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Do away with PVP Gear


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Below is a list of reasons for doing away with battle master and champion gear:



1.) Makes Crafting (except bio chem) to level 50 irrelevant- You can easily get to level 50 on drops and reward gear, the only reason to tweak your gear is to stay competitive in PVP from level 1-49.


2.) Lack of Variety- MODs, Augments and Attachments provide for an endless style of templates open to experimentation. The reason for the various stats was variety within a class as well as without. It is assumed two level 50 Battle Masters will have the exact same stats..... why?.... this is not how life is nor how the game should be.


3.) Open to exploit and imbalance- As we have seen a subset of players will always seek to cheat. Any artificial mechanic such as PVP gear, valor and expertise will always be open to exploitation, while crafting is open to all the mechanics are, as far as I can tell, unexploitable.


I understand that for some this gear is the reward for PVP however for a true PVP'er the satisfaction of dominating your enemy and bragging about it on vent to your guildies is reward enough for many. For those who it is not, titles are enough. And though titles are open to exploit no abilities should be attached to them making cheating not an advantage.


Time and reputation will ultimately show who are the top PVP'er. Farmers and cheaters be damned.

Edited by DosPeros
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Your first two points will be addressed by the upcoming change which will allow us to strip the mods from our PvP gear and put them into any other orange / purple gear that can accept them. This alone should give us some better options and variety, as well as ensure that crafters have stuff to bring to market.
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as the guy above said they are fixing the mod thing that i think was the only real problem.


once you get into it you should see its not to bad. im having a lot of fun mixing in columi and rakata stuff with my pvp gear to make a optimal set.


this game has barely been out for a month and its there first mmo. give them a chance to figure things out.

Edited by Tyrogon
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While stripping mods is an option it is still the method of attainment which is exploitable. It is exploitation which I seek to eliminate.


What does it matter if I have the exact same mods and attachments in orange armor or Battlemaster armor... the fact is it so overpowers anything a crafter can make that it makes crafting irrelevant.

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While stripping mods is an option it is still the method of attainment which is exploitable. It is exploitation which I seek to eliminate.


What does it matter if I have the exact same mods and attachments in orange armor or Battlemaster armor... the fact is it so overpowers anything a crafter can make that it makes crafting irrelevant.


So you want to remove PvP gear from the game because it makes crafting redundant?


Surely we should remove all PvE gear as well? That's pretty much universally better than anything crafters can make.


You're talking rubbish. If you have a problem with crafting, ask them to buff crafting. Don't ask them to ruin other areas of the game just because you're spiteful and bitter.

Edited by indelible
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Below is a list of reasons for doing away with battle master and champion gear:



1.) Makes Crafting (except bio chem) to level 50 irrelevant- You can easily get to level 50 on drops and reward gear, the only reason to tweak your gear is to stay competitive in PVP from level 1-49.


2.) Lack of Variety- MODs, Augments and Attachments provide for an endless style of templates open to experimentation. The reason for the various stats was variety within a class as well as without. It is assumed two level 50 Battle Masters will have the exact same stats..... why?.... this is not how life is nor how the game should be.


3.) Open to exploit and imbalance- As we have seen a subset of players will always seek to cheat. Any artificial mechanic such as PVP gear, valor and expertise will always be open to exploitation, while crafting is open to all the mechanics are, as far as I can tell, unexploitable.


I understand that for some this gear is the reward for PVP however for a true PVP'er the satisfaction of dominating your enemy and bragging about it on vent to your guildies is reward enough for many. For those who it is not, titles are enough. And though titles are open to exploit no abilities should be attached to them making cheating not an advantage.


Time and reputation will ultimately show who are the top PVP'er. Farmers and cheaters be damned.


While you've managed to make a few points on why the crafting system needs to be further enhanced, your supporting reasons for "doing away with pvp gear" make absolutely no sense on any sort of level.

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So you want to remove PvP gear from the game because it makes crafting redundant?


Surely we should remove all PvE gear as well? That's pretty much universally better than anything crafters can make.


You're talking rubbish. If you have a problem with crafting, ask them to buff crafting. Don't ask them to ruin other areas of the game just because you're spiteful and bitter.




Wow..... the need of some to attack is amazing....


An MMORPG is a multilayered game designed to mimic many aspects of everyday reality but placing it in a fantasy setting.


Crafting is a vital part of the economics of the game and is often one of the most common reasons for guilds and player interaction. It is ultimately this content that gives people to hang around and play while they wait for the next roll out of updates and adventures.


Crafting should not be redundant it should be the main method of getting top flight gear. How stupid is it for me to kill a animal and get credits and a blaster? They don't even have pockets ffs..... unless they are a marsupial.....



