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Supposed "Skill Based" 1-49 Bracket


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Most good PvP'ers I know aren't 50 yet because they don't focus on leveling and the PvP XP is weak. I'm sure when the WZ does finally pop for you, it won't be so easy as an Imp anymore. Enjoy the wait.


1) You clearly don't know any good PvPers.


2) It takes about 5 days to hit 50 by doing your class story and questing. The storylines are great, you should take the time to enjoy them.


3) Actually on my server Republic 50's don't even bother making premades. You basically wait for a pop and curb stomp a bunch of random Republic players too lazy to take 10 minutes to find and group up with 3 other people as easily as a Lv49 curb stomps a Lv10.


4) I don't have full Champ gear or Valour Rank 60 and I get along just fine.

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That's your own fault for rolling what you knew was the more populated faction in what you knew was a game with no cross-server pvp.


I rolled a class I wanted to roll on a server I didn't have to queue for as soon as I opened my collector's edition box. I have been playing as the first character I created. How about you keep your personal attacks to yourself from now on.

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I agree with the OP in that making ONLY a 50 bracket was a serious mistake. Queue times for 50's are now ridiculous, even on my high population server. 49's will still roll the low levels in warzones, simply because they have the skills and abilities the lowbies dont. THe point of bolster was to even the playing field, and its clear that it failed. Instead of tuning bolster, they made a 50 bracket screwing over end game pvp. This only added to the further "**** you" from bioware when they made valor from ilum as crazy as it is. Paired with queue times being 20 minutes+, its understandable why ilum ended up as it did.


49s don't roll people in Warzones. The bolster system works awesome for 10-49. A 49s advantage is small to non existant

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That's all well and good, but for the people who want to learn to improve, it's going to be MUCH easier for them to learn how to play better matched up against 10-49s than it would be if they were getting one-shot by 50 Operatives and having to try to deal with that 50 Vanguard's 21k health.


If you are for people learning how to play better, you also have to give them the venue for them to learn. Getting steamrolled by geared 50's isn't going to teach them anything other than "this isn't fun, I quit."


It would motivate me to level to 50 faster and gear up so I can beat them. Guess that's just a personal thing. Everyone else cries on the forums to get their own bracket instead.


Failure should be a motivator. If you're the type that throws your hands up and quits something every time it's hard you're not gonna get far in life. Just sayin'.

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You can't honestly answer "No" to any of these questions:

1-Can you level to 50?

2-Can you gear yourself up?

3-Can you use consumables?

4-Can you make a "premade" group with friends?

5-Can you work on being a better player skill-wise?


1 No I have over 5 days play I'm lvl 35

2 No since getting in a Flash Points as DPS is impossible

3 No, do't have credits and no biochem

4 No, my friends do not PvP or are 50 already. My guild is more of a social guild.

5 No I suck at PvP always have always will.


And maybe you should tone down a bit.

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I rolled a class I wanted to roll on a server I didn't have to queue for as soon as I opened my collector's edition box. I have been playing as the first character I created. How about you keep your personal attacks to yourself from now on.


It's no personal attack. It's just letting you know the source of your tears. Play whatever faction you want, but don't go complaining when you have a queue and get all Huttball because of the choice you made.

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49s don't roll people in Warzones. The bolster system works awesome for 10-49. A 49s advantage is small to non existant


You must live in a dream world.


Go to Torhead.com and look at any class skill list. Look how many you have at level 10 and then look at how many you have at level 49. Add in 48 skill points to your trees. Check out what gear you can have at 49 and what stats you can have vs the stats on level 10 gear.


You're completely diluted if you think that's "equal," it's just a lesser degree than a 50. Still not even close to even.

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Funny. The Republic win rate on my server went from 10-20% to 80-90%. Looks like Imps aren't so tough when they don't have 3-4x as many 50s as us to carry them.


Pretty much this. Imps are crying since they can't lazily farm valor/gear so they blame 2-4 minute que times (which are relatively average waits in most games) as the root cause of PVP dying or something.


I'm sorry you can't continue beating on level 20s with 0 exp. it must be a real challenge to fight 50s.

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Failure should be a motivator. If you're the type that throws your hands up and quits something every time it's hard you're not gonna get far in life. Just sayin'.


Then maybe you should take some of your own advice and not cry about why you're failing now, and instead work on getting better yourself so you don't have to come on here and post about where there aren't anymore lowbies to farm anymore.

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And another 50 sheds tears for the loss of easy win matches. Not skill? so you think someone in full expertise gear could lose to a lowbie unless afk? ha.


yep. all the bads getting weeded out. which is great. a more competitive 50 warzone bracket. my guild was crying were were laughing so hard on vent last night at how bad some of the 50's are. We almost felt bad at how bad we were stomping the Imps.

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49s don't roll people in Warzones. The bolster system works awesome for 10-49. A 49s advantage is small to non existant


Bzzzzt Wrong.


A Lv49 has:


1) Access to all of their abilities at max level. A Lv10 only has what they entered the Fleet with.


2) Access to their full spec -1 point. A Lv10 doesn't even have a spec given that it's one 1 point.


3) Better gear than your Fresh Lv10.


4) Assuming the Lv10 is new to the game, the Lv49 will have much more experience in the game and how to win the Warzones.


5) Again assuming that the Lv10 is new, the Lv49 will have had more time to make friends to form a premade group.


6) A Lv49 isn't held back by dodgy Bolster scaling that has strange effects on secondary stats.


7) The option to be a 400 Biochem and the option to use the high level Biochem stuff, and will have built up more PvP consumables

Edited by IronFirewind
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In before random posts of "QQ more," "bad 50 can't beat up on level 10's," etc.


How could you NOT be in before someone posting that? You created the freaking thread.



