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Is RE broke?


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RE is definitely not "broke".


Why, just last night as I was RE'ing my six hundredth (rounded up to the nearest 600 from 50 or so) blue skill stim (adrenal?) to try and get the reusable, I accidentally clicked on my reusable endurance adrenal (stim?) that I'd gotten off the GTN. It went poof, just as intended, and now I'm predictably back down to 14.5K instead of 16K health in WZ's for the time being.


I was so mad (at myself) I almost called my game a **** and ****, with a little **** that likes to **** ****-ridden ****.




LOL. thanks for the levity. ;p

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Ok, in the interest of reporting accuracy. I reported 51 green attempts with one blue recently in this thread. I got to 61. 62 and 63 both turned blues. The mean for this round is approximately 21 attempts per blue, which I see as rather high for leveling blues.


Nice to have back to backs. Seen it with purples too, but unfortunately three days of this has already left the bad taste in my mouth that will not go away because of a success or two.


As a player looking only to craft his own gear for leveling, maybe sell an item or two, I will continue to mat farm, play the GTN, and hope that, when they are needed, I can just buy my junk off the GTN, only having to craft when I can absolutely not gear up without it.


If it changes, I would love to go back to crafting, but as for now, as much as I hate farming and gtn play, it is far less frustrating and time consuming then crafting.

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Gosh, I would LOVE to have only 61 attempts from green to blue. Going on 250 attempts now and this scattergun just wont' proc.


I'm averaging, with further testing, about 24 greens to each blue. That, in and of itself is extreme in both cost and time. I can't even imagine why a system would be installed that would allow anywhere close to 250 attempts for a blue, at any level!


There is a bug thread on the forum. I'd suggest posting your difficulty there and also looking to see if anyone else shares your pain. It could be more then just bad luck. It could be a bug that is beating you up.


Either way, you present valid information. If it is a bug, they need to know so they can address it. If it is not, they need to know so that they can address it. ;p

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Indeed. I've reported it in game too. The CS believed it was just a stroke of bad luck after 100 attempts, but now we're at the point that it's beyond just bad luck methinks.


I hate to be the messenger mate.


I mean _really_ hate.


It's a known bug that all shotguns are not REing to new schematics.


You may wish to save your materials...

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I have people who needs, purple ear pieces in my guild, but yet,m I can't make them, because I can't reverse engineer, untill the dev's say it's fixed.


Really? That's too bad since the person that I play with the most has learned 4 level 49 purple earpieces over the last week. Guess if you need a good excuse for your guildmates that works though.

Edited by Larkie
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I have people who needs, purple ear pieces in my guild, but yet,m I can't make them, because I can't reverse engineer, untill the dev's say it's fixed.


It isn't broken, it just isn't working well. There *is* a difference.

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Really? That's too bad since the person that I play with the most has learned 4 level 49 purple earpieces over the last week. Guess if you need a good excuse for your guildmates that works though.


I must be the most unlucky person as post 1.1 patch I have found my rate of RE to be shockingly bad.


I suspect this is one of:


lucky (insert expletive here)

massive number of attempts with a huge stock pile of materials


You can spin this all you want (and you have posted a lot), but I suspect it is vested self-interest talking (some one who got a lot of purple recipes pre-nerf). My attempts and they were numerous (till I saw the post on the issue) showed me empirically that the RE rate is really random and very low probability. The random I can deal with, the low probability is the part that I struggle with. It seems punishingly low. I'm just glad I got 4 purple implants pre-nerf, but really wish I could do better for my alt making barrels.

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hmm, I don't think there ever was a nerf to RE rate, I haven't noticed that big a difference. (well, I noticed a signifant dropoff once I started trying to RE lvl 49 stuff, but looking at the message boards, that's *always* been true)


I must admit though, I don't think my server is particularly crowded. I rarely/never seen worthwhile RE'd stuff up on the GTN.


I almost wonder if the current "broken" mechanic is that the more time a specific schematic gets discovered by anybody on the server, the harder it is for anybody ELSE to learn that schematic. (would certainly explain the lvl 49 difficulty increase, a *lot* of people don't really bother REing anything until they get to the lvl 49 stuff.) Also could mean the difficulty for REing would differ greatly from server to server. If you're on a serer with few crafters REing stuff, it'll be easyish for you to learn them. If you're on a server with many crafters, it'll be harder. Similarly, people are more likely to RE higher level stuff. So would also explain why lower level stuff seems easier than higher level.

