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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Damage output in PvP is simply too high right now.


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Sounds like bad luck man, but it happens. Adrenals/relics might have been the reason for the damage output, which is a whole other arguement pasted all over the PvP forums. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes the other team gets lucky, thats what I've come to love about PvP. Hopefully next time you get a solo kill against a pesky assassin trying to take you out.
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umm, no. i like the high damage output. I want a fast-paced game where its actually possible to kill people 1v1, maybe 1v2 if you outplay them a lot.



in WoW it takes like 10 minutes just to kill someone 1v1, its a joke.


LOL wut? Man, talk about someone making up bull crap. If it took you 10 minutes to kill someone, stop using your auto attack. The longest, and I mean longest, it ever took me to kill someone in Wow was 20 seconds and that was because they got a stun and couple of heals off in the process of me slaughtering them.

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Spoken like a true Baddy McBadderson. You'll never 2v1 people in the current system if they understand how to use a PvE rotation during a stun. The amount of damage going around right now largely removes individual player skill from the equation - when you take so much damage in such a short amount of time, it's hard to tell if someone is a horrible player or one of the best in the game. About the only way I can tell is when a Merc just stands there with his/her thumb up their backside after I interrupt a Skill Missile, or when people start keyboard turning after I trinket a stun and LOS them. But even though they're bad, they're still incredibly dangerous, and that needs to change.



This was level 50 so everyone has all their skills available. I was trying to keep a teammate (random person, not a friend - Jedi Sentinel iirc) alive vs the damage he was taking, so yes, I was "just standing there" casting Underworld Medicine - it was either that or let him die. But then the Juggernaut showed up and in 1.83 seconds I lost nearly half my HP - to one single player. That's broken. I don't care what 30 second cooldowns he may or may not have used, no class should be doing that much damage in that amount of time with any sort of regularity whatsoever. This is not a first person shooter.


The irony here. You lack the reflexes or the speed of thought to analyze and decide so you can survive while getting your job done, and you think you know what skill is? Games where the TTK is lower separate the skilled from the unskilled by a much larger degree.

Edited by mujrim
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Damage is fine with a few exceptions (Thank goodness for the OPS nerf). The problem that takes it over the top is expertise. This can give you 10-15% more damage on top of what you already do in pvp and it is hitting absurd numbers.


In all honesty BW sold this game on slower, more thoughtful pvp. They said you would not be able to kill people in seconds. They said that pvp would take a little longer and be more strategic. It has changed to wow style pvp really fast. I prefer a little slower pvp where you cant die in 3 seconds.


Get rid of expertise and damage will be fine.

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Wow. If you guys think SWTOR has high damage output you would probably have a stroke playing high-end WOW arena.


Damage output is fine. It takes a long time to kill someone who is equally geared, especially if both sides are playing properly.

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Damage is fine with a few exceptions (Thank goodness for the OPS nerf). The problem that takes it over the top is expertise. This can give you 10-15% more damage on top of what you already do in pvp and it is hitting absurd numbers.


In all honesty BW sold this game on slower, more thoughtful pvp. They said you would not be able to kill people in seconds. They said that pvp would take a little longer and be more strategic. It has changed to wow style pvp really fast. I prefer a little slower pvp where you cant die in 3 seconds.


Get rid of expertise and damage will be fine.


Getting rid of expertise isn't the solution because people with 500 expertise are dying in seconds from one or two opponents.

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Personal opinion, I like the pace of combat. But if I'm trying to take someone down as melee and their friends are on the way, I usually fail. Especially if one of those friends is a healer. But what did you expect would happen when your 1 on 1 became you against three?
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Lol, the OP must've never played STO about two months after release. The DPS ships were killing cruisers (aka tanks) in literally 3 seconds. The running challenge on the pvp forums was to kill someone before they even clicked a button.


Obviously, i quit. That's not pvp, and certainly not skill.

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LOL wut? Man, talk about someone making up bull crap. If it took you 10 minutes to kill someone, stop using your auto attack. The longest, and I mean longest, it ever took me to kill someone in Wow was 20 seconds and that was because they got a stun and couple of heals off in the process of me slaughtering them.



Hahaha.....20 seconds was the longest hahaha... You clearly never played competitive arena!! Hahaha.....you really make me laugh !!!!

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Wow. If you guys think SWTOR has high damage output you would probably have a stroke playing high-end WOW arena.


Damage output is fine. It takes a long time to kill someone who is equally geared, especially if both sides are playing properly.


3k Arenas were pretty slow actually... since resilience was purely a defensive stat. It would take 10s+ of focus fire to drop someone with your whole team of 3. 3 People focusing someone in this game could literally insta-gib someone.


Getting down timing in WoW arenas was essential and it's basically what gave rise to the CC chains that pretty much any team of 3 had to pull off just to get a kill against a competent team. There were times when I was healing where I screwed up with LoS and got hit with an interrupt, then got chain CC'd for 20s and my team was able to break off for long enough for me to get out of the CC and heal them back. That **** doesn't happen here.

