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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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Question: "Which 2 things would had made you stay?" - this is the premise that the title of the thread offers.



1- LFG system

2- Macros

3- Dual spec

4- Bugs

5- More bugs

6- Many more bugs

Points 1 through 3 are an adequate answer, not that i agree with them since i find that MMORPG communities have become lazy ever since WoW introduced these "laziness endorsing" features. Thanks but no thanks.


The point i was actually making here though...look at answers 4 through 6 - so "bugs, more bugs and many more bugs" would had made you stay with the game???...for reference, check the title of the thread again. If you look closely enough this kind of "logic" applies to most of the whiners and trolls out there (not people who have valid arguments to make mind you).


To adress the OP though...im staying with the game and will be for a very long time i suspect. However, i do recognize its faults. Top 2 things that i would like to see fixed and would maximize my enjoyment: 1. ability delay and/or anything relating to optimization; 2. merging servers - for those servers that need it (low population and such).

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I like this game so far - not going anywhere soon, but it has huge problems, thats for sure. My 2 main issiues would be:


1. Ability dealy. As a pvp guy this is killing the game for me. How this passed beta testing is beyond my mind. After 6 years of pvp in WoW i was really used to abilities working after pressing a key. If this wont get fixed ill move on to greener pastures.



Read today's patch note.




Your welcome.

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Except that rarely ever happens. In my years of pugging dungeons in WoW I have never seen anyone in a pug rip on someone else about their dps. Maybe other guildies ribbing each other over it, but that is it. It is a fake problem made up by players who are scared to be accountable.


Your account of past PUGs has no bearing on every Raid ever done in WoW. To dismiss griefing over DPS etc just says youd rather deny its happened because then youd have nothing standing in your way of getting what you want.

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Your account of past PUGs has no bearing on every Raid ever done in WoW. To dismiss griefing over DPS etc just says youd rather deny its happened because then youd have nothing standing in your way of getting what you want.


If you do bad dps you don't belong in a raid. But feel free to continue to be bad.

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I have one 50lvl , another 44, another 30, and 10 , few hundred skills in profesions, ops some hc , hc flashpoints... so exp i have so:


- Fix OPS

- Fix Flashpoints

- Stop adding new bugged content and fix old

- *** is Legacy only another unusseful title, is surname and we cant make 2 words surname ...just stop adding beta or not only alfa features

- Reset talent ... make higest price for reset after few years for character reset cost 1mil ...

- Macros

- Mouseover features

- Addons like dmg / heal meters

- Add target-target , companion-target

- More options for ops frame

- Delete Orbital stations for planet is totally boring when you enter the planet and run , door , run , door , run , door and cheers u are on planet

- EU maintances during US is horrible

- Delete color crystal restrictions [ Dark / Light ]

- Add new colors for color crystals

- Add new model for armor and not only 4 models per type [light . medium ...] with color edit

- Speeders: 40k for 90% and 200k for 100% 300k 110% och come on SW is hyperspeed age and this snakes...

- Character ship ehm perfect idea but again beta

- Guild system again alfa ver ... just only another friend list

- LFG system no comment...

- On some items dressing window [ ctrl+right click] not working dont see model

- Lot of Quest broken

- Lot of NPCs broken

- Emotes .. och

- I play consular again and still same bugs when game start with preorder acces

- PVP system och ... please separate 50lvl or 40-50 and others ... 10lvl vs 50 is IK , 10lvl have boost stats but he dont have spells/abbilities so only running corpse for high levels

- Cross realm WZ ofc









And i know SWTOR is new game and i play WoW from start and that was same but it is 7 years before...

So BIG GL DEVs, hope u read forum and ours posts and accept this.


Last word Realms are up , my net is ok , my pc is ok , my client look ok , but your login server is not ok for hour i trying login and still "Unable to retrive patch data. Please check network connection."


Soz for my bad English

BTW I make lot of tickets and no 1 answern

And please make native Mac client

Edited by Azshy
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1. A game that works. If I need to explain this to you, Customer Disservice forums are that way ----->


2. Customer support. I swore I would never buy another EA product again because of their non-existent customer service. I broke my oath, and it cost me 60$. NEVER. AGAIN.

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1.Dungeon/Flashpoint finder

I couldn't really find anything to do at 50 & when I did we ran into bugs or overturned difficulties that made the groups fall apart always.


2. No real world pvp like other mmos I've played. DAoC/WoW.

Standing in a line hoping we can pull the Imperials that outnumber us 3 to 1 into our base turret isn't dynamic or compelling. It feels like playing chess with only pawns. The game doesn't really reward you for world pvp period, and it also doesn't feel rewarding.



