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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec - It's a must! (NOT ACs)


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I am in favor of a duel spec


I play a healer and if i wanna dps a in a flashpoint i wish i could just press a button and switch specs like WoW, eq2, rift can.


I honestly dont see what making it time consuming and or costly would do? it provides options,, one i think with way more positive aspects for the game than negative.


Think character versatility is a plus. /shrug... if its not liked and not used, will it really bug those who hate it so much just knowing its there?

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Voting no!


I don't want to be required by endgame guilds to have a healing spec to suit raid needs at certain times. Went through it because of Rift's 5+ multi specs feature, dont want the same here.

Edited by aivedoir
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It might be useful for folks that want one spec for PvP and a different one for PvE, but it won't make a difference to the number of healers or tanks there are. People don't switch roles with dual spec.

This is a straight up lie. In WoW I had 1 tank spec and 1 DPS spec. I don't like PVP but I like being able to fill multiple combat roles for dungeons, or in this case flashpoints.

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Dual spec does need to be added to this game very soon. People who object to it must not have played Rift. I also heard WoW introduced dual specs. Keep this in mind, most MMOs are built with two different game types built in...


Even EQII had dual spec'ing (via a crafted mirror in your housing).


I'm in favor for dual specs as well. Make it so! :)

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Hmm, have you tried to respec, get told it would cost X, and then cancel the request? I seem to recall someone saying that you are only told it was reset and is free after you are told a non-zero cost and accept.


I haven't respec'ed, so I don't know first-hand. But I seem to recall people saying this on the forums.


Ya, it kept saying still cost the same amount as before.....I got fed up with it, wrote the number down to yell at GMs to refund my money.....clicked accept.....bam, got the message, it's been a week! Respec timer reset to 0..........well thanks a lot! After two weeks of wondering if it will ever reset, it resets without telling you it's reset, so if you reset just barely too early thinking you are at 7 days.....screwed, sry. Hopefully it's a bug/small fix that they will fix. They know it exists since I have had messages sent to customer service supervisors about this after in game GMs don't like reading the tickets before they respond and close.

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Agree 100%!!!


I love switching from healing to DPS while doing my daily's! Plus if we needed an extra healing for 16man it would be very simple! I cannot understand why this is not even in game yet!!


BioWare get on this already and make it happen!

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I play a commando. I've often healed for low level fps with a dps spec. If the game had dual spec, I'd most likely have a healer spec for fps but I won't be spending cartloads of creds to respec every 2 days --> one less healer for the server --> increased time required to find a healer.


"HeRp DeRp just ReSpEc, durrr"

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Basic law of endgame content.....


4 man = 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps

8man = 1 tank, 2 healer, 5 dps (use offtank as a dps in tank gear i.e guardian dps)

16man = 2 tanks, 3/4 healers, 10/11 dps


So if you start off as a tank and gear up doing hardmodes thats good but its a simple math issue....


For every 2 tanks doing hardmode 4mans there will be 1 doing 8mans that meens half the tanks at endgame after 4 man content WILL have to grind dps gear and have a dps spec to go to raids or he will simply be useless. This issue i am facing atm. It costs me 100k to respec dps for raids and over 200k to repair 2 sets of gear after a raid. (We are doing NM so i think you understand why the repair)


Its simple math people, anyone who is against duel spec are not raidin or are blind and deaf to the issue we tanks and some healers face.


There is no consistancy at endgame with the no. of tanks needed and the number of tanks available. I have rolled MS dps and offtank raids nw, but i do help guildys and pugs out by tanking 4mans. Should i be punished for helping people? should my guild have to pay for my respecs?


This is a flawed game design not based off lazy ppl but based off FACT, NUMBERS, STATS whatever you call it its there and will not go away. Argue against me all you want but the figures speak for themselves.

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Not having dual spec is a slap in the face to tanks.


Anyone that does not understand why this is the case clearly has not done any operations yet.


Dual spec would allow the surplus tanks to still take part in group events rather than be on the sidelines.

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Not having dual spec is a slap in the face to tanks.


Anyone that does not understand why this is the case clearly has not done any operations yet.


Dual spec would allow the surplus tanks to still take part in group events rather than be on the sidelines.


Wait, what? Is that like saying having healer or tank spots is a slap in the face for DPS classes?

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Voting no!


I don't want to be required by endgame guilds to have a healing spec to suit raid needs at certain times. Went through it because of Rift's 5+ multi specs feature, dont want the same here.


You have the choice of finding another guild. Personally, I have never heard of people being required by their guilds to play specs they don't like, and I played wow for 7 years in a semi-hardcore pve guild.


Telling your guildmaster you don't want to play a healer/tank while you're dps, works fine. If it doesn't, then the guild is obviously a bad one as the guildmaster has no clue about working with a team. And you should leave it at once.


Please don't apply your personal horror stories to a whole system and then declare the game must not have something that is quite needed by many others, just because you don't like it or cower in fear of it. Thank you.

Edited by Chomag
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As long as it's kept inside our AC, I wouldn't mind it. But I'd suggest it comes with the following penalties:


-A very high up-front cost. Around 2 million credits sounds good to me.

-Only inside your AC, no going from Marauder to Juggernaut, etc.

-Only one other choice, nothing like quad spec or something silly.

-Can't do it on the fly or in combat.

-Long and interrupt-able cast time, say around 15 seconds.

