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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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I haven't quit, but I'm kinda thinking about it.


1: No server transfer option. - I have a level 28 Jedi Sage, the server I happened to pick sucks. After spending 3+ hours trying (and failing) to get a group for the 3rd Flashpoint...I'm finding it hard to get up the energy to even load up the game again. I don't want to start all over, doing the same quests (3.5 planets worth!) all over again. I'd LIKE to move him to a higher population server so I can hopefully find people to actually play with.


2: Some form of "dungeon finder" as others have stated..."/1 Sage LFG for Mandalorian Raiders" got old REAL fast.

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I canceled my sub, however, I started out with a 3 month subscription so I still have 3 months left. Bioware has that amount of time to show me what they can do.


Responsiveness needs to be addressed. This ability lag is gamebreaking in certain instances. Especially if you're talking about PvPing competitively, which is another issue...


PvP is simply broken. Balance is horrendously off. Just look at the class composition on PvP servers. Everybody is rolling the facerollers. When you are in a warzone with 80-90% one class(*cough* Inquisitor) you are doing something wrong.


Then there's the the framerate loss in warzones. On some rigs its laughable. What amazing graphics is this game running that's choking my processor so badly? I don't see it.


Open world PvP was a lie.

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1. If this game had made a bold move, and allowed for only 3 classes on each side. Trooper, Smuggler and Jedi on Republic, Sith, BH and Op on Empire. Give every Jedi Force push, pull and lift and the ability to throw a big ole rock, and give every Sith force lightning, force choke, pull and push as the mirrors and allow players to chose to use either 2 sabers, 1 saber or a double saber. Make the two ACs be Counsular/Sorceror vs Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior, and make the three trees for Counsular be Shadow, Sage and Healer, and JK be 1h tank, 1h DPS (more balance between force and saber combat) and Dual Wield. Once you pick the AC, the story should take off just like they already do, story wise.

2. Switch the weapons on Vanguard/Commando.


In my opinion it is kind of ridiculous that they decided to restrict the force abilities of force users. Let the talents dictate what we decide to improve, and as such, use. Where the game sits now, the Jedi and Sith feel, well, lacking a certain "epicness" and a real sense of what it is to be a Jedi. For a company famous for creating games that allow you to build the character that you truly want to play, and to build and customize your character become the Jedi/Sith you really want to play. The force is only limited by the genuine inginutiy of the user, the game should have allowed each player to craft their Jedi as such. I understand this is much harder to do, and balance in an RPG, but if BW really wanted to craft a truly original and epic game, they should have headed more towards a sandbox style of game creation, and made it so the balance came in that abilities are different, not worse or better.

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In no particular order of importance:


1. Instatravel from planet to planet. E.g. Make orbital stations and starports optional. Star Wars Galaxies had a decent system for this: you could either launch your ship and fly manually (which was awesome) or you could use a terminal.


2. Galactic trade network needs the ability to search for item name and a return to being able to pick your subcategory (e.g. chest, hands, etc.)


3. Speeders are ugly. The only one I've seen that I like is the standard taxi you see on a lot of planets that looks similar to the speeders on Endor.


4. Speeders should come earlier on. I didn't mind walking speed for the first two months but at this point I find it really, really tedious.


5. It's SW, allow us to turn in missions via holocall. If we have to deliver data allow us to do it "electronically." Walking back to the same NPC over and over is an incredibly boring time sink. Time sinks can be done well if you can make the player feel like they're accomplishing something in the meantime - this is classical conditioning 101 and it's a basic premise of MMO psychology. SWG had a fairly involved crafting system and it took quite a bit of time to mine resources, buff up, craft subcomponents, craft items, craft factory crates, make sure maintenence is paid, etc. But the whole time you felt like you were actively working towards something and this made it interesting.


6. Space in this game is uninspiring to say the least. An Eve (lite) or SWG style space system would be phenomenal. No rails - an actual open, uninstanced space sim with regenerating PvE content (such as static battleships).


7. Character customization. It sucks looking like a quarter of the other characters you see. It also sucks not being able to use a variety of weapons. Having everything severely class restricted makes for an uninteresting and non-diverse atmosphere. An appearance equip option with few to no class restrictions would be great. Being able to use different types of lightsabers or ranged weapons would also be great. I know there would be the issue of damage, but it would not be difficult to work out.

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Hmmm... hard to pick 2. I will go with:


1. Dungeon Finder

2. Some form of DPS parser


The amount of MMORPGs I've played to end-game without ever needing to use either of those things really really makes me wonder why some of you folks bother playing video games at all.


A DPS parser forced you to leave a video game?


That's ...


wow that's insane.

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Theres a pretty long list of whats wrong with the game


My top 2 are Lag/FPS ( But thats my PC's fault ) Spending some cash now as we speak

No Addons, after being Spoiled... Well The basics of the UI are Just too Basic


But a month in the game and give up? NO Way. Just too many things good about the game

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This thread is about what people want in the game to keep them playing.


Nah, that's not the topic of this thread. This thread is about what things needed to have been changed to prevent the people from unsubscribing. So you know when I see someone post that they quit because they were tired of crashing to desktop, were tired of FPS issues, could no longer stand ability lag or something like that ... yeah, ok, that person has a valid beef.