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I must be the most unlucky person as post 1.1 patch I have found my rate of RE to be shockingly bad.


I suspect this is one of:


lucky (insert expletive here)

massive number of attempts with a huge stock pile of materials


You can spin this all you want (and you have posted a lot), but I suspect it is vested self-interest talking (some one who got a lot of purple recipes pre-nerf). My attempts and they were numerous (till I saw the post on the issue) showed me empirically that the RE rate is really random and very low probability. The random I can deal with, the low probability is the part that I struggle with. It seems punishingly low. I'm just glad I got 4 purple implants pre-nerf, but really wish I could do better for my alt making barrels.


Well you have no obligation to believe me but then I have no obligation to believe you either. I guess I'll just start assuming that everyone complaining about the RE rate is actually lying and they are constantly getting purples.


As for the massive number of attempts & huge stockpile of materials..no, lol, he RE's very ltitle and his stockpile is alas meager (certainly in comparison to mine!).


There was no nerf - you can continue to believe that there was but there wasn't. They just decided that they needed to up the RE rates because it's too low for some people's tolerance. It's a pity really but I'm am completely unsuprised. As for "a lot of purple recipes before nerf" - no, not a lot. Because I was too busy killing things and doing missions and such. Post supposed nerf I've gotten a lot of schems.


But then, what's the point? You already think I'm making up stories, why would you believe any of this?

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hmm, I don't think there ever was a nerf to RE rate, I haven't noticed that big a difference. (well, I noticed a signifant dropoff once I started trying to RE lvl 49 stuff, but looking at the message boards, that's *always* been true)


Certain people are never going to believe there wasn't an RE nerf.

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So when is it that you think it broke?


Maybe ask the developer who posted saying the RE system "isn't working as intended" but I guess he might give you yet another reply you don't want to hear and choose to ignore.

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It isnt working as intended, nothing at all was said about they're increasing the chance to RE successfully...

lol.. people always read between the lines when its clearly written.. just like the whole EGA ordeal.. Waaaah i preordered a week b4 game released, my money is as good as theirs.. bioware are lairs and scammers.. lol, when the details of EGA, were released in July, stating UP to 5 days of early game access..

You cant please everyone... Especially Morons...This is the most bug free 3d realm MMO launch Ive personally witnessed... yes there are lots of bugs.. would you rather not be playing this game for another year or 2?? Very very very few games in the last 5 years have been released with no bugs, or game altering mechanics.. even CoD powerhouse had bugs on release or in future patches, crawling under maps etc...

EA released a 5000+ word patch note for Battlefield 3 addressing all the bugs..ppl need to quit QQing.. or quit playing video games and go outside..

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i actually think the problem lies within cybertech itself not with the whole RE system,


Me and another friend who both have cybertech are experiencing massive problems getitng schematics for purples, and im talking over 300 RE blues EACH, and still no pattern, and i have been RE constantly over the past 2 weeks, seems alot of the complaints here are also about RE ear pieces,


however on the other hand my biochemist has been RE greens to blues to purples (implants) without any problem at all, (and no i wasnt just "lucky" i had to do like 30 greens to get a blue, 30 ish blues to get a purple on various amounts of schematics.. i actually take that as good rates and am quite happy with that results)


however when you are pulling hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds and getitng nowhere and it seems cybertech has the biggest problems, then something is wrong imo

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It isnt working as intended, nothing at all was said about they're increasing the chance to RE successfully...

lol.. people always read between the lines when its clearly written..


Um...that's not called reading between the lines. That's called reading.


"In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items."


Not sure how much more clear he could have made that.

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Um...that's not called reading between the lines. That's called reading.


"In an upcoming patch, we are improving the reverse engineering rates – especially for the higher-level items."


Not sure how much more clear he could have made that.


That could easily mean the rate at which you get mats back, and not the chances of successfully learning a new schematic.


Maybe ask the developer who posted saying the RE system "isn't working as intended" but I guess he might give you yet another reply you don't want to hear and choose to ignore.


"isn't working as intended" doesn't mean there is a point at which it broke (and, in fact, probably doesn't). It could mean it's working exactly as designed and always has been, but the design isn't resulting in the intended enjoyment of the system.

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