*A day and Night cycle would of helped the game feel more lively.

*Companion quest would of been nice too, the companions don't really feel like bioware creations. You hear from them so little and sporadically its hard to get attached or care.

*The gear is horrible looking, and you have no choice about it. Especially if you pvp. Dye would of helped or at least fully allowing us to completely take the stats from gear drops.

*The warzones/instance pvp are improperly incentivized, playing for yourself is more rewarding than the objectives or your team.


That being said, I plan to resubscribe in the future, I just want to give bioware some time to hopefully polish the game. I love it, but at 50 I can't find anything to do. It feels like bioware is trying too hard to bring back old elements that have been obsoleted and forgetting the cool ones that have been merely forgotten. Dungeon finder vs LFG grids and gather spots, static time vs day/night cycle, No player customization of gear vs Dyeable gear or changeable skins, Contact a CSR vs simply report a bug, Resetting player stats for design flaws vs being less short sighted in the design process.

Edited by IceJudge
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So without going into all our whishlist, what are the 2 things that would make you stay longer.



2 things? As it happens, I have exactly 2 things. I haven't cancelled just yet but will be by the end of this month, dependent upon these 2 things.


1) First and foremost, a response from BW in any one of the numerous threads regarding issue #2. Their stone-cold silence on the issue after weeks of pleading for an answer (and also during beta from what I understand) has worn my patience to the breaking point. People have put in tickets that just get closed with no answer. People have tried tweeting SR. No answer. People have sent emails to cs with bot responses and no answer. We keep asking the simple question....Is this working as intended???????? What does it take to get a d*mn answer?????


2) This issue is a total game breaker for me. The AOE of an unflagged person or their companion on a "PVE" server while minding their own business fighting mobs, flags them for pvp if it hits a flagged person. This is being abused by higher level people who stealth and run into your aoe to force-flag you and then gank you before you even realize you've been flagged. I play on a so-called pve server because I do not want to pvp. If I wanted to pvp, I'd play on a pvp server or I'd flag myself. In the description of "pve" server in the character select screen it specifically says that any pvp is voluntary only. As it is currently, that's not a true statement and needs to be fixed.



I can put up with bugs and inconveniences for a time. I'm generally a patient person. If they say something's going to be fixed, fine, I'll wait. But they will not respond in any way to this issue. They will not say whether this is working as intended or if they're even going to look at it. All we get is silence. So, at the end of this month, if I've still not seen so much as a "go to h***" on this, then I'll take my piddly little 15 bucks and go away.

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I find it funny that only a month into the games launch you are already /crying for new content, you know they say that game really starts at the endgame content, really its how you play the game to start with that really decides how your game experience will play out, I see a lot of you it was level my char to 50 and hope for endgame content to be in place. Never mind the fact that this is not WoW with 7yrs of trial and error to fix bugs and launch problems, not to mention the endgame content.


By all accounts im not a Bioware or EA fan nor do i work with them, i just know that if a game is going to get better it will take time, time that you all are not willing to wait for.


So GL all and flame on.



So true, I see lots of people blasting thru levels and not enjoying the journey, just concerned about the destination.


To me mmo's most fun part is th eleveling, because thats where theres things to discover, lore to be learnt, places to get known.


Thats what makes me feel good about playing SWTOR, theres a great focus on the journey. Probably thats what made me sick for trying to play wow a while back after i got burnt out of lotro endgame, other great game to level in.


But regarding the question, i would like from swtor:


- Better graphics, I dont care if John doe with a crap 10 year computer cant run it, the look and feel of the cinematics where great and something more realistic would have been nice instead of the WOW-like ugly cartoon graphics.


- Homosexual relationships in game, because I rolled a woman to look at her butt and now I cant engage in a "relatinship" to npc women (fail).


- Customization: deeper character customization like EVE incarna engine for character creation and clothes cometical system like the one in LOTRO, wich is great and made me dedicate full chests just to store clothing items. I kept coming back to old areas just to grind that special cloak or pants from a specific dungeon - wich is great considering you help to populate more evenly the low level world areas.

Edited by Grothaal
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Hmmm, I'm not planning on quitting, so I'm not looking for anything to make me "stay", per se. But, my input on the subject:


I play on pvp, Anchorhead. So far, its been great. I don't generally roll on pvp servers in MMOs ( did in EQ2), so its been a relatively different experience for me which I have enjoyed.


I purposely chose the most crowded servers at launch to make my characters on. I knew there would be crappy queues to begin with, but I also knew that once launch settled down, I'd be playing on servers where grouping wouldn't be a hassle. Knew this from experience with other mmo launches. And so far, that has been exactly what I've had.


