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Supposed "Skill Based" 1-49 Bracket


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I see multiple problems with this setup.


Its to do with expertise gearing, but realistically if a lvl 10 - 49 complains about a 50 in champion gear, it really means he/she lacked PvP understanding. Its a slight advantage, but not a full advantage, and yes it means it'll take more ppl to kill them, but the reality of the case is that I have yet to see during the 10-50:


- Where it was 8 50's vs 8 10'-30's. I never seen it, there is usually 1 or 2 50's on the latter side but this issue here is the fact it isnt balanced and there should have been an algorithm to even out the classes level.


- Where @ levels 10-49 you cannot be able to 'properly' prepare to the 50's in at least starting Blue PVP gear, they removed it, what the hell, that PvP gear helped me kick *** against the champ/bm geared players, and in turn I have now a few pieces of champ gear (despite being a BM).


- Where the newly minted 50's are going to find it an unhospitable PvP situation than the 10-49 because Bioware shielded these ppl from the PvP in the 50's. This should have not happened, if they dont know what 50 in champ gear is like they will never ever learn and will claim to be able to be Pro PvP in a non bracket game. Nobody really cares outside of SWTOR that you can PvP especially if its not level 50.


- Gear != skill this is true, but skill != 10 beating 40-49, the 40's have all the advantages in full usage of skill AND gear (they dont get bolstered).


People that think that the champ gear lvl 50 are indestructable are the ones that lack:


- Understand of PvP mechanics (especially the resolve, focus fire, counters and gearing).


- Lack of DPS rotation (its different from 10,20,30, and 40, you need to test and work out the best DPS rotation for you at those level).


Where to go from here:


There are a few choices but I think SWTOR has made about 20 wrong steps here and I fail to see what they will do to correct this.


In the Server I am in Karth, ppl are bored, and when we do 50 warzone it goes quick. Most of the time its huttball, I cant complain too much about it but it feels that the 50's are being punished, and for what getting to 50, I mean I didnt try really hard to rush and anything I just enjoyed alot of PvP and the PvE and I'm being punished for enjoy the game too much that I need to like unsubscribe?!?!?!? :confused:


I don't mind rolling an alt, but I should do that when I feel I accomplished much with my main, but I have yet to do alot of things with my main still and things to accomplish but to take a majority of my fun isnt the way to go, unless you allow transfers, or give me something fun to do that is similar to PvP (not farming).

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Because this game is supposed to emulate war, not sports.


You don't throw away your most powerful weapons because your opponents don't have them or because it's "unfair." If you decide to wage full scale war, you throw everything you have at them. I mean hell, the only reason nuclear weapons haven't been used in war since WW2 is because of how bad they are for the environment and for innocents. If you could single out the enemy to be nuked with no collateral damage, I guarantee you they would be used.


That's how I envision war zones. Everyone that queued up is an enemy combatant, they are all choosing to oppose you. Launch the nukes, hold nothing back. If they can't nuke you back, too bad for them.


I understand you disagree with me, I think many people do. And that is also ok. :)




Emulate war? That's ********.


If it was suppose to emulate war I could permanently kill you, take all your gear and completely destroy your cities and not have things magically respawn. Can I do that? Nope. We just have friendly games of trying to get the ball past the goal. Sounds more like sports.

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Emulate war? That's ********.


If it was suppose to emulate war I could permanently kill you, take all your gear and completely destroy your cities and not have things magically respawn. Can I do that? Nope. We just have friendly games of trying to get the ball past the goal. Sounds more like sports.


Not to mention, **** the horses and steal the women!

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to all those saying 49ers dont have a big advantage to the rest of them, I wish i d taken some screenshots :-/ one game I had 440k damage, 13 medals, 160k healing, 43 killing blows in a huttball game. i think the 2nd best had 120k damage, so much for that. Edited by DuhCiq
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to all those saying 49ers dont have a big advantage to the rest of them, I wish i d taken some screenshots :-/ one game I had 440k damage, 13 medals, 160k healing, 43 killing blows in a huttball game. i think the 2nd best had 120k damage, so much for that.


I can do approximately 80% of that on my lvl 22 Commando, under the right conditions. Having a 20% difference at 27 levels away is not bad, actually.

