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Everything posted by ZettaZonvolt

  1. Oh and that symbol just happens to look like the Sith Empire symbol? That's totally something that happens. Hey guys, let's use the symbol of the Empire that we spent the last century fighting and that completely razed Coruscant because it shows unity better than our symbol. Also, looks like you know **** about Sith lore. Both Bane and Palps respect the Sith Empire and consider it the Sith at their peak according to the Book of the Sith. They're also the only incarnation of the Sith that managed to completely invade Coruscant and subjugate it. Other incarnations like the Brotherhood of Darkness or the Imperial Remnant never got close.
  2. The Ruusan Reformation happened after a completely different Sith War. The one against the Brotherhood of Darkness. They have no bearing on this. What we know is that Kaan and his brotherhood reconquered Korriban. Whatever happened completely removed the presence of the Sith Empire from the planet. Either the Sith lost control of the Empire and the other Empirials became part of the Republic (which would explain why the Imperial accent in TOR is the same as the Coruscantian accent the Galactic Republic) or something else destroyed the presence of the Sith Empire utterly on the planet. And considering this is the seat of the Dark Council, this would have to be major.
  3. The Rule of Two is retroactively interesting if you think about it. Bane got the Rule of Two from a Sith Holocron of Darth Revan. The same Revan we now know was being controlled by the Sith Emperor at that time. Did the Sith Emperor thus create the rule knowing that eventually it would lead the Sith to victory?
  4. Also, in 22 BBY, Palpatine said: "I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two." TOR happens at around 3600 BBY. The Republic in the movies is not the same as the one in TOR. There is no guarentee the Sith Empire get beaten.
  5. Galactic Republic (the one that appears after TOR). http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Republic Our Sith Empire. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_Empire_(Post%E2%80%93Great_Hyperspace_War) Compare the symbols. Now look at the symbol for the current Republic in TOR. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110601202149/starwars/images/thumb/b/bc/StupidRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit.svg/418px-StupidRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit.svg.png It doesn't take a genius to see that the Sith Empire is probably not gonna be beaten.
  6. Knowing George Lucas, he'd rather do it in that awful piece of **** CGI he uses for The Clone Wars that looks like PS1 graphics shat themselves.
  7. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NobleDemon
  8. Does that mean Obi-wan Kenobi's ancestors were once aligned with the Sith Empire?
  9. Killing the Emperor was what broke his Battle Meditation which gave the Rebels the gap they needed to blow up the Death Star. Thrawn confirmed this. If Vader hadn't killed Palpatine, the rebels wouldn't have gotten close to the Death Star.
  10. Yes, it will. A good moddable saber will last you forever if you keep upgrading the mods. I kept mine because I like the ignition sound, the shape and the threatening hum. With all the mods, it has great stats.
  11. I would love it if people could take that list and correct/add more events. I've only played Warrior and Inquisitor to the end so I'm clearly missing a lot events
  12. As it stands, all the class stories happened in some way or form. Barring alignment decisions, there are a lot of events that always happen. As far as we can tell, not every event happens at the same time. I want to try and see if we can put the major events in a chronology. In the spoilers, I try to outline what I know through classes I've played and the reasons for putting them in this order. How does this look for a chronology?
  13. It's wierd because I decompiled the music files in the install and it has over 1100 songs. Sure, a lot of them are 8 sec bits but there are a lot of original songs that sound awesome like remixes for Battle of Heroes and Duel of Fates.
  14. I didn't want an award ceremony really. Just a final scene where you talk to your crew and be all. Ok, we beat Baras and I'm now the Wrath. What are we gonna do now? I'm also sort of conflicted that your alignment doesn't affect the ending. Jedi Knight gets into a conflict with Jedi Master Shan at the ending if he's too darksided and Sith Inquisitor gets a completely different Darth name depending on his alignment. I can understand that this doesn't matter for classes like Bounty Hunter or Agent since they don't use the force, but I was completely lightsided at the end. The Council should have at least made remark about this.
  15. Is it me or was our ending unimpressive compared to the Sith Inquisitor? I mean yeah, settling things with Baras and then having the Dark Council acknowledge you as Wrath is pretty cool, but I'm kind of missing an epilogue of sorts to wrap it all up. You just walk out of the chamber and it's off to Illum, woohoo. Meanwhile the Jedi Knight gets an entire award ceremony with his companions, so does the Inquisitor. Would it have killed them to just add one more scene with your entire crew for closure?
  16. I didn't even read your post
  17. Please devs, stop what you're doing right now and give me and me alone insight on why I have **** luck.
  18. Nope. And your thread is worthless. Go back to /v/.
  19. Yeah, the people coming in yelling ZOMG WoW IS BEST, ZOMG TOR IS DEAD F2P BY SUMMER and LOLOLOL TORTANIC are the real Star Wars fans and totally not people intent on trolling.
  20. Just some no-name /v/ poster with a blog. Move along.
  21. Tl;dr some 14 year-old with not even the most basic grasp of English is pissy he couldn't play a couple of hours.
  23. .... Your geography is awful if you think there's a 6 hour timezone disparity between the UK and Eastern Europe.
  24. Nerdrage because servers are down a couple of hours. Get a life already.
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