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jedi and sith vs the rest


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I just wanted to ask why would anyone choose something other than a jedi or a sith that have those omg weapons and are the ones that in every movie or anime or anything are the best.In new clone wars they are treated like gods and in all movies a jedi or sith can kill many comandos and snipers etc.so why :D?
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I just wanted to ask why would anyone choose something other than a jedi or a sith that have those omg weapons and are the ones that in every movie or anime or anything are the best.In new clone wars they are treated like gods and in all movies a jedi or sith can kill many comandos and snipers etc.so why :D?


Ancient gadgets and hokey religions are no match for a good blaster, kid.

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Because Troopers and Agents are the best of the best of the best in their military. Bounty Hunters are literally called Jedi-killers because they're outfitted to turn Force-users into mincemeat.


Smugglers? They ALWAYS shoot first.


So, I believe people have very good reasons for not going with Jedi and Sith, who are fairly overrated. Maybe if they bucked up and used assault cannons AND the Force?

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because there's a certain charm to being the underdog, or being a rebel.


Jedi and Sith are both hamstrung by ritual, bureaucracy, and thousands of years of archaic tradition. You trade your individuality for your lightsaber, and eventually, the sum of your character is what color comes out when you turn it on.


it takes big brass balls to be a normal guy with a gun in a galaxy full of ninja-wizards with swords made of lasers. You have to be really bad, really good, or better than both- really lucky.


Some people just like being that lucky guy with big brass balls.


I for one, love it. Walk into a room full of jedi on a Bounty Hunter with nothing but guns in your hands and gadgets on your wrists. Let the jedi keep their mysticism and muppets. My bounty hunter is a material girl. She trusts fire and steel.



oh and lest we not forget, the class that runs around wearing a cowboy hat and kicking people in the crotch is still pretty good, so don't think you're hard just because somebody wearing pajamas gave you a glow bat.

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because there's a certain charm to being the underdog, or being a rebel.


Jedi and Sith are both hamstrung by ritual, bureaucracy, and thousands of years of archaic tradition. You trade your individuality for your lightsaber, and eventually, the sum of your character is what color comes out when you turn it on.


it takes big brass balls to be a normal guy with a gun in a galaxy full of ninja-wizards with swords made of lasers. You have to be really bad, really good, or better than both- really lucky.


Some people just like being that lucky guy with big brass balls.


I for one, love it. Walk into a room full of jedi on a Bounty Hunter with nothing but guns in your hands and gadgets on your wrists. Let the jedi keep their mysticism and muppets. My bounty hunter is a material girl. She trusts fire and steel.



oh and lest we not forget, the class that runs around wearing a cowboy hat and kicking people in the crotch is still pretty good, so don't think you're hard just because somebody wearing pajamas gave you a glow bat.


"Some heroes don't have a lightsaber.


All they have is the will to fight!" -Anonymous trooper

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I have both a Knight and a Trooper. Loved the Knight story. Loving the Trooper story. I'm having fun with the knight still but the Trooper with my personal favorite weapon type for the IP (yes. I'm dead serious) has just been a blast.


When you're playing a trooper you're either an unstoppable wall. The most dangerous weapon on the field. Or Hankmed with guns. Very fun overall. Bioware did what i feared might be impossible. They made the non force user classes VERY fun and COMPETITIVE against Jedi/Sith without a crutch like Myrkr. They took the two biggest weaknesses of force users: High speed rapid fire, and A.O.E. And made them corner stones of the non force using classes. Not sure how the Smuggler plays but they're the SOB's with the damned satalite lasers. They've struck what is a near impossible balance that SWG lost. Try one today. You wont be disappointed.

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because there's a certain charm to being the underdog, or being a rebel.


Jedi and Sith are both hamstrung by ritual, bureaucracy, and thousands of years of archaic tradition. You trade your individuality for your lightsaber, and eventually, the sum of your character is what color comes out when you turn it on.


it takes big brass balls to be a normal guy with a gun in a galaxy full of ninja-wizards with swords made of lasers. You have to be really bad, really good, or better than both- really lucky.


Some people just like being that lucky guy with big brass balls.


I for one, love it. Walk into a room full of jedi on a Bounty Hunter with nothing but guns in your hands and gadgets on your wrists. Let the jedi keep their mysticism and muppets. My bounty hunter is a material girl. She trusts fire and steel.



oh and lest we not forget, the class that runs around wearing a cowboy hat and kicking people in the crotch is still pretty good, so don't think you're hard just because somebody wearing pajamas gave you a glow bat.


