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BW isn't getting the praise they deserve.


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2nd post destroys the OP. All that wall of text for nothing, huh OP?


You don't copy a games design like WoW in every single way and then HALF *** all those features. If you are going to steal other peoples ideas, at least do them right.


Every single feature in this game is half finished hype stuff meant to just sell as many boxes as possible and hold up the charade long enough to have a successful cash grab. Why do you think they are touting those sales numbers so much? Because they are happy. They got what they wanted, and now it would be in their best interest to let the game just die.


NOTHING significant has been added to the game since the end of Beta. Thats almost 3 months. Not a good sign. I think we can all see how Bioware is going to handle this game...


Aaaand the Prize For The Most Pointless,Opinionated and Flawed Post of the Year goes to...... some noob with a silly handle! Congratulations!!


PS Beta ended not 2 weeks before Early Start, how's that 3 months?? Are you completely ignorant of math as well?

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very true.


Bioware sucessfully married storytelling with MMO's and all they got to show for it was a wave of haters. Beeing an MMO developer isnt as easy as making a triple A game, but the ones still playing are proof of what was achieved in this game.


Does it have some rough spots? Yes. But it also moved MMO's forward evolving the classic formula and giving it something that it never had before. Its already the most advanced MMO in the market, those who cant see this are too stuck in thinking WoW is perfect. Something that is very far from the truth.


Keep it up Bioware. Dont cave in to WoW fanboys (most of them left by now thankfully) with things like cross-realm LFG, addons, meters and macros. This game does not need to copy WoW, it needs to evolve from WoW, and there are better solutions to the problems those features tried to solve, and we comunity will do aid you in finding the best way to make this game so much more than what the competition offers.

Edited by Nemmar
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Aaaand the Prize For The Most Pointless,Opinionated and Flawed Post of the Year goes to...... some noob with a silly handle! Congratulations!!


PS Beta ended not 2 weeks before Early Start, how's that 3 months?? Are you completely ignorant of math as well?


Software Beta was done well before those stress tests started. Those stress tests were for HYPE. You might want to look into the subject matter.


Glad i made you think though. Mindless fanboi drones are going to bury this game if they dont get out of the way.

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very true.


Bioware sucessfully married storytelling with MMO's and all they got to show for it was a wave of haters. Beeing an MMO developer isnt as easy as making a triple A game, but the ones still playing are proof of what was achieved in this game.


Does it have some rough spots? Yes. But it also moved MMO's forward evolving the classic formula and giving it something that it never had before. Its already the most advanced MMO in the market, those who cant see this are too stuck in thinking WoW is perfect. Something that is very far from the truth.


Keep it up Bioware. Dont cave in to WoW fanboys (most of them left by now thankfully) with things like cross-realm LFG, addons, meters and macros. This game does not need to copy WoW, it needs to evolve from WoW, and there are better solutions to the problems those features tried to solve, and we comunity will do aid you in finding the best way to make this game so much more than what the competition offers.


Game doesn't need to copy WoW? Have you PLAYED this game? Its WoW in space without any quality of life improvements of the last 5 years.


Lack of crossrealm LFG, addons, meters and macros have nothing to do with the reason for this game tanking. The fact that it tried so hard to be WoW in space and fell so short is why it is tanking.


Pointless to try to outline to you what has been meticulously broken down for you fanbois over and over and over and over and over.

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Software Beta was done well before those stress tests started. Those stress tests were for HYPE. You might want to look into the subject matter.


Glad i made you think though. Mindless fanboi drones are going to bury this game if they dont get out of the way.


Uuuuuuuuh some wow fanboi is very hurt

Please, don't cry over mommy's laptop, ye gonna short circuit it

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Game doesn't need to copy WoW? Have you PLAYED this game? Its WoW in space without any quality of life improvements of the last 5 years.


Lack of crossrealm LFG, addons, meters and macros have nothing to do with the reason for this game tanking. The fact that it tried so hard to be WoW in space and fell so short is why it is tanking.


Pointless to try to outline to you what has been meticulously broken down for you fanbois over and over and over and over and over.


No, it's not. it's a BW game with MMO elelments.


Also, what you call QoL improvements are universally are a bunch of stuff only "hardcore" use, because without them anyone can kick their ***. So we don't need them. We don't want them.



now go play something more on your level, dunno CoD with some speedhack, and leave adults enjoy the best MMO on the market without having to read your hate posts






that made you very angry,didn't it? I could hear the scream from here

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It's clear to me that this game was rushed to release before it was ready.


