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Everything posted by OatsRawr

  1. I always assume that left and right correspond to your starting position. Just like in soccer or many other sports, you have left defender or right forward. That way no matter what direction you are facing, you know to go right or left from your star position. If you don't know where you start from, you haven't played enough warzones. I vote left/right because no matter what people are going to be retarded
  2. How about instead of a kick option, you have a vote to forfeit as a team If you see a 4-0 huttball or a 100-360 turrets, or a pug vs. full BM team, start the vote to forfeit and your team can end the game early. This isn't possible with teams put together at random. In a simple majority vote you would need 5 votes but a team premade can only have 4 atm. I see your concern but trading wz's with this suggestion would be VERY difficult and time consuming
  3. YA TOTALLY! we let you win! and then, oh **** we didnt get you guys cuz its RANDOM games. Well that just ****ed your day up didnt it =p
  4. How about instead of a kick option, you have a vote to forfeit as a team If you see a 4-0 huttball or a 100-360 turrets, or a pug vs. full BM team, start the vote to forfeit and your team can end the game early. Stops people from feeling like they are wasting their time in a long match where they are being farmed/losing with no hope of a come back. Go ahead and put a penalty in for quitting as a single player with the option of team forfeit vote.
  5. this thread got me through the day at work. Thanks Ted and sjbrofrn or whatevs. Still think *****es love pod racers :0
  6. Ted wins muahaha your work will never be finished!
  7. trolling aside, i think the love aspect of star wars was always meant to be "there" but not important. What messed up the movie was putting too much importance on it and spending long scenes of them running around in fields when people just want to see people face melt each other with light sabers. Sorry guys but im with team Ted BUT i still enjoyed the movies for what they were.
  8. Maybe padme just likes the length and color of his light saber
  9. maybe she likes him cuz he's handy around the house, i mean she didnt even have to move and anakin just feeds her apples Plus he builds droids. i think she can look over a little bit of vengeful slaughter.
  10. haha seriously lol at this thread but ya. *****es love pod racers, and he was the only human to do it
  11. Padme to anakin - *****es love pod racers Anakin to Padme - loves *****es, loves power, loves mom. Padme = powerful ***** that reminds him of mom.
  12. That one actually happened to one of my friends the other day. he thought he had hit the jackpot in dark points until we told him about decimal points and how they work xD
  13. I don't think it would be wise to put anything other than graphical glitches on the forums. These are just glitches i found on my own while playing for the past couple of months.
  14. oooomg that made me seriously laugh out loud haha. awesome.
  15. HA! i wish that one happened to me. That would have been awesome for this vid. Great share though.
  16. I would melt the ice planet with the death star, gather up meh hot alien lifeguards and become the new david hasselhoth.
  17. Video of some of our favorite bugs and maybe some new ones you've never seen! Post if any of these have happened to you lol!
  18. Lol I love your signature hahaha
  19. It kind of works but the lore and story revolve more around republic vs. imperial rather than dark vs. light. Could work but doesn't fit as well as in my opinion. Faction vs. Faction or Morality vs. Morality
  20. 60 bags, only missing 3 champ pieces =p GOGO RNG!
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