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It has everything to do with gear. That's why people are complaining about expertise. When other people get to level 50, they will face level 50s. Until then, they'll be playing on equal ground while you get owned by people your own level.


i'm glad you can't read... i said i'm happy to be killing lvl 50's as a lvl 50 because its a challenge and thats why i pvp. You QQrs who simply imply that all people want to do is farm lowbies for gear and thats not the case. you ***** moan whine and complain that you get rolled over by 50 premades when you can do the exact same thing they do but choose not to and thats your fault not the people who are 50 already

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Well, the 50 only queues are definitely a good thing. Only beef i have with the system so far is that i dont have decent queue times when i play during odd hours anymore. And that i cant join my premade with an alt like i used to.


Fun thing is that i didnt actually noticed that i was playing in 50 only bracket until someone pointed it out a couple of games later. Even though you dont fight against lowbies, most of the population still doesnt have decent gear and/or doesnt know how to play their class.


And for the people whining about bms hiding behind their gear - check the stats, there's no real difference between champ and bm. Unless of course you consider +4 damage difference between mainhands what makes a guy OP.

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General consensus is that expertise makes a difference in pvp. "Skill" if you call skill mashing a few keys at different intervals skill, plays an important role also. What i think what separates a Battlemaster from a new 50 getting into pvp is not only gear...BUT HOPEFULLY the knowledge of the Battlemaster's class and the other classes.


I.E. if you made it that high in Valor you should know what causes resolve and what doesn't...why you trinket a scoundrel/Operatives initial knockdown and all the little nuances of the other classes and how to counter them.


Side note: It's apparent some 50s hide behind their gear now that our server is 50vs50 republic tends to win a lot more than when it was server vs server and the Empire had maybe 4-5 50s before we did.

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To the OP: could you cry a little more, or would you like some cheese with your whine? Pathetic, that's all this post is. While I'm sure you miss your easy kills in your expertise gear, we are certainly enjoying the opportunity to truly learn how to play before we get expertise gear. Go sniffle in the corner while the adults are talking please.
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10-39 and 40-49 would be better. It's that top-tier talent point that (usually) creates such a huge advantage to the higher-leveled folks.


Also, 50s getting their own bracket is far superior to how it was. Period. Games are a lot more competitive and fun. If you don't like the wait, roll Republic and you get a 5 second to 2 minute queue.


Cough, same thing happened in wow, even with cross-server battlegrounds. The higher population is doomed to twiddle their thumbs in queue. The only way to fix it is by balancing the population. That's in the hands of the players, not Bioware. Don't cry to them.

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I can't discuss their future plans for PvP gear as I really don't know. I'm going to guess it will be something like WoW's system where the old gear becomes more readily available and the new gear is hard to get again. The gap can be decently large, true, I agree. It certainly isn't insurmountable though, nor is it not something that can be overcome with good playing and hard work.


I'm a huge fan of hard work. I think you should want to get better constantly and strive for new heights because you see how much stronger someone is than you. I'm not at the top, btw, either, I'm not a battlemaster. I do enjoy the game still even though I get beat down by the BMs. I keep trying to do better every WZ I enter and every time I go to Ilum.


I just wish more people shared those thoughts instead of saying things like "remove the PvP gear" or "make me a new bracket" or "create valor brackets." You should be trying to improve your playing and not just your handicap.


I 100% agree with you on the "hard work" to get better, the gear grinds, teaming up with friends to pvp with, trial and error of different specs, strats, etc and doing whats needed to over come challenges is everything I play an MMO for.


BUT it belongs in end game not at level 10-49. 10-49 is for learning, capturing the feel for your class, learning the in's and out's of the game itself and most of all having fun. A level 50 especially a geared one has no business competing with players in the sub 49 because well its not a challenge what so ever and it provides them with no benefits, they are not learning anything, they are not improving in anyway, they are just getting free wins and gear for little to no effort which in my opinion makes the gear feel very welfarish. Now that the 50 bracket is in many of these "skilled" players are getting stomped in the ground and you are starting to see who the actual skilled players are and those are the ones that will improve your game play significantly and provide the challenges needed to improve and progress further, NOT levels 10-49.

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What other successful MMO is there that has absolutely no sort of bracket? There is no sense in not breaking it up.