That's just very typical of people like you and really demonstrates how much you love unfair advantages,

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4 No, my friends do not PvP or are 50 already. My guild is more of a social guild.


This is my main complaint, I simply can't queue with my guildies who are sub 50. Frankly, I can't do jack sith anymore with my sub 50 guildies other than run them through FP to twink them out.


It's no personal attack. It's just letting you know the source of your tears. Play whatever faction you want, but don't go complaining when you have a queue and get all Huttball because of the choice you made.


I don't get huttball, before all I did was huttball against Imp. Now I get nothing. That is the source of my tears.

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1.) Grinding to level 50 takes no skill, and is - imo - dumb and not really intended. Why else would you have such a nice story?

2.) 50s bracket will fill up as soon as the 'normal' people get to 50. Make a twink, do raids, take a break, whatever. You belong to a minority by being 50 and even if not, nobody has to do it the same way as you.

3.) PvP 10-49 is a lot more balanced than fighting against 50s. Just compare the HP of an equipped 50 with that of a 30 (or any other level). Bolster-system only works as intended if there´s no ridiculous increase in equip.

4.) Your post has no points.

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1 No I have over 5 days play I'm lvl 35

2 No since getting in a Flash Points as DPS is impossible

3 No, do't have credits and no biochem

4 No, my friends do not PvP or are 50 already. My guild is more of a social guild.

5 No I suck at PvP always have always will.


And maybe you should tone down a bit.


You are physically incapable of hitting level 50? Strange, let me login to your account and see if we can get you to 50. Bet we can.


Getting into FP's is far from impossible. Do you have any other skill spec you can use? Do you have a guild? Quests give you all the gear you need while leveling.


Stop sending your guys on crew skill missions, you'll find yourself with plenty of credits. Work harder at leveling. Once you hit 50, you swim in credits. Plenty of spare money for consumables. You are quite physically capable of purchasing consumables.


You have friends that are 50 already? I guess the solution to level to 50 is even more appealing, isn't it?


If you suck at PvP, you can get better. You just have to want to and you have to work at it. Anyone can be good at PvP in this game it just might take time.


This is what I'm trying to tell people. You are not physically incapable of any of these things. You're more like a lazy person that doesn't want to stand up instead of a legless person wanting to stand up.


Not trying to be offensive (genuine apologies if it comes off that way) but these are all fixable problems.

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Bzzzzt Wrong.


A Lv49 has:


1) Access to all of their abilities at max level. A Lv10 only has what they entered the Fleet with.


2) Access to their full spec -1 point. A Lv10 doesn't even have a spec given that it's one 1 point.


3) Better gear than your Fresh Lv10.


4) Assuming the Lv10 is new to the game, the Lv49 will have much more experience in the game and how to win the Warzones.


5) Again assuming that the Lv10 is new, the Lv49 will have had more time to make friends to form a premade group.


6) A Lv49 isn't held back by dodgy Bolster scaling that has strange effects on secondary stats.


Gear doesn't really affect you much til level 50. If you're totally geared at level 49 you might have 100 endurance/damage-stat more than a fresh level 10. And has just about zero affect at lower levels. Seriously, I've PvP'd naked on an alt. It's like a reduction of 30 cunning/endurance.


A level 49 is still going to have an obvious advantage over a level 10, but considering a geared 50 does about 50% more damage than a level 49, fighting against level 49's doesn't seem so bad.


Obviously in general going into a warzone at level 10 is a bad idea, but a level 25 against a level 40 is a relatively even fight. A level 30 against a level 50 isn't even close.

Edited by savionen
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Then maybe you should take some of your own advice and not cry about why you're failing now, and instead work on getting better yourself so you don't have to come on here and post about where there aren't anymore lowbies to farm anymore.


I'm not crying at all. You keep saying this and yet there is no evidence of crying. You're making it up in your head and are convinced it's the truth.


A friend of mine is a really good psychiatrist if you want his number.

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Please, this entire thread is a joke.


As a level 50 with expertise gear, I can say that while it's quite fun to smash some level 12 for absurd amounts of damage while they're missing most of their ability toolkit to do anything about it, I'm not even going to sit here and pretend it's fair or balanced in any way.


1-49 the bolster system actually works fairly well. There's very few people sporting expertise gear since there's really no intuitive way to get it, and the disparity in availability of abilities isn't that bad.


Your points hold no water. Sorry.

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Bzzzzt Wrong.


A Lv49 has:


1) Access to all of their abilities at max level. A Lv10 only has what they entered the Fleet with.


2) Access to their full spec -1 point. A Lv10 doesn't even have a spec given that it's one 1 point.


3) Better gear than your Fresh Lv10.


4) Assuming the Lv10 is new to the game, the Lv49 will have much more experience in the game and how to win the Warzones.


5) Again assuming that the Lv10 is new, the Lv49 will have had more time to make friends to form a premade group.


6) A Lv49 isn't held back by dodgy Bolster scaling that has strange effects on secondary stats.


7) The option to be a 400 Biochem and the option to use the high level Biochem stuff, and will have built up more PvP consumables


You are being ridiculous. Have you played in the lower bracket? I have a lot, 49s do not have some sort of massive advantage.

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I'm not crying at all. You keep saying this and yet there is no evidence of crying. You're making it up in your head and are convinced it's the truth.


A friend of mine is a really good psychiatrist if you want his number.


You think he would know about the internet, if you complain about it, you're crying. Maybe not literally crying irl (but in this case, maybe) you're still crying.


So stop crying at deal with changes that work

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I cant wait till these "lowbies" queue into the 50 bracket then cry about other 50's having farmed more champion bags/rank.


Guess what? A fresh lvl 50 dies just about as quick as a lvl 10-49.



Your tears are coming, someone warn Thialand.

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