This is not a first person shooter game and should not include only those dynamics. Ultimately in theory and practice the less artificial mechanics introduced to a system the less the developers will have to "Balance" the game. This is always true and is seen in real life and fantasy as well. While I grant you the game as a whole is an artificial contrivance it is based upon well understood social theories.


It is not deniable that exploiters and imbalance are now a part of the game due to these artificial devices. Using crater only armor in no way creates an exploitable in balance or diminishes the level of expertise required to be successful at PVP. It does create a vibrant and interactive gaming community which becomes dependent upon each other to attain success.


As to being spiteful and bitter you don't know me so who is talking rubbish....

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While you've managed to make a few points on why the crafting system needs to be further enhanced, your supporting reasons for "doing away with pvp gear" make absolutely no sense on any sort of level.




Please explain to me how PVP gear makes the game better? The fact is PVP gear makes no sense on any sort of level.

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1.) Makes Crafting (except bio chem) to level 50 irrelevant- You can easily get to level 50 on drops and reward gear, the only reason to tweak your gear is to stay competitive in PVP from level 1-49.



Today, I dropped 400 Synthweaving, 400 Underworld Trading and 400 of the other skill, to start leveling Biochem. I have the 2 Rakata pieces (bracer/waist), but the item's just aren't worth it.

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The crafting system does need to be perfected to make sure they are all usefull to some extent at every point in the game.


Completely getting rid of PVP gear does not solve that problem at all. That is a drastic, terrible idea that you clearly did not think through objectively.


Throughout the leveling process I have had a nice mixture of PVE/PVP and crafted gear. Which is a really nice thing to have... I don't have to grind all my gear from the same source.


When making suggestions like this you have to consider that, While you may not care if there are rewards for PVP, a massive percentage of the player population does care.


There are ways to exploit many aspects of this game, not just PVP rewards. Over the entire lifespan of this game, like many MMO's. There will be many exploits that come and go through patching and new content.




Seriously... You're the one who makes no sense on any level.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Please explain to me how PVP gear makes the game better? The fact is PVP gear makes no sense on any sort of level.


Sure thing, as soon as you can tell me how PVE gear "makes the game better".


Really? that's such a vague argument.


PVP gear as with PVE gear suits two functions, one is for PVE functionality, the other is for PVP functionality.


Furthermore, PVP gear is innately intended to have more resilience and endurance as with all other PVP games that have and use a successful model such as this. Please see Wow arena for further information in this area.


The expertise implementation can be further improved on, this is being evaluated currently, I didn't claim it was a PERFECT system but to blindly ask for PVP gear in it's entirety to be removed without having a solid foundation as to why, is sort of ignorant in my opinion.


As of current, you've yet to provide any solid factual reasons as to why PVP gear is worthless and therefore should be banished from game.


To me this just seems like another, I'm not properly geared and haven't had luck with the broken RNG system so as a result, I'm throwing in the towel and requesting PVP gear be removed from game entirely post.



Edited by Posixgod
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Sure thing, as soon as you can tell me how PVE gear "makes the game better".


Really? that's such a vague argument.


PVP gear as with PVE gear suits two functions, one is for PVE functionality, the other is for PVP functionality.


Furthermore, PVP gear is innately intended to have more resilience and endurance as with all other PVP games that have and use a successful model such as this. Please see Wow arena for further information in this area.


The expertise implementation can be further improved on, this is being evaluated currently, I didn't claim it was a PERFECT system but to blindly ask for PVP gear in it's entirety to be removed without having a solid foundation as to why, is sort of ignorant in my opinion.


As of current, you've yet to provide any solid factual reasons as to why PVP gear is worthless and therefore should be banished from game.


To me this just seems like another, I'm not properly geared and haven't had luck with the broken RNG system so as a result, I'm throwing in the towel and requesting PVP gear be removed from game entirely post.





HUH?? talk about circular logic. why should PVE/PVP gear be any different?.. the player should have.... wait for it GEAR!


It is this GEAR like in the real world you live an die with it....


Your gear should be a compromise which requires forethought and intelligence. Clearly those who have thrived in the current system will be happy with the results...


As to WOW and WOW rules, I'm not playing WOW.


If I wanted WOW rules I would play WOW. To be honest I have never played WOW only SWG (pre and post NGE) and EQ2.


I do not want SWG rules, WOW rules or EQ2 rules. What I want is a system where cheating and exploiting experience systems are neutered by player driven mechanics.


If you want a first person teenage level, all i have to do is run and shoot game then go play BF3. forgive me if I would like to see a system which requires real effort and not Ilum base camping faction imbalance rutting monkey style play to be successful.


