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Todays update... wow what a difference! :)


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It is not a placebo effect. There are multiple issues that cause ability delay. The devs stated this a few days back. They worked on some of them in this latest patch. So I would suspect that some of the delay is improved. Not all, and they never said it was.


I am sure some people see a dramatic improvement and others not so much, based on how they play, the class they play any number of factors.


I just wish people would realize this is a complicated problem that will not just be fixed. And there are many ways people are effected by it. It maybe fine for you and horrible for another or the other way around.


How about we all just start giving each other the benefit of the doubt. If someone says this patch really improved the game for them, hey, believe them. If someone says the game is performing horribly for them. Well believe that too.


The fact that this issue was not resolved in anyway before release is just not acceptable to begin with. People reported this ability issue in beta and it wasn't fixed. These devs had YEARS developing this game, an almost infinite amount of resources, and they went through several testing periods including Alpha, Beta, and late beta. This issue is horribly game breaking and frustrating for people when in PVP or in FP that are difficult. Its not that they aren't looking into the issue or are attempting to fix it, its the fact that it was released as is and it took US the players to point it out and to literally blow up these forums with the issue BEFORE they began to admit it and implement a fix.

That is my main gripe with the whole problem.

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Hi, tested out the patch today for awhile.


My rig: 6770 HD, 1055t (overclock to 3.2, its a hexcore if you're not familiar with that number), 4gb ram, and windows + the game are installed on a 64 SSD, Crucial M4.


I notice two significant things from this patch:


Interrupts happen instantly now/force speed too. Previously there was on occasion an issue where you would hit your keybind for your instant cast ability over and over again and it wouldn't work, regardless if it was ready to activate. Now interrupts work properly, and PvP against healers/tracer missle spam is a LOT more fluid and intuitive.


The second big thing, is a bit of an old technique that is now possible.


In WoW, many casting bar addons had a slight gap where it "compensated" for your server latency. That is, where you would cast your ability and you could MOVE during the end of the cast bar and the spell would still go off.


I had tried this 20 minutes after getting my first casted heal on my Sorc, and was sad that it wouldn't work. I'm a 50 with rank 54 valor PvP now a days, and I kept practicing the stop-casting + move to get a cast through technique, but it would never work.


Today, it works. You can actually move at the last .1 (I had 20-50 ms latency) second cast time and have the spell still go off.


These are not false-positives. This is not a troll. We'll see if these things are actually due to the patch or just because the servers were restarted and the population wasn't very high.

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As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.


Your feedback from the servers so far indicates that this change has had dramatic, positive impact on combat gameplay.


That said, we're not done improving combat responsiveness!


  • As mentioned in my blog a few days ago, there are some additional fixes currently on our public test server as part of patch 1.1.1, which will roll out as soon as we're satisfied with that patch.
  • We've heard your mixed feedback regarding the new cooldown animation that was part of patch 1.1, and we have improvements to the readability of that UI coming down the pipe.
  • We're looking into improving the accuracy of cast bars. Their behavior should already be significantly improved with today's patch, but we believe there is still room to improve.
  • We're also working on improvements to the responsiveness of individual ability animations, including faction specific timing differences and issues where shortening an ability activation time does not properly shorten it's animation.

Again, thank you for your constructive feedback on this issue, it has been vital to us in identifying and resolving this situation.






This from another thread.

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Happy to see the fix noticed some very good fps on my system and smother game play. Thanks bio for getting to it as quickly as you did. Hope to see some more minor issues fixed and keep the up dates coming.





I didn't say it was game-breaking, I said it was a significant issue. You put words in my mouth to counter what I didn't say or imply. I said it was a significant issue, I didn't say it was game-breaking.


Side note: Pleas stop arguing with everyone who posts something on this thread. You have even been argumentative with people who were agreeing with you. Continue to argue like this much more and you might find yourself breaking TOS posting rules. Said your peace you thought they were slow to update, great move on.

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see this is what seperates SWTOR from other MMO launches.


Every mmo is going to have a lot of bugs when it launches.