You're...my hero! You took the thoughts out of my head and articulated them better than I ever could.. I.. love you :p

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it takes big brass balls to be a normal guy with a gun in a galaxy full of ninja-wizards with swords made of lasers. You have to be really bad, really good, or better than both- really lucky.


Some people just like being that lucky guy with big brass balls.


I for one, love it. Walk into a room full of jedi on a Bounty Hunter with nothing but guns in your hands and gadgets on your wrists. Let the jedi keep their mysticism and muppets. My bounty hunter is a material girl. She trusts fire and steel.



oh and lest we not forget, the class that runs around wearing a cowboy hat and kicking people in the crotch is still pretty good, so don't think you're hard just because somebody wearing pajamas gave you a glow bat.


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Typically, I don't like to generalize, but I think the non-force classes are more for the fans of the Original Trilogy. There weren't a whole lot of lightsabers around at that time, but there were lots of tough hombres with Blaster pistols and rifles. I'm not saying I don't have a force-using alt or two, but I generally prefer my Bounty Hunter.

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I like nothing better than that my bare fists can do as much damage as a LIGHTSABER. Not to mention pistol whip and a notoriously well-placed kick. It makes me feel tougher than every jedi out there.


I'm Chuck Norris with a ship and wouldn't have it any other way.



(Also, from a roleplay perspective, I simply can't get into "mystical" classes. It just doesn't fit my personality.)

Edited by Stenrik
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because there's a certain charm to being the underdog, or being a rebel.


Jedi and Sith are both hamstrung by ritual, bureaucracy, and thousands of years of archaic tradition. You trade your individuality for your lightsaber, and eventually, the sum of your character is what color comes out when you turn it on.


it takes big brass balls to be a normal guy with a gun in a galaxy full of ninja-wizards with swords made of lasers. You have to be really bad, really good, or better than both- really lucky.


Some people just like being that lucky guy with big brass balls.


I for one, love it. Walk into a room full of jedi on a Bounty Hunter with nothing but guns in your hands and gadgets on your wrists. Let the jedi keep their mysticism and muppets. My bounty hunter is a material girl. She trusts fire and steel.



oh and lest we not forget, the class that runs around wearing a cowboy hat and kicking people in the crotch is still pretty good, so don't think you're hard just because somebody wearing pajamas gave you a glow bat.


This post put me in a good mood for some reason :)



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I'm absolutely loving Bounty Hunter. Possibly the most fun I have ever had healing.


THIS. BH Mercenaries (bodyguard speced) rock big time, in the battlefield I feel like a friggin combat medic, kinda like a big bad a** green tank.


Personally, I believe that BW did a wonderful job with the non jedi classes here... (well, except the sith sorc wich seems the devs favorite lol)

Edited by metalfenix
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i have always been a Bounty hunter fan. i could ask why would anyone not roll a BH.





but please the more jedi people make the more too Hunt.


I'd have rolled BH if they allowed me the access to the assault cannons (i believe those are trooper only) And if they allowed me to play a neutral alignment rather than be sith.

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I just think the imperial agent operative is more interesting. I mean, you're a friggin' agent, for the empire. I like their style, undercover, sneakiness, threats. Being this persuasive agent that has the whole empire behind him. I haven't played any other story but I imagine like a bounty hunter is like "Hi guys, I know you are this really big and bad Hutt cartel but I am one single guy and I kinda wear plate armor so I'm pretty tough" versus the Imperial Agent "Consider your words careful Hutt, the Empire do not tolerant disloyalty..."


See how it's much cooler? You don't wanna mess with an official representative of the Empire because well, it's the Empire, which makes you powerful.


I like the Operative attacks how they combine gadgets, a rifle and a one handed vibroblade. Especially the vibroblade, one handed knife attacks just looks awesome, in fact, I am not very fond of two handed weapons nor dual wielding and generally prefer to look at one-handed attacks more.



Edit: As for the jedi... I got a level 1 consular, man I felt like every npc I talked to (two-three) was completely up in the blue, like a bunch of hippies. They're all like monotonously spewing their brainwashing nonsense about how the force is a mere ripple of the fate of the galaxy and how the mind is representative of one's soul. You feel like just giving them the backhand, telling them to shut the hell up.

Edited by Zirithil
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I just wanted to ask why would anyone choose something other than a jedi or a sith that have those omg weapons and are the ones that in every movie or anime or anything are the best.In new clone wars they are treated like gods and in all movies a jedi or sith can kill many comandos and snipers etc.so why :D?


Hello! Do you know just how awesome Boba Fett and Han Solo are?

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