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Todays update... wow what a difference! :)


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Man I can't wait to get home.

Lately I've only read whine whine whine and more whine on these forums.


however in comparison I saw that Bioware was rapidly pushing out patches and repairs every week, slowly but surely tackeling a zillion problems.


Different players give different priorities and it's always way to easy to ignore what's good and what's fixed and instead focus on what's still annoying...


however I think the speed with which this game is being improved should be a clear sign to every to stop the whine, be constructive and keep up the discussions/posting of issues!


this game can be as great or potentially much greater as other MMO's out there and in it's own way :)


I believe.. the force is with us...

Edited by Aragorrius
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Am I the only one that still has ability delay? Combat still feels clunky.


Sad thing is, if this is their "It's fixed post." then frankly, I'm done.


From what I understand, they detected multiple issues that could cause ability delay, some quick to fix and some requiring some more time for a thorough rework of code. This day's patch addressed some of those issues, but not all of them.

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Here was my issue: As a sniper all of my 'defensive' abilities such as Cover Pulse/Cover/Shield Probe/Adrenaline Probe/Evasion would suddenly stop working, leaving me just standing there pressing cover over and over while I died. If this is fixed then I will be so so happy.
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Here was my issue: As a sniper all of my 'defensive' abilities such as Cover Pulse/Cover/Shield Probe/Adrenaline Probe/Evasion would suddenly stop working, leaving me just standing there pressing cover over and over while I died. If this is fixed then I will be so so happy.


I can relate. Only really happened me when action dialled up. It seems to be fine now, its great!

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Wait until prime time and the fleet is actually occupied to see how much it has really improved.


My server is occupied. Has pretty much steady around the clock numbers lots of oceanic players so I have pretty good idea of what my normal perfomance is like. I really didn't have an FPS issue in the fleet before in that it wouldn't go way way down like some people but I have noticed an improvement. I've been running back and forth through crowds of people standing around and on average getting around 70fps. Before with this number of people it would dip down to 50. I'm even seeing FPS of 110+ which while quite common on planets I barely ever saw happen in the fleet.


They've definititly tweaked something for the better. Hopefully it will be a bit better for most people, especially those who have been having major issues.

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see this is what seperates SWTOR from other MMO launches.


Every mmo is going to have a lot of bugs when it launches.



The key is how quick the company is to handle the bugs and get it working right.



GG Bioware keep up the good work.


Trion would like to have a word with you.

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With these forums, sarcasm is sometimes difficult to detect. I'm at work, so can't test this yet, but is this for real?


I was happy before, but this sounds like nothing but good news.


It's not sarcasm. I'm running about 25FPS better on the fleet, and combat is significantly improved.


Only new bug I've found is that sometimes ability's sounds do not play correctly while channeling/casting, especially mounts, but that's pretty minor if everything is working better.

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Well, this is definitely good news. I am glad to see also the community do something else that simply complain and actually say something positive. As someone who works in IT, I know how complicated some stuff can get and any positive words from the users can go a LONG way with the developers.
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see this is what seperates SWTOR from other MMO launches.


Every mmo is going to have a lot of bugs when it launches.



The key is how quick the company is to handle the bugs and get it working right.



GG Bioware keep up the good work.


It only took a few minutes, oh hang on.. no it took a MONTH!


I will get flamed by other fanboy's for saying this but this wasn't quick.


Thank goodness it is here at last.

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