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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can't wait for the new UI announced


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Until they let me add more bars and stack them how I please, the UI will be subpar.


I could see them allowing movement of the side bars down to the bottom. Personally I would love a third bar but I have made due with the bars on the side.

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This is what I would like to see change on the UI:


-Companions added to raid frames, or separate companion bar.


-Target of target.


-More quickbars - moveable & resizeable



Those are the biggest changes I'd like to see, from a healer perspective. I think the more flexible they make it, the better.


Introducing mods at some point would be great to see as well. Yes, I'm spoiled from Wow, and I can live without the mods, but some quality of life improvements they bring would be a nice addition, such as Power Auras & Grid capabilities (showing curses for dispel on raid frames).

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It's a start and very welcome. But please allow me to break up the silly dashboard into component pieces, each of which is sizeable and moveable. In addition remove hardcoding for the Create Ticket key and right mouse button. Everything should be mappable. Also allow me to arrange the quickslot toolbars as I want, i.e. if I want 4 at the bottom and none at the sides I should be able to do that.
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I am definitely crossing my fingers for individual scaling and an option to change the color of the UI. That blue color really bothers me. Hopefully we'll also be able to move those stupid vertical quickslots on the sides to the bottom where they belong. :p Edited by belialle
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Me too! Definitely looking forward to moving UI around - especially the location of the chat tab. :)


That is one of the few things you can move right now. Forget where you click on the thing to drag it around though. I have to move it once and a while to get to the top left quickbar slot.


Thinking it was the tabs or something you click and drag...I dunno, just click drag spaz it. It wasn't as backwards as moving splitting items in your bag so you will figure it out.


Also ditto on the Rift level of customization. It wasn't perfect but it was good enough I didn't feel like I needed UI mods. The first time I clicked on the UI Customization button my mind was blown in that game.

Edited by pipda
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As well as the look of the UI, I hope they change how windows open and close in groups - e.g. if I close the cargo hold, please don't close the inventory as well!


Also, by scaling down the UI I hope I can have more windows, not just smaller ones. At the moment, it is impossible to have the GTN window and the crew skill window open at the same time, which can make buying schematics a nuisance if I haven't memorised all the ones I already have.

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