicable armor class. They're cosmetic items.

Just take a look at the GTN for proof: even without mods, orange items have a tendency to be more valuable than blue items of comparable level. It's the cosmetic value that makes them valuable.

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Suggestions -


Make instance loot Class specific, and can only be equiped by the class it was intended for, regardless of any mods, its not perfect, but its better than nothing.


Make a seperate section of loot for Companions, clearly marked as to which campanion it is intended for.


Install a strong sense of community on the servers, and never ever break this with multi realm grouping.



I am very, very sorry, for this TLDR post/rant.




No. I say again No. Doing this would end up in every player and companion all looking exactly the same at the end of the game as they all stopped with the best items. This is exactly what our current orange moddable loot was designed to prevent. I want diversity. Its a new system and trying to force to fit standards from WoW is nkt the correct option. The players may take a bit of tkme to adjust to the new reality of this game but it wil happen in time.

Keep the freedom of choice dont doom us to lack of choice with narrow class set gearing options.

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If you're confused about just changing a bunch of mods that about any player can either craft for himself or buy from the GTN, then maybe you should start playing more.


If you're under the impression that looks are more important than stats, then maybe you shouldn't involve yourself in social activities at all!


Aesthetics are a want ..not a need.

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If you're under the impression that looks are more important than stats, then maybe you shouldn't involve yourself in social activities at all!

Because noone cares about appearance when they participate in social activities...


Aesthetics are a want ..not a need.
Before level 50, there is no "need". You are going to outlevel anything you find except for orange gear, and you can succeed at levelling without any particular piece of loot.
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I've been swapping mods in and out of my blasters and armor since level 15....is there a max level of mod that can be put in them? I only ask because of the level 30 thing you mentioned.
They have said that we will be able to put "end game" mods into orange gear. But you can certainly mod them up to level 50.
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