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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Todays update... wow what a difference! :)


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Ability delay was the time between you hitting the button/number for the ability that you wanted to execute and the time that it actually executed. On dual core machines, this issue could lag for more than 2 seconds. That's a long, and lethal hang time in PVP and in Flash Points. It was a very good fix.



I still don't understand why this was primarily effecting dual core machines and not everybody, but as a dual core user, I'm glad that it is fixed. As some people have mentioned previously, it is going to be a looooong day at work today.

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Someone explain to me what i'm missing here....I've seen some issues with my sentinel, the two biggest being using an ability but the animation doesnt show and a stuttering in the animation, almost like he starts it twice before going off.....


The former happens once in a blue moon and the latter happens quite a bit with one ability. Those are my two main issues....Does this fall under ability delay? I imagine it is, I just dont understand all the fuss about it. Its a very slight annoyance, but not gamebreaking like i read.....


Am I off here?


They do but those are different issues that are not being addressed in this patch.

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so i have a question...to those of you stating things like "trion is a good company, but the game they made is...boring" are you really that naive, that blind? Trion gave brought to you a pretty polished game, from out of the box to everytime there was an issue there was a fix shortly thereafter. But, here you all are...making claims as though ToR is the godsend of games and the end all be all of MMO's when...its just WoW 7years ago.... At least Rift was WoW at it's peak (when it first came out) and had a lot of the things MMO players that used to play WoW wanted... Dont know about you, but I'm playing a beta right now with ToR. It's great they fix bugs...but dont make claims that "well when trion fixed issues, more issues arose" because that statement is true for BW also. Edited by Trojan
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Only if you remove your hate blinder and show a little respect to the devs for the work they do. I don't think that's too much to ask.


Some of you people really have no idea how long issues take to fix, how long some MMOs are left with issues. Issues need to be researched, solutions tested. Remediation takes time. So let's try to put that into perspective before we "spur negativity" and exclaim how 20 days to fix a major issue wasn't quick enough.


This is beyond ridiculous. Why they don't come out and ask certain people to just unsub and get it over already I'll never understand.


Apparently this guy never played a mage in a BG in WoW. Yeah, blink is still messed up, even today. The devs know it, and still do nothing about it. I'd say 20 days to fix an issue like this is extremely fast. Now to give some perspective, I am a 3D programmer, and just fixing a simple animation can take upwards of a month. So, to fix several key animations such as this in the 3 weeks that they did, is quite a nice feat.

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Apparently this guy never played a mage in a BG in WoW. Yeah, blink is still messed up, even today. The devs know it, and still do nothing about it. I'd say 20 days to fix an issue like this is extremely fast. Now to give some perspective, I am a 3D programmer, and just fixing a simple animation can take upwards of a month. So, to fix several key animations such as this in the 3 weeks that they did, is quite a nice feat.


Actually, a mage is what I played in WoW back when I played (quit in 07). It's more than 20 days, it's been a month. Early access was large enough to count as a 'release'. I'm not saying it was super slow, and equating something significant as an ability delay to a singular ability on one class that worked well for the most part does not do justice to your point.


Once again, I didn't come here to bash. I was merely responding to a post saying that this was some amazingly fast fix, when in my opinion, a month for something as significant as an ability delay is a long time.

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Just an FYI, that's a Red Herring. Straw Man and Red Herring are both Logical Fallacies.



Anyway hopefully this ability lag and apparent FPS fix will help me out since I have experienced both issues.


What's really ironic is that his original argument is the actual straw man:


The ability delay is a serious game-breaking bug and taking a month to fix it is not fast


Ability delay isn't an issue that breaks the game in any way, nor is it noticed by the majority of players. By definition a straw man involves taking something and distorting into something that it isn't, and then basing your argument off of it.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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What's really ironic is that his original argument is the actual straw man:


The ability delay is a serious game-breaking bug and taking a month to fix it is not fast


Ability delay isn't an issue that breaks the game in any way, nor is it noticed by the majority of players. By definition it involves taking something and distorting into something that it isn't, and then basing your argument off of it.


I didn't say it was game-breaking, I said it was a significant issue. You put words in my mouth to counter what I didn't say or imply. I said it was a significant issue, I didn't say it was game-breaking.

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What's really ironic is that his original argument is the actual straw man:


The ability delay is a serious game-breaking bug and taking a month to fix it is not fast


Ability delay isn't an issue that breaks the game in any way, nor is it noticed by the majority of players. By definition a straw man involves taking something and distorting into something that it isn't, and then basing your argument off of it.


It is game breaking to me...it sucks when you can't even play your sentinel properly without the delay screwing up your rotations. And I am pretty sure anyone who played sentinel or guardian would notice this problem. Pressing Master Strike non-stop just to make it work is not really fun especially you are going against an elite as a combat sentinel, not to mention the balancing...


Its the reason I stopped for a while, but the bug fix at least is really much appreciated, but it still doesn't change the fact that this kinda issue shouldn't even exist in the first place. What's the point of having such a huge beta test if they don't act on the inputs given by the players? And I do agree with the notion that one month to fix this issue is just way too long...


As in I pay for this game, and I have certain expectations you know? And this kinda thing should not make the cut for this game even before the release.


Now, I just need to keep my finger crossed for them to balance the class. Buff combat tree pls BW!!!!

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It's possible I've been experiencing this "ability delay" and simply didn't realize it; I'll have to test it once I get home from work this afternoon (I'm taking off a couple hours early in anticipation of the posts in this thread), but it'd be nice to see if things on Fleet are improved or not.
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I still don't understand why this was primarily effecting dual core machines and not everybody, but as a dual core user, I'm glad that it is fixed. As some people have mentioned previously, it is going to be a looooong day at work today.


I'm sorry that I didn't clarify. The greatest delay showed up in dual core machines. Every machine had noticeable lag between the between the button press and the execution of the ability.

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Are people who are even mildy content with the game not allowed to voice anything remotely negative, or do we all have to get on our knees and grovel at every turn in thanks just because they developed a game? Ridiculous.


Its good to show appreciation without slipping in a criticism every chance we get. And if we can't do that, maybe we should think to ourselves if we really should be showing our appreciation monetarily.

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Its good to show appreciation without slipping in a criticism every chance we get. And if we can't do that, maybe we should think to ourselves if we really should be showing our appreciation monetarily.


Sorry, but I'm not the type to give praise and avoid criticism when I think criticism is due. And once again, I only made my critique because someone else implied that the fix to ability delay was amazingly fast. I merely said that in my opinion, a month to fix something as significant as ability delay is not amazingly fast. That's not even that much of a criticism, you're blowing it out of proportion as if I blasted the game and devs with an extremely negative post.


Now we're getting word that ability delay isn't all that 'fixed'.

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Ability delay is not fixed. Bioware hasn't stated this. They have improved it, but not fixed it. The sooner people understand this the better.



Also, follow the link in my sig if you are wondering why it hasn't been magically fixed.

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The ability delay is not fixed, at least not for me.... In fact it's worse, alot worse.


I had delay before the patch, now some skills just refuse to cast.


An example:


I was unstunned, had no lingering effects on me, it was not on cooldown, I had no global cooldown, yet my Overload just did not want to cast. This also happened to other skills, but this cost me my life, which was a tincy bit annoying >.<


Hope this isn't just an issue for me, so it is something Bioware is looking into >.<

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Ability delay is still broken for me


Unfortunately your opinions are unreliable as you never post anything constructive, it's all negative.


There is a slight improvement, but it's by no means perfect. There is still work to be done, this is only a part of the fix, expect the rest to come soon.

Edited by Mandrax
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