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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


No, they added an extra ten servers so you didn't have to wait in 500 person queues. What you said "seems like almost every server is low population" is an exaggeration. and plus it depends on what time you are on. When im on its seems like every server is about standard population. Do you think standard means low population?

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I am a huge supporter of this game, and love it to death. I have no problems on my server population wise... however I would like to see more people. I love MMOs to feel crowded... just busting at the seams with lively activity! :)


So with that said, I am a huge supporter of maxed out servers. Merge them!!, max them out!! Most people play MMOs to be around tons of people... hence why they play an MMO!!.

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No, they added an extra ten servers so you didn't have to wait in 500 person queues. What you said "seems like almost every server is low population" is an exaggeration. and plus it depends on what time you are on. When im on its seems like every server is about standard population. Do you think standard means low population?


In some servers cases yes. It can be heavily imbalanced for a faction and most likely it will be the republic that suffer. If the server is standard and the balance is 500 imp to 100 rep that is not a good server so you see the imbalance can give a false sense of server population pending on the side you choose.

Edited by Damarog
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Just an FYI, I counted Republic on Grand Master Zym in every zone at 9:04 EST (including flashpoints, ops and warzones).


590 total, on a Standard pop server.


Complete BS. I'm trying really hard not to be completely pissed off right now.

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Just an FYI, I counted Republic on Grand Master Zym in every zone at 9:04 EST (including flashpoints, ops and warzones).


590 total, on a Standard pop server.


Complete BS. I'm trying really hard not to be completely pissed off right now.


But did you count empire? If you did not count empire your data is inaccurate.

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every server on EU is atleast standard on prime time.. and alot of servers are heavy/full so you must be US?


They use to be very heavy and full. Please when was the last time you saw a full server. 2 weeks ago. I checked all the servers a few times today and I think I saw 2 very heavy and about 20 heavy all the others were standard and light.

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Just an FYI, I counted Republic on Grand Master Zym in every zone at 9:04 EST (including flashpoints, ops and warzones).


590 total, on a Standard pop server.


Complete BS. I'm trying really hard not to be completely pissed off right now.





I'll try to say this without sounding like an ahole.


If you have enough time and the willingness to log on, go around to every zone on your server and count people, you need to just shut the game off and go outside for a while.



You have no real idea about the population on your server. How many people logged on/off during your time searching planets and zone names?. Whats the imp/rep ratio. Whats the level ratio. When was your server opened. What other issues may have been going on at 9:04 est whaever night you did this?


It was a stupid task for you to undertake and took up way to much of your time and effort and you should stop doing it.


Especially if you're going to get mad about it? geez man lighten up and grow up.

Edited by Kaelshi
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...what time are you playing on the servers..I play during Prime time and almost all of them are standard with a decent scatterings of Heavy.



I play on various times of the day. I don't really have a set time that I play since I'm in school, so I just play whenever I have the chance.


I'll admit, though, that today my server had a Standard load and i was able to do some Flashpoints/Heroics, so that's a plus. :)

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every server on EU is atleast standard on prime time.. and alot of servers are heavy/full so you must be US?


im in standard server and in 13:39 saturday theres only 26people in imperial fleet. and in other high lvl planets like 10 or sumting. make conclusion

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OK that sucks. I've watched my server go from 300-130 or so on fleet and feeling it was a bit dead, but 20?




Yeah..I lol at people complaining their server "only" has 100 people on their fleet, or "only" 50 per planet....


Play on Crevasse City for two days, and you will love your current server.


There are a small handful of servers that have extreme low pop and BW needs to do something about it. A server with 20 people on fleet at 9pm every night is pretty depressing.

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I'll try to say this without sounding like an ahole.


If you have enough time and the willingness to log on, go around to every zone on your server and count people, you need to just shut the game off and go outside for a while.



You have no real idea about the population on your server. How many people logged on/off during your time searching planets and zone names?. Whats the imp/rep ratio. Whats the level ratio. When was your server opened. What other issues may have been going on at 9:04 est whaever night you did this?


It was a stupid task for you to undertake and took up way to much of your time and effort and you should stop doing it.


Especially if you're going to get mad about it? geez man lighten up and grow up.


Thank god you said , I think the same thing when i read this post , who the Hell has this kinda of free time ?

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I'll try to say this without sounding like an ahole.


If you have enough time and the willingness to log on, go around to every zone on your server and count people, you need to just shut the game off and go outside for a while.