Edited by DrekorSilverfang
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3k Arenas were pretty slow actually... since resilience was purely a defensive stat. It would take 10s+ of focus fire to drop someone with your whole team of 3. 3 People focusing someone in this game could literally insta-gib someone.


Getting down timing in WoW arenas was essential and it's basically what gave rise to the CC chains that pretty much any team of 3 had to pull off just to get a kill against a competent team. There were times when I was healing where I screwed up with LoS and got hit with an interrupt, then got chain CC'd for 20s and my team was able to break off for long enough for me to get out of the CC and heal them back. That **** doesn't happen here.


because you cant break out of CC before dying in SWTOR lol CC bar is a joke.It takes alot longer to kill a decent player in WoW and Arena is about CC chain, burst and making the healer fall behind.

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It doesn't make a damn bit of difference how other games played out. People are posting their opinions and experiences about this game and the direction its taking.


Also, saying removing expertise is a bad idea because someone with 500exp dies in 2 or 3 seconds doesn't make any sense.


If they have that much expertise and really do die that fast, they're dying to someone else loaded up with expertise. Its a problem.


Stopping the level but continuing the stat-gear treadmill, creates the same problem every single pvp mmo has fallen victim to. If you got there first, its fine, working as intended. If you got there late, endgame pvp sucks.

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The irony here. You lack the reflexes or the speed of thought to analyze and decide so you can survive while getting your job done, and you think you know what skill is? Games where the TTK is lower separate the skilled from the unskilled by a much larger degree.

Trite nonsense. Reflexes are mostly irrelevant when there's that much damage coming that quickly. What other decision making would I have been able to do? Use a GCD to Dirty Kick him so that he can trinket out like nothing happened? That time wasting would have meant my teammate's death and put me in a 1v2 situation with half hp. Maybe I should have waved my magic wand to cause an Upper Hand proc from the HOT, so I could have gotten off an Emergency Medpac on my teammate and left him in the 1v2 with low hp. Or I could have used a GCD on Blaster Whip to force an Upper Hand -> EMP, which would have been enough GCDs that one of us is low hp in a 1v2.


Wow. If you guys think SWTOR has high damage output you would probably have a stroke playing high-end WOW arena.


Damage output is fine. It takes a long time to kill someone who is equally geared, especially if both sides are playing properly.

I quit WoW in December 2009, but I played high-end arena during/before that time. There were some fairly large swings in WoW's PvP balance, but yes, I remember times when I could go Frost on my DK and with a little RNG luck, essentially 3-4 shot someone in decent gear. That doesn't make for skill-based PvP, and damage output in TOR needs to come down a bit for more than just LOLBURST spec'd Operatives and Scoundrels. That might also necessitate some changes to Guard and Heals, if so - fine by me.


Lol, the OP must've never played STO about two months after release. The DPS ships were killing cruisers (aka tanks) in literally 3 seconds. The running challenge on the pvp forums was to kill someone before they even clicked a button.


Obviously, i quit. That's not pvp, and certainly not skill.

Actually, I did play STO at release. And yes, I argued against the silly amount of burst damage in that game, too. From what I could tell it was largely due to Rapid Fire cannons; my lowbie Klingon alt pretty much felt godlike in comparison to my max level Science Officer/Vessel.

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It's really only an issue with Focus target and low cast speed healing. Other than that, it's pretty reasonable to keep a team alive. One of the key things is making sure your team is CCing people as well as you. If the WHOLE team is focusing attacks and high DPS, yes they can run you over. That floating BH, DFAing or lobbing missles - yes CC him, get on him etc.


I don't entirely disagree though. I can say that a 10% across the board reduction would probably make things a bit more interesting. The problem is the WZs don't support that. Look at Voidstar and imagine every dying SLOWER. You'd never get into the base.

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Personal opinion, I like the pace of combat. But if I'm trying to take someone down as melee and their friends are on the way, I usually fail. Especially if one of those friends is a healer. But what did you expect would happen when your 1 on 1 became you against three?


This, I never understand why people think tanks and healers should remain invincible against the entire other team. Burst damage as it is now is the only thing keeping a tank and a healer, or even a healer healing himself from being an impossible match up. When its you versus 2 or more why do you think you should have the upper hand? Under what conditions then do you think you should lose in Pvp? Its rediculous to me that people think they should just keep trucking along with an army on them and that's balanced.

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This game was created with quick TTK in place.


NOT having huge healing stalemates is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. Yes, healers are less effective. Yes, that is an overall beneficial effect on PvP.


Honestly. You really want to fight with folks who will barely ever drop below 50%, while you're getting heals that keep you from being killed?


Kills SHOULD happen. Heals should NOT just keep people up with healspam. The system, right now, is working really nicely; I can heal and I do sometimes, but the main deal is knocking important folks out of the fight, which is my focus.


Getting healed through damage feels good until everyone is getting healed through damage. The 30% heal debuff in PvP is a GREAT idea; there were WAY too many fights in WAR where all involved parties were just invincible.


It's better gameplay IMO to setup a kill with well timed CC's, hardswaps, peels etc. If anything having healers with more throughput in PVP allows for more skillful play, but I understand. It's simply more fun to pull out your junk, slap it across the keyboard and blow someone up.

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