-Long cooldown, 45 minutes to an hour.

-Complete dispel of all buffs and debuffs (including stims).

-Changing one of your specs will still require a respec cost, the same costs still apply doing it this way.

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I keep seeing these threads and it confuses me. It seems like tanks in particular (and even healers) are quite common on my server. Maybe we're an anomoly (I play on Daragon Trail) but I actually respecced tank thinking it'd be easier to get groups and then went BACK to dps because I would end up in heroic daily groups with 2 or 3 tanks.


Maybe we're just special. I dunno.


WE are not. same server here. on republic, healers are in short supply, by which i mean ones of decent ability. however, after playing with a few freidns on various servers and both factions, i can tell you that it is VERY different on each server. some servers are SWAMPED with tanks. now heres the thing, maybe, and im guessing, only 40% (being nice) of them are any good and have decent spec, understanding of stats, and a basic ability to tank. the rest are still learning / dont care.


on some, healers are a MAJOR problem. and i personally see the healers as the most common problem. and i will give a couple of reasons why i think so.


1)wow. sorry, but it has to be said that a few of swtor players are from wow / still play wow (just got out of a 3 hour raid myself) and in cata, they made a very obvious effort to make healing more dynamic and difficult. this has caused alot of the holy light / chain heal spammers (for Eg) to shy away from healing in all mmos. this is a shame.


2)in other mmo's i have played, lvling as heals was a complete and utter nightmare. just an absolute no-no unless you had a dedicated guild and you focused on grp content, or you pvpd most of the time. lvling as a tank, however, was a very chilled, slow, controlled experience. sure, you couldnt pump out the dps that a pure dps class could,but you had alot of control and took very little dmg, allowing you to kill 5 mobs at once, in the same time a dps could single target 5 mobs.


the situation is different for healers in SWTOR, with a tank companion (and even dps from what i have been told) you can happily "heal" your way to 50. BUT the dmg has been done by other mmos.


i hope this sort of helps other players to understand the situation.


to finish, i want to put a thought out there for you


if you enjoy an activity, you will do far better at it. if you do not, you are far less likely to succeed. stick to something you like.


thing is, everyone wants to be usefull. but from my reasonable experience in PC gaming and especially team FPS / MMOs, i have learned one thing. guilds / clans want one thing first and foremost, and its not tanks / healers / medics / engineers.


instead, its players who are GOOD at the task they are trying to complete. a GOOD dps toon who truly understands his / her role in the game / encounter / skrim is of FAR more use than the medic reviving ppl infront of the sniper over and over cos they A) dont care or B) dont have a clue.



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As long as it's kept inside our AC, I wouldn't mind it. But I'd suggest it comes with the following penalties:


-A very high up-front cost. Around 2 million credits sounds good to me.

-Only inside your AC, no going from Marauder to Juggernaut, etc.

-Only one other choice, nothing like quad spec or something silly.

-Can't do it on the fly or in combat.

-Long and interrupt-able cast time, say around 15 seconds.

-Long cooldown, 45 minutes to an hour.

-Complete dispel of all buffs and debuffs (including stims).

-Changing one of your specs will still require a respec cost, the same costs still apply doing it this way.




This game lets you play any spec you want.


You want to be a tank? Roll a tank.


You want to be a healer? Roll a healer.


It's not just an MMO, it's an mmoRPG. You create a role, and play that role.


I'd say 2 million for the first respec, doubling for every time thereafter. And a 1 month cooldown inbetween.

Edited by TheSwamper
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This game lets you play any spec you want.


You want to be a tank? Roll a tank.


You want to be a healer? Roll a healer.


It's not just an MMO, it's an mmoRPG. You create a role, and play that role.


I'd say 2 million for the first respec, doubling for every time thereafter. And a 1 month cooldown inbetween.


what are you smoking? it costs 100k nw lol

How would raising the cost help, some people's logic is amazing :rolleyes:

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As long as it's kept inside our AC, I wouldn't mind it. But I'd suggest it comes with the following penalties:


-A very high up-front cost. Around 2 million credits sounds good to me.




-Only inside your AC, no going from Marauder to Juggernaut, etc.




-Only one other choice, nothing like quad spec or something silly.


I don't give a crap


-Can't do it on the fly or in combat.




-Long and interrupt-able cast time, say around 15 seconds.


disagree 500%


-Long cooldown, 45 minutes to an hour.




-Complete dispel of all buffs and debuffs (including stims).


I dont give a crap


-Changing one of your specs will still require a respec cost, the same costs still apply

doing it this way.







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what are you smoking? it costs 100k nw lol

How would raising the cost help, some people's logic is amazing :rolleyes:


Well then let me explain it to you little fella:


if it's VERY expensive (that means costs a lot) to respec, then people will do so less often. They will much more carefully consider which class they choose and where they place their points as they level up.


Respeccing is not something that should be done at a whim, because "I feel like playing a DPS for a while."


You created a character with a role. If you want a character with a different role, create one. I do not agree that it should be simple for one character to be whatever they feel like that day.

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I'm the main healer in my guild - and the hassle to respec everytime I'd like to do a WZ is keeping me from doing anything but dailies and raids.


Dual spec is needed. Whether you like it or not.


And to all you naysayers. This won't affect you in any way, apart from making it easier to get together groups and such. Which this game desperately needs.

Edited by nilssen
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