You have no real idea about the population on your server. How many people logged on/off during your time searching planets and zone names?. Whats the imp/rep ratio. Whats the level ratio. When was your server opened. What other issues may have been going on at 9:04 est whaever night you did this?


It was a stupid task for you to undertake and took up way to much of your time and effort and you should stop doing it.


Especially if you're going to get mad about it? geez man lighten up and grow up.


You make it sound like its hard to do this or something. I can tally the pop on the server within just a couple minutes using the /who tool. And who are you to say how he should spend 5 minutes in the game? If he wants to count heads so be it. Like I said, its not difficult at all. Judging by your post, you OBVIOUSLY don't play on a low pop server so you are pretty much just trolling...

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**** only 14 ppl on Nar shadda on Chuundar last night!


server merge now allready!


ppl who left after big rush at launch arent coming back devs so can you merge servers so the game isnt deserted for us plz.


grouping for Heroics has become a joke.


Great game just the population issue needs to be taken seriously. The lack of population has had a far more adverse affect on my gaming than any bugs to date (to those questioning this being an issue above and beyond bugs).


Lets not talk about the subtleties of statistics and how to get an accurate estimate on server population count and just realise instead that this is an issue so **** :p lol


I dont know why some idiots here keep arguing that there isnt an issue, clearly there is.


anyway semi coherent rant over :p

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Given the choice between heavily overpopulated, queued servers and too many medium pop servers, i'll take too many servers anyday. Getting online and actually getting anything done without people constantly kill stealing in desperation the first week was dreadful.


Given the choice between heavily overpopulated, queued servers and too many medium pop servers, i'll take queued servers anyday. Getting online and being part of a flourishing playerbase the first week was amazing.

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Thank god you said , I think the same thing when i read this post , who the Hell has this kinda of free time ?


It's so time consuming while you're playing to open the who list, type 1-20 and hit enter. Then you do it for 21-30, 31-40, 41-50. Wow, that was so time consuming. I'm not sure I can fit that whole 45 seconds worth of work into my super busy schedule. I guess scribbling the numbers down then doing basic arithmetic would be super time consuming too.

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Going to have to agree with the OP on this one.


Ebon Hawk shows as standard right now, 12:15 PM EST. However the server feels very much like a ghost town. I was on Voss last night during prime time for the server (It's slated as East Coast) and there were all of 10 people on the entire planet.


I understand some people's frustration when it comes to queues. I've never been a fan of them myself. However there comes a point where finding people to do things on your server becomes a greater frustration than dealing with queues.


I recently brought this up on my server in the Republic fleet (Yeah, I'm a Republic player) which had all of 40 people on it at 11:30AM. One response I got was "A population problem is not my problem." and another I got was something to the effect of moving to another server with more people if lack of population was a problem.


Both of these responses are asinine, as I'm sure many might agree. For one, a population issue is everyone's problem. There's just no way to deny that. Too many and people can't advance missions due to lack of mobs/camping/etc. Too few and people can't get Heroics/FPs/etc done either. There's just got to be a balance there. For the second, sure I could reroll on another server, but I've got a level 50 on Ebon Hawk, two 33s, a 21 and a 26. The 50 has maxed Cybertech and Scavenging and Underworld Trading is over 350 and climbing steadily. Another has Armstech and it's well over 300 also.


The point being, sure I could reroll and bringi all these characters back up to their current respective levels, gear setups, affection levels for companions, crew skills and related dropped / purple / blue recipes. Sure I could go through all the content again, but that's the crux of it. There's nothing new to achieve on the way that I haven't already completed. Right now, my Smuggler is on Voss, and for every planet up to that point, my Smuggler has completed all Heroics and missions, including bonus series missions. Literally the planets are scoured clean of anything to do.


As I said, I understand some people's stances on queues and the like but things are sinking faster than a lead brick dropped out of high orbit for some servers.


As another poster pointed out early in the thread, Bioware dumped a ton of servers out for people and the result has diluted the population. If you account for attrition, the population has stratified, and in the doing so, become too thin to maintain a robust level on some servers.


I don't always like the thoughts of server mergers..there's the issues with player names, guild names, and the like but Bioware really needs to damn the torpedoes and steam on full ahead to combine servers. Preferably in a fashion where servers with a low Republic or Imperial population are combined with their mirror opposite.


They've already shown they have the metrics to see the populations, so doing the calculations of which servers should be combined shouldn't be difficult.


Name changes and guild name changes are really the issue, along with the associated issues of moving and merging data from two or more separate servers.