The game engine is terrible. I like the game itself, I like the ideas and I think the potential is there. But is wasn't ready. The fact that a huge number of people are having horrible performance issues IS because of amatuerish coding/optimisation.


I blame EA.

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The OP is absolutley right, it´s time to thank Bioware for some things:


  • Thanks Bioware for the spacebar to skip the 25th NPC´s worthless storytelling video telling you to kill x amount of type y NPC´s or to collect z amount of c items.
  • Thanks Bioware for unbalanced factionwise server populations.
  • Thanks Bioware for a maximum of 4 (four) quickbars, even MMORPG´s 10 years ago had 10 to provide people the chance to have certain pvp, pve bars
  • Thanks Bioware for not beeing able to move UI elements
  • Thanks Bioware for not beeing able to have usefull hybridspecs
  • Thanks Bioware for beeing unable to have at least 2 different specs without going to pay each time you respec your skills
  • Thanks Bioware for beeing not even able to balance mirror classes (e.g.: sorc/sage)
  • Thanks Bioware for NPC where you can buy the stuff crafters are supposed to provide
  • Thanks Bioware to constrain PvP´ers and Raid´ers to have Biochem on 400 for endless stims and stuff
  • Thanks Bioware for beeing punished to be a healer in PvP getting less medals then DPSers when you acually do your job
  • Thanks Bioware for an open PvP System without PvP, can we have it renamed in Player vs Crate respawntime?
  • Thanks Bioware for battlegrounds allowing afk´ers to leech points killing the fun for their team
  • Thanks Bioware for a Market where you can´t even search for items per name before entering itemtypes (wondering how the EVE online market would look like with such a piece of **** auction house)
  • Thanks Bioware for leaving the gametests to Indian and Argentinian people who seem to be very qualified to say what is supreme for a MMORPG for the US/EU market (Ha Ha)
  • Thanks Bioware to show us in an incredible way how to copy only the worse things of other MMORPG´s without even thinking about what you´re doing.


Oh and I finally and honestly I want to thank Bioware for the experience that you still can get disappointed when you expect absolutley nothing from a MMORPG

Edited by Ruskoff
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This game actually exceeded my expectations but I wasn't expecting much.


The previews made the game look lame and boring but I tried it two weeks ago and have been loving it ever since. After the steaming pile of crap that was Dragon Age 2 I really wasn't expecting much from BioWare but I've been very pleasantly surprised.


WOW has 12 years of development behind it and 4 expansions, and over a dozen content patches. And it only went downhill after Wrath of the Lich King. The WoW of 2012 is not a standard that I think BioWare needs to aspire to.

Edited by PurpleMagick
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You also cannot compare the modern day WOW to TOR because of the fact that Warcraft has had over 8 years of development time to fix bugs and add new content. Give TOR 8 years to develop and then compare it to WoW in its current form.


I am so tired of this argument.


a) I will not give TOR this time, I'm paying right now

b) Most others will not give TOR this time too.

c) TOR has what...6 years of development?

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No, it's not. it's a BW game with MMO elelments.


Also, what you call QoL improvements are universally are a bunch of stuff only "hardcore" use, because without them anyone can kick their ***. So we don't need them. We don't want them.



now go play something more on your level, dunno CoD with some speedhack, and leave adults enjoy the best MMO on the market without having to read your hate posts






that made you very angry,didn't it? I could hear the scream from here


Why are you melting down?


Why is it a personal insult to you that apprently 'the best MMO on the market' is a blatent Warcraft clone with a crappy engine? Trion did more with Rift with less money than Bioware did with their massive budget.


That is just so many levels of fail its hilarious.

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This game actually exceeded my expectations but I wasn't expecting much.


The previews made the game look lame and boring but I tried it two weeks ago and have been loving it ever since. After the steaming pile of crap that was Dragon Age 2 I really wasn't expecting much from BioWare but I've been very pleasantly surprised.


WOW has 12 years of development behind it and 4 expansions, and over a dozen content patches. And it only went downhill after Wrath of the Lich King. The WoW of 2012 is not a standard that I think BioWare needs to aspire to.


Unfortunately for Bioware, the DID...and thats why this game is failing.