When I see someone say they quit because they couldn't resize their UI windows, I think that person is somewhat impatient and a little whacky.


But that's just me.

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Nah, that's not the topic of this thread. This thread is about what things needed to have been changed to prevent the people from unsubscribing. So you know when I see someone post that they quit because they were tired of crashing to desktop, were tired of FPS issues, could no longer stand ability lag or something like that ... yeah, ok, that person has a valid beef.


When I see someone say they quit because they couldn't resize their UI windows, I think that person is somewhat impatient and a little whacky.


But that's just me.

Aside from the occasional gem, this is about as constructive as threads get on these forums. There have actually been a lot of important issues brought up even if we've heard them before. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. You however are attempting to derail the thread (I suppose I'm contributing) and have offered nothing constructive. I kindly direct you back the the general forums so you can find another thread to post in. Try to keep it on topic.



Edited by Tanntolas
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Aside from the occasional gem, this is about as constructive as threads get on these forums. There have actually been a lot of important issues brought up even if we've heard them before. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. You however are attempting to derail the thread (I suppose I'm contributing) and have offered nothing constructive. I kindly direct you back the the general forums so you can find another thread to post in. Try to keep it on topic.


Really? This thread's constructive because the same group of grumpy unsubs are still saying they quit the game because of UI customization?


Thanks for the update!

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Really? This thread's constructive because the same group of grumpy unsubs are still saying they quit the game because of UI customization?


Thanks for the update!


I direct you back to what I wrote. IMO the force shouldn't feel as chained as it is in this game...

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The force shall set me free


Doesn't feel very free to me..

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I have patience like most normal people (unlike the forum wet diapers that complain about everything) and understand things will be fixed. its nice to wait for something instead of throwing a tantrum and stomping back to WoW (lol have fun sitting on your mount outside the AH, i heard thats what the cool kids do).
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I have patience like most normal people (unlike the forum wet diapers that complain about everything) and understand things will be fixed. its nice to wait for something instead of throwing a tantrum and stomping back to WoW (lol have fun sitting on your mount outside the AH, i heard thats what the cool kids do).


We stomped from WoW to here.

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I've pretty much decided that I'll be sticking around for the indefinite future, but there are a few things I'd like to see improved as the months go on.


1) Armormech (and I'm assuming other crafting skills as well) seems very cluttered and unorganized. I really like the idea of Reverse Engineering, but I feel like the UI and entire process could be more organized and could enable greater sorting/filtering.


2) More data! Let it be known that I thoroughly enjoy all the X series of games (spreadsheets in space), and I think EVE could be the most amazing PvP oriented MMO ever conceived if the leads got their heads out of the clouds. Still, I remember fondly doing the stat calculations for warrior tanking in WoW, and really enjoy the challenge an MMO can provide in the form of a puzzle or computation. I'm probably nuts though. ;)


3) Player community. I started TOR because a couple buddies finally talked me into it, and I really enjoy playing with our small group. I've also had some fun chats in general with randoms, just goofing around and shooting the poo. The one thing I have yet to experience though, is a friendly community. In general, even people I run by while questing seem lost in their own world. Only occasionally do I get a /wave or /greet in response to my own. I think that is how communities grow, emotes are exchanged, parties are formed, quests are shared, poo is shot, and guilds are grown. Yeah, I'm definitely nuts...

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I agree, I dont understand where all of this complaining is coming from. Game has some bugs that need addressing, but its still a lot of fun, and I have enjoyed playing it quite a bit.


People expect a game with seven years of polish right out the gate. Completely unrealistic yes, but fair weather customers are always going to be fickle.


WoW was nowhere near this good when it launched, it didn't get popular until around six months after release.

Edited by Aximand
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People expect a game with seven years of polish right out the gate. Completely unrealistic yes, but fair weather customers are always going to be fickle.


WoW was nowhere near this good when it launched, it didn't get popular until around six months after release.


I played wow from launch and im sorry to say that it was terrible. No im not a swtor fan boy i used to really like playing wow but im not gona lie it was bad. There were DAYS when the servers were down. People were so mad it crashed the forums and clowns here have the audacity to cite wow as some incredible mmo. What a joke.

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I played wow from launch and im sorry to say that it was terrible. No im not a swtor fan boy i used to really like playing wow but im not gona lie it was bad. There were DAYS when the servers were down. People were so mad it crashed the forums and clowns here have the audacity to cite wow as some incredible mmo. What a joke.


The problem is the people that got into the game when BC, Wrath or Cata came out. They have absolutely no idea what a **** hole that game was for a very large part of Vanilla. It was a long, long time before Blizzard got their **** together and that game started running smoothly.


TOR is like a Lamborghini next to a Pinto as far as launch months go.


In fact, I'd go as far to say that judging by WoW's launch, the only reason it didn't sink was because of the over all abysmal state of the MMO market at the time. That's the only reason Blizzard lasted long enough to get their legs back under them and running.

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#1 Skill lag regardless of low latency is my major problem, makes doing anything impossible to enjoy.


#2 Lack of Customization between armor sets, tired of looking like everyone else.




This is killing my gaming experience. I'll be havin a blast listenin to my quests and seeing what I need to do, and then bam... combat time.

I can't start up the game right now. I just can't make myself play through that, it bothers me that much.

As soon as that gets fixed up, I'll be back.

Really no other complaints.

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