There is a HUGE gap between a 49 and a geared 50 battlemaster. Substantial. They are "in a league of their own" so why not put them in a league of their own? It was going to happen eventually, and it was a part of BWs original plan for PVP.


The bolster does enough for you that a skilled lvl 20 can kill a 49 1v1, but most likely not a 50 geared battlemaster. The 1-49 bracket makes sense, and it seems absolutely pointless to complain about it, except for the long queue times. But....


Your frustration will be VERY short-lived. A lot more people will start hitting 50 very soon and queues will diminish. It's just logic. The 50 bracket is two days old. In a few weeks any reason you ever had for complaining about this will be COMPLETELY nonexistent.


Exercising a little patience and logic, makes this whole thread entirely pointless


EDIT: and they have already said that they plan on making more brackets in the very near future, 50 was just the absolutely vital one, because of the stupid massive gap between them and everyone else

Edited by Bajak
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love the 50 tears. what's wrong? can't win against other 50's? can't hide behind your gear?


I sooo agree with that. With us 50's in our own bracket we get to play against other 50's that thought they were good. Fun times, prepare for buff my class plox threads soon. Coupled with the buff stackers/consumable stackers who thought 2 shotting people was skill being nerf'd its going to be a good time. I predict more QQ then ever before.


-Can you level to 50?

Twice, 50 Scoundrel and 50 Commando


-Can you gear yourself up?

both Full Champion


-Can you use consumables?

I prefer to PvP without crutches thx


-Can you make a "premade" group with friends?

Yep coordinate very well with them.


-Can you work on being a better player skill-wise?

I'm playing other classes to understand their mechanics to become a better player. Understanding is a 3 edge sword.

Edited by Kyrandis
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That's because your post has no point. It's just you crying that you either a) can't beat up on lowbies anymore; or b) that you are getting rolled by 50's more geared or better than you.


Either way, it's pointless crying.






That's your own fault for rolling what you knew was the more populated faction in what you knew was a game with no cross-server pvp.


This post is so far off. My biggest complaint is that I can't play with my lowbie friends that would faceroll 50s with no problems. I am fine on getting my dallies done, but I would like to still play with my friends.


I see no difference in my win/loss percentage, but I do see a difference in the time it takes for a queue to pop.

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love the 50 tears. what's wrong? can't win against other 50's? can't hide behind your gear?


I sooo agree with that. With us 50's in our own bracket we get to play against other 50's that thought they were good. Fun times, prepare for buff my class plox threads soon.


-Can you level to 50?

Twice, 50 Scoundrel and 50 Commando


-Can you gear yourself up?

both Full Champion


-Can you use consumables?

I prefer to PvP without crutches thx


-Can you make a "premade" group with friends?

Yep coordinate very well with them.


-Can you work on being a better player skill-wise?

I'm playing other classes to understand their mechanics to become a better player. Understanding is a 3 edge sword.


Good answer, I love subversion :D


Btw, you pinned down every QQ nerf-herder in the history of MMOs with your genious sig

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-Can you level to 50?

Yes, but I want to be able to PvP on my way there.

-Can you gear yourself up?

Not really, because I gain levels faster than I can farm epics of my own level.

-Can you use consumables?

Yes, but so can the 50s, so it's irrelevant.

-Can you make a "premade" group with friends?

Yes, but so can the 50s, so it's irrelevant.

-Can you work on being a better player skill-wise?

Yes, but not if I'm getting steamrolled by Battlemasters.

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Level 34 Guardian. Prior to having a seperate bracket, I didn't give two ***** about 50s in pvp. Republic never won, but I didn't care. I went after anyone in my path, whatever.


After the seperate bracket, I still don't give two ***** about 50s in pvp. I'll care when I get there. I have noticed, however, that republic now wins a majority of the time. Odd, the removal of the "easy mode" pvp gear farming *********s from pvp should allow republic to win so often now.


At this point, I don't care if you have battlemaster gear when I get to 50. I'll still come at you and try to tear you a new one. I'll get my gear through hardwork. I'll get it honest. I'll also have the skill to bury your worthless asses when I get my battlemaster set.


To finish. This is a worthless thread. The OP is an idiot, blowing hot air about something he/she/it can't change. Agreement or disagreement with this moron is meaningless. Let the thread and this whiney easy mode imperial rest in peace.

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