Somehow..I think Bioware has the capacity to do such a thing and it leaves me sort of confused as to why they haven't made any advances or delivered any communication about this issue.


No offense to you folks in the office on weekends or those folks working their fingers off for BW, but you guys gotta get your act together. Get some cajones and do something already.

Edited by CulannHS
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BW should implement free server transfer. Each character can transfer server once per month. Some limitations apply, such as you cannot transfer to a heavily imbalanced faction.


More freedom instead of jailed on a dead server.

Edited by soldenal
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I just came off Alderaan and it had 2 people.

Fleet has 40 atm, but goes down to the 20's.

It's unplayable.

I can't do Flashpoints ever (not enough people)

I'm finding it hard to pay even though I want too.

Can I just get a free transfer Bioware? It's ruining my game.

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I just came off Alderaan and it had 2 people.

Fleet has 40 atm, but goes down to the 20's.

It's unplayable.

I can't do Flashpoints ever (not enough people)

I'm finding it hard to pay even though I want too.

Can I just get a free transfer Bioware? It's ruining my game.


Yes I encourage everyone whether they on healthy server or dead server to demand free transfer to be implemented. Once a month transfer per character. Or BW would lose sub of those stuck on a dead serer.


Asking those on dead server to reroll is not reasonable. Not the way to go about customer satisfaction.


The server status are worrisome as is. No server is heavy on a Saturday afternoon as I am typing.


Even the healthy server need some transferred player to help it stay healthy.

Edited by soldenal
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I'm so sick of warzones ending because we don't have enough people on our team.

On top of that, it makes the Republic outnumbered until the match is cancelled, leading to the unfun experience of getting steamrolled before the cutoff.


But I also don't want cross-server warzones, at least not yet. Because I really do like recognizing people I warzone with in my server, and we have an understanding about strategy and the like. Who really wants to warzone with strangers? Cross-server is like applying a bandaid to a gunshot wound because it doesn't fix the root of the problem.


PVE is just as bad, actually, it's worse.


The ONLY solution is server merges. Do it. I don't think it'll "look bad" to investors if it helps your stock in the long run. I'm sure the major investors can understand that you opened too many servers to begin with.


Thing is, some people don't mind rerolling. But most of us HATE it. I'm not a lazy person, I just don't want to pay to do the same thing all over again when I'm paying for a dynamic game with new experiences. I like my character the way he is. If I reroll I don't change anything. Rerolling should only be an option for the hardcores.


(Oh, and your whole legacy system makes rerolling on another server hard for some people, because they're told they're going to get a bunch of advantages for having a lot of characters on the same server.


Also, to complain about them wanting to fix bugs etc instead of merging a server?


I'd rather have enough people to run a buggy flashpoint than a bug-free one with nobody to run it with...

Edited by Stenrik
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I'll try to say this without sounding like an ahole.


If you have enough time and the willingness to log on, go around to every zone on your server and count people, you need to just shut the game off and go outside for a while.



You have no real idea about the population on your server. How many people logged on/off during your time searching planets and zone names?. Whats the imp/rep ratio. Whats the level ratio. When was your server opened. What other issues may have been going on at 9:04 est whaever night you did this?


It was a stupid task for you to undertake and took up way to much of your time and effort and you should stop doing it.


Especially if you're going to get mad about it? geez man lighten up and grow up.


No you sound like one.


People are posting their gaming experiences and all you can do is nitpick.


Taris the last two nights on imp side on my previously "very heavy" server. Population is 20 typically, never more than 30. Pretty much impossible to find enough people to do 4 man heroics.

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I think it's simple. You allow server transfers and you allow faction changes. If a server you're looking to join is Empire heavy, you can only pick republic.


If I had the choice it would be not transferring because my server has the most people but I would go republic in a split second and so would everyone in my guild. Wait, they all quit but if this happened they might come back.

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No you sound like one.


People are posting their gaming experiences and all you can do is nitpick.


Taris the last two nights on imp side on my previously "very heavy" server. Population is 20 typically, never more than 30. Pretty much impossible to find enough people to do 4 man heroics.

The lower level planets on Mask of Nihilus are seeing population drops, while the higher level planets are seeing an increase. The exact same thing can be seen on the GTN. There used to be a plethora of items available between levels 11 and 21. Now the amount of items at those levels is about half, but there is a flood of items in the level 35 to 50 range. A month ago peak average on Vaiken was between 100 and 150. Now it's between 160 and 200. Probably a 3rd of chat at IF is LFG, with EV, Kaon and HMs being the most popular. Edited by GalacticKegger
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