As to the game..... I love it..... It is the first game where leveling was fun. What you fail to understand and grasp is it is not PVP gear per se that it is the problem, it is how any system like it is open to failure through exploiters and cheaters. (Freddie and Fannie with mortgage interest deductions and liar loans ring any bells)


I will eventually get all of the Battlemaster gear and I will, as I always have, dominate in PVP.... I just wish it was not in the silly child like fashion that it is. I wish I had a reason to keep crafting gear, and making the masses pay for my services, Oh and by the way, Number one reason people play these games....PVE, (which i don't care that much for) number 2 (crafting and social) Number 3 .... yep you guessed it (PVP)

Edited by DosPeros
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none of you guys played EVE?


You should.


In EVE your pvp gear is not the best of the best. the PvE gear is the best. You can use PvE gear in PvP but you will lose it in combat and unless you have a big budget that isnt cost effective.


PvP gear is almost all crafted in eve. PvE gear uses drops whenever possible.


Really the only solution for good PvP gear grind is to drop and destroy gear.

Not on death but on release.

Instances likely could not work this way without level redesign.


have a vault available at the bases for easy equip.


with this there is an economy. There is a cost for losing and winning. now you just need a reason to fight.

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none of you guys played EVE?




Really the only solution for good PvP gear grind is to drop and destroy gear.

Not on death but on release.

Instances likely could not work this way without level redesign.





Now that is a creative thought. Permanent gear damage would certainly boost the game.


There are so many variations that could be run off of that.

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HUH?? talk about circular logic. why should PVE/PVP gear be any different?.. the player should have.... wait for it GEAR!


It is this GEAR like in the real world you live an die with it....


Your gear should be a compromise which requires forethought and intelligence. Clearly those who have thrived in the current system will be happy with the results...


As to WOW and WOW rules, I'm not playing WOW.


If I wanted WOW rules I would play WOW. To be honest I have never played WOW only SWG (pre and post NGE) and EQ2.


I do not want SWG rules, WOW rules or EQ2 rules. What I want is a system where cheating and exploiting experience systems are neutered by player driven mechanics.


If you want a first person teenage level, all i have to do is run and shoot game then go play BF3. forgive me if I would like to see a system which requires real effort and not Ilum base camping faction imbalance rutting monkey style play be successful.


As to the game..... I love it..... It is the first game where leveling was fun. What you fail to understand and grasp is it is not PVP gear per se that it is the problem, it is how any system like it is open to failure through exploiters and cheaters. (Freddie and Fannie with mortgage interest deductions and liar loans ring any bells)


I will eventually get all of the Battlemaster gear and I will, as I always have, dominate in PVP.... I just wish it was not in the silly child like fashion that it is. I wish I had a reason to keep crafting gear, and making the masses pay for my services, Oh and by the way, Number one reason people play these games....PVE, (which i don't care that much for) number 2 (crafting and social) Number 3 .... yep you guessed it (PVP)


You don't seem to understand that none of the problems you have will be solved by just completely getting rid of PVP gear rewards.


You are totally failing at this debate from every angle... just give up.

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While we're at it, remove levels as well. All they do is create an unfair playing field. Remove all gear, aside from aesthetic differences. Everyone will be the same level, with the same stats and abilities will be identical in all but visuals across every class. Remove all talent points, consumables, buffs, and medpacs.


This will create a totally fair experience for every single person, no matter when they start, or how much they want to play.


Be prepared for complaints about hacks and exploits, most of which will be completely wrong, to flood this board instead of the current variety of QQ. Obviously, skill gaps will never be at fault, so all losses will be attributed to cheating or bugs.

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Now that is a creative thought. Permanent gear damage would certainly boost the game.


There are so many variations that could be run off of that.


Its not my idea.


I know its scary to lose gear as the game is gear centered but so is eve. even more so than wow or swtor.


gear drop works really really well.


It balances the game as rare gear is not used in PvP unless your're desperate to win.

It reduces but doesnt remove the reward for people that can play 24/7

crafters have a huge role in the game.

resources for crafting have a huge role in the game.

credits become a vital thriving part of the game.

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Please see the previous......



GEAR should be GEAR..... No PVE/PVP




There are those of us that see through the thinly-veiled grind of PVE where you gear up only to confront more PVE encounters but the same gear you worked so hard for is useless in PvP.


Make it one and the same. They could use item level to arbitrarily have a built in expertise stat if they think it's needed, but stop with the separate gear nonsense.

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i like the gear system. Crafting is kind of bland though, not really that great a use for it at 50; at least there is no real long term use for it aside from a few crafts. It would be sad if they removed all the specialities of gear because there will only be one "set" for people to strive for. There will really only be ONE best thing for X class. Having PvE and PvP sets gives you at least 2 types to strive for. I do wish the crafting was better though =p
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