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This game is fun and innovative. Many new ideas along with many standard issue ones.Plain and simple truth is that for me its the funnest MMO I have played in years. Blizzard zombies have all been brainwashed into being incapable of playing any other thing, any other way than what they have been hypnotized by. I suspect they dont even fully understand why they are so passionate and hateful towards any other game or community. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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I expected a highly unoptimized engine with lack-luster visuals because it's a BioWare game. I expected the combat to feel "off" because it's a BioWare game. What I didn't expect was how light on the content and depth the game is because it's a BioWare game. Usually a MMO "starts" at 50. But that isn't the case here, in fact the game "ends" at 50 basically. Unfortunately far too much focus was put on the story, and the rest of the game suffered, like the other content (PVP, PVE, crafting, etc). Sure you can say give them a few years and it'll be great, but that's not how things work anymore. There's a critical window now for even MMOs where you have around 6 months to get a game going, or you lost the lion's share of mindshare from gamers. There is a LOT of competition out there now, and things are only going to be tougher for BW in the next year with MMO's launching that look to change the formula of MMOs and breathe new life into the stale genre.


As far as the "WoW had this in 2005". That's irrelevant, as this is 2012, and devs should know what they should have by now to make people happy. If you want, you can compare it to say an expansion launch like say Cata and what it had. Sure, you dismiss all of the old raids, but you can't dismiss things like the number of BG maps it had from first implemented to now, or it's crafting.


This game is fun for now. It's an OK game, but it was hyped to be "great", which it fell way short of. The biggest issues here are:

- engine

- visuals

- gameplay latency

- most professions are useless at 50, or actually well before then even.

- PVP was a total afterthought. 3 WZ maps? Really? In 2012 that's it?????


These are all critical issues that need to be addressed before the competition releases and steals away the masses. I will be one of their losses.

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Bioware must be delighted that Blizzard keeps putting back the release of Diablo 3. They might maintain a fair amount of subscription due to that. But even though Diablo 3 isnt an MMO, it will blow this amatuer effort out of the water.


1,000,000 bugs + 1,000,000 loading screens = poor effort // bioware = amatuer

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lolwut? They are only winning awards and getting high ratings from top video game critics. Go google something and research first?


^this. People are too soon to forget this is the largest MMO launch in history. It will be good, and much better after the panda bears go back home.

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I'm just going to go ahead and leave the forums. Too many trolls to ignore so I'll just leave them all to troll each other.


Plus every time I threaten one of them I get a warning.


Then you shouldn't threaten.


I'm sorry , but if you can't back up your beliefs with a coherent argument then you are no better than the trolls.

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This game doesn't really deserve praise.


Crafting: Everything but Biochem is useless. 400 Armor? Yeah... nothing.


HM FP's: Basically just a DPS check due to enrage timers. Enrage timers are such a lame thing to add it. Should make the encounters different instead of doing DPS checks. And *********** hate having to spam spacebar throughout missions...


Gear: It's such a crap shoot in every facet of getting gear. Bags have like a 12% chance to give you PVP gear. HMs will usually drop gear for the one class that isn't there and then you'll get the same thing every time for someone who's had it for 5 runs already.


Story: Individual stories are somewhat unique but once you start doing other quest, they are ALL... the SAME. There is no diversity. You follow the same path EVERY TIME.


Gameplay: Nothing new nothing really bad. Most classes hit 3 buttons so no real diversity.


Just overall MEH game.

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This game doesn't really deserve praise.


Crafting: Everything but Biochem is useless. 400 Armor? Yeah... nothing.


HM FP's: Basically just a DPS check due to enrage timers. Enrage timers are such a lame thing to add it. Should make the encounters different instead of doing DPS checks. And *********** hate having to spam spacebar throughout missions...


Gear: It's such a crap shoot in every facet of getting gear. Bags have like a 12% chance to give you PVP gear. HMs will usually drop gear for the one class that isn't there and then you'll get the same thing every time for someone who's had it for 5 runs already.


Story: Individual stories are somewhat unique but once you start doing other quest, they are ALL... the SAME. There is no diversity. You follow the same path EVERY TIME.


Gameplay: Nothing new nothing really bad. Most classes hit 3 buttons so no real diversity.


Just overall MEH game.


Excellent point on the classes. So far only sentinel and gunslinger do anything but mash 3 buttons. Commando DPS = 1 1 2 1 3, rinse and repeat....forever.


The heal classes are, not only exactly mirrored to their WoW counterparts(with less spells/things to do), but they are also SOOOOO BLAND. Sage = Priest, commando = shaman, scoundrel = druid. Its laughable how similar they are. Healing in this game is mind-numbingly boring.

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