Things I would like to see happen to improve my enjoyment of the game:


1. High res textures need to be put back in as an option. They were there in beta, they worked fine. Even during the stress tests, they did not cause any issues whatsoever. I speak on this from first hand experience when I was in couple of the beta weekends, not heresay. I noticed the difference immediately once I logged into the early access client. Every argument I have seen bioware make regarding them being taken out is complete and total bullsh--. There is simply no reason these should not be available as an option in the graphics settings.



2. The lvl 50 pvp bracket. Dumb move. I really didnt understand this at all. I was queing up as a freaking level 10 for warzones, going up against geared 50s and holding my own just fine. I think what most people didnt understand was that your stats were buffed to match up to who you were in there with. Essentially, you WERE level 50 for the match. Now we have a dead 50s bracket.

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Ilum and level 50 warzone queues were the last straw for me. Then I saw the operative/scoundrel nerfs and it just confirmed my decision. I maintain that they can get me back pretty easily though, just takes some competent design and some actual thought put into balance changes (IE - no nerfing the burst of a burst class without giving them a buff to their sustained damage in exchange).


The next live patch notes will give me the best idea of whether or not I want to resubscribe.

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Yeah level 10s were easily as good as level 50s. My level 10 had 30% expertise, loads of CC abilities and 18,000 hitpoints just like the level 50s.


Oh wait.



Did you bother to even check your stats? I'm guessing you didnt. My level 10 was in matches with around 15k hp.


quite literally, the only thing I was missing was the abilities you get from levelling. I had ZERO issues killing those oh so uber geared 50s.


Quite honestly, I was shocked. I only even queued up just to see what people were ************ about on the forums, because at face value... yea, a 10 vs a 50 sounds bad..... but that simply wasn't my experience at all. I fully expected to get steamrolled and my *** handed to me. I didn't. 13 matches of that later, I could not understand why people were complaining about it so much.


Then it hit me: Oh yea, I bet the 50s who are fully geared now want the gear-flow cut off so they can be special little snowflakes. More entitlement BS from the gen Y crowd.

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What about you all ?

Didn't unsub... I'm on a 3 month plan x 2 (me and wife).


I've mastered the ability to make and keep the game fun. It has enough elements to do this, really... you should explore this possibility.

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I'm not unsubscribing but here are things that I hope to see improved. I've played many new released MMOs and they are always works in progress. Did WoW have a dps parser and dungeon finder at release? nope, dual spec? nope, customizable interface? Things like that although nice, do take time and will come in time. High res textures are comming back in 1.2 so do your research and stop whining about somethign they are already addressing. What I want to know is when are they actually going to fix these horrible Hardmode flashpoint bugs that uncontrollable whipe entire groups. It's bad when there's problems so bad you either have to find ways to bug a boss or skip it to progress in a dungeon. They made a move in the right direction for biochem and cybertech, but nerfing those two without adding patterns to the other profs to make them appealing still leaves them fundamentally flawed. Also randomized endgame pvp loot is a weird system. I know they are working o some of these items but there is very poor communication between the development team and us subscribers. I'd like to see a threat posted from bioware that says, "these are our current known ingame issues" then list those issues and give each of them a timeframe to be fixed. also have a button at the bottom to add more issues to that list.
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Im suprised to see so many people are still supporting the game. At first I was happy to deal with all the bugs and problems because I understand it can't be easy to get it right at launch. But after each patch, more and more bugs pop up. And in the beginning I could put up with the loading screens, but now it is just becoming frustrating, especially when you enter a warzone from a planet and then end up at the republic fleet and have to go on the load screen adventure again.


I hope they fix the majority of the problems soon, because I want to enjoy the game again. But if it continues like this for much longer I don't think I will keep throwing money at it.

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There is only one thing that makes me stay:


"Am I having fun?"


So far, the answer is yes.




It's a game. I play it because I enjoy it. So far - in 25+ years of playing games - I have never found "the perfect game". Every game has things that could be fixed/improved, even my all-time favourite games.


I'm enjoying SWTOR quite a bit. Until such time as that changes, I'll continue to subscribe.

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OP: If you "enjoyed" your first month, why are you still able to post?


I'm absolutely sick of hearing people trash this game. This isn't SOE's forums, and we're not dealing with ******e SOE developers and forum mods. I played SWG, and I saw the bugs when that one launched.


I did my best to submit bug reports in beta for TOR, and I knew there would be issues when this game launced. Hell, I even knew the patches would bring more bugs than they fix. But, they will be fixed, with or without your subscription.


If you don't like the game, go play something else and keep your opinions to yourself, or, go to some MMO site with forums and trash the game there.

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