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Everything posted by Trucegore

  1. Yes it is if you want how wow does it. Damage is applied completely detached from any animation. They also do not have a unique animation per ability. You damage before you throw the punch.
  2. Who said there will not be any more races? I do not recall pandas in Vanilla wow.
  3. No. You are accusing them of ignoring it. While creating unneeded drama.
  4. They are not ignoring anything. Somethings take a bit to come up with a solution, it also takes data to make an educated solution. Forums exist and advance in its own time frame, that has little to do with reality.
  5. Except for just about every game that is not an MMO. Street fighter would have been junk if it had applied damage before you even punched or allowed you to roundhouse every second ( GCD ). No one if arguing game play over animations, or animations over game play. That's "silly*" to say. Animations, timing, damage and game play should be in sync. /fullstop
  6. Have you tried? Is that why I see all those tanks in Princess Leia outfits?
  7. But you could. That's the point, we have the space, just need the features.
  8. Read the patch notes? It fixes some of the instances of the issue.
  9. Please keep up with the conversation. The comparison was Wow to SWTOR. As far as comparisons to different races within SWTOR, please watch the movies. We have already been over this in this very thread you clicked on.
  10. If you were a developer, you would know how silly your posts have been with your comparisons.
  11. Comparing them to infinity simpler models, with shared textures, 1/4 the resolution, half the textures layers, no unique animations for each a ability. Is silly.
  12. Perhaps suggesting new races to be added ( As if they were not going to be anyway ) is a better idea then ************ about the lack of them. Complaining is not the same as suggesting. I know, the new generation thinks it is, but its not. Flaming developers is also not how to ask questions.
  13. I think you do not understand the effort already put in. SWG also took a good while to have non-reusable body types. Saying its "lazy" is just so far beyond the pale.
  14. You mean the Mon Calamari. They are humanoids. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100728131116/starwars/images/4/40/MonCalamari-HBDE.jpg Again, for like 97% of the races in SW, only thing different is the head, they are mostly bipedal species in the galaxy. With exceptions. They are also already in game: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100921073115/swtor/images/thumb/d/d4/Cc256a245e157cfae46fdb609cece215.png/830px-Cc256a245e157cfae46fdb609cece215.png Educate yourselves! http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Species
  15. Its funny, because I'm not the one making a post about an IP where 97% of its races are only different in the head. Did you watch the movies?
  16. Good lord the drama. It clearly states this only fixes some.
  17. Please watch the movies before posting. Thanks.
  18. Open LOTRO. Copy Appearances tabs features. Profit.
  19. Yo do not reset user options. Or keybinds. ETC... Many people have edited the .INI something not recommended.
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