The key is how quick the company is to handle the bugs and get it working right.



GG Bioware keep up the good work.


Then go look at Rifts launch patch notes. This patch broke my client apparently and now I have to repair ><!

Edited by Chromiie
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Yeh i did, Ive been running the game on a 2.0 dual core2, ati 2600 HD and 4gb of ram since launch. So i know what bad frame rates feels like. mix this with the delay issue, its been a hard grind. But when i tried it today, the delay is gone. frame rates are so much better. on the fleet I used to get 10fps Max, Today i hit 25fps. Tested PVP and PVE enviroments. Delay and FPS has improved for me. ..whooop whooop.


only 2 more weeks though until i get to spend my inheritance on an epic 2700k build.


Dude dont spend that much money on a computer ever.. Are you build one or buying a pre built

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Please wait until Primetime hours before saying there is no FPS hit in fleet and lag is gone.


Yeah there's going to be a hit in places where a bunch of people gather, the people that are reporting increases are seeing an increase when they normally play so this has nothing to do with prime time. Yesterday with 100 people on the fleet my frame rates was lower then they are right now with 150.

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Looking forward to seeing for myself when I get home

As stated earlier


Its not the bugs that are really that important, it happens in every game. Its what that company is doing to fix them thats really important.


Good to see people understand that fixes are not instant too :)

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The fact that this issue was not resolved in anyway before release is just not acceptable to begin with. People reported this ability issue in beta and it wasn't fixed. These devs had YEARS developing this game, an almost infinite amount of resources, and they went through several testing periods including Alpha, Beta, and late beta. This issue is horribly game breaking and frustrating for people when in PVP or in FP that are difficult. Its not that they aren't looking into the issue or are attempting to fix it, its the fact that it was released as is and it took US the players to point it out and to literally blow up these forums with the issue BEFORE they began to admit it and implement a fix.

That is my main gripe with the whole problem.


I get all that. It would be far better if this issue was fixed before release. That fact is it was not. The devs know about it and are working on it. And according to many people posting, they seem to have fixed part of it. That is a good thing. They are working on the rest too.


There is just too much extreme thinking on these forums.

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I get all that. It would be far better if this issue was fixed before release. That fact is it was not. The devs know about it and are working on it. And according to many people posting, they seem to have fixed part of it. That is a good thing. They are working on the rest too.


There is just too much extreme thinking on these forums.



I see a difference as well!


I cannot answer on Warzones since I never had any FPS issues in them prior. :(

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I have still got 3 hours left in work but by all the possitive feedback about this patch I can't wait to get home & try it out !!!!


Really was nice reading a thread with so many people up beat & positive! Thanks (there still was a few Jeremy Kyle wannabes in here, for anyone not in the UK, Jeremy Kyle is a day time tv chat show which consists of an hour of moaning & complaining lol)


Nice one guys at bioware/Lucas arts etc. Awesome guys !

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feels good, but yeah the ops companion spam is still there


as the following camera that drives people mad, and as UI that overlaps your ability bars on some Warzones, and as other bugs i CBA to quote.


thing is, they are working on it, and if you ask me, this one small update is one of the most best and precisely shot updates i've ever seen in a video game.


My strong guess is they are not going to stop now. They will proceed making this game a better thing.

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he's not trolling it seems the majority of people having problems are with ATI cards.


Really? I run ATI 6990s and I seem to be the only person on these forums not constantly complaining.


Until patch 1.1 (AA on high causes holo images to vanish and this is the ONLY ATI specific problem) I didn't have any ATI/driver related problems. I've been running over 100 FPS reliably, and while there are slow downs in warzones, it's never below 40 FPS.


Unsupported claims like yours are what makes these forums mirror that of WoWs forums; which if you haven't seen lately are absolutely ridiculous.

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Game is def running a lot smoother in fleet. 10 FPS jump from around 40 to 50 FPS. I have however, noted some big lag spikes this afternoon, though they seem to have cleared up. Who knows that might have been on my end.


Chat seems to have picked up some lag as well. Getting a bit of chat lag now and then, without any game lag involved.

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