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  1. No because you don't. Frankly, you don't take merc healers at all anymore unless they're rakata geared beasts. The FACT of the matter is that Operatives and Sorcs outperform them in every possible way. There is literally zero reason to take a merc healer over one of the other two options, and you shouldn't unless you know the healer is geared and skilled. Any Merc still healing would be in their best interest to go arsenal. The added group dps debuff is much more significant in a raid setting and you're just bringing down the team with gimpy heals that are better suited for sorc/op. The dps kind of sucks right now too, only being on par with other dps classes while having the worst defensive cooldowns and literally zero mobility. Dps IMO needs about a 10% buff to be competitive in pve, healing needs a complete overhaul starting with total reversion of healing nerfs (just start over on balancing). Critical efficiency has to go back to the level it was before, supercharged gas needs to be reverted, and then merc heals will once again be viable. There is no doubt right now that Merc heals are not only super rare right now, but incredibly weak.
  2. Ding ding, this. The good players don't need premades.
  3. The answer, of course, is to stop taking your created advantage, and stop premade queuing. Then you can realize that you aren't actually a good player, just that you know how to abuse the best synergies/OP flavor of the month. But you won't do that because they you wouldn't win every game, and your ego definitely can't handle that. Premade queuing should just be removed. Boom, all problems solved. Then queue times will drop, more players will queue up because they won't get stomped, games will be fairer, etc. Almost nothing but positives. The only downfall is that you no longer get stacked, unfair teams. Everyone should be for it right? Hum, wonder why not...
  4. Wow the double whammy of ignorant, incorrect statements from a bias, desperate marauder player. Shocker. Rebuttal - Yes 99% is literally 1% from full immunity. For all intensive purposes, it is full immunity for 5s. And yes, everyone knows to stun them during that. They have so many defensive cooldowns that most don't know how to use correctly, and it still doesn't matter. I have one stun, you have one stun break. No 40% mitigation over 10s will almost never reduce more damage than undying rage. It all of course depends on when you use it, which for a marauder is close to death while being focused, and for a jugg at full health, but 99% mitigation will beat 40% nearly every time because of burst vs sustained damage prevention. It doesn't matter though because this is a red herring argument. Even if invincible did mitigate more damage (it doesn't), that's not a valid argument for why undying rage is not overpowered. If anything, it would just mean that, yes 40% damage reduction is pretty much the next best def cd in the game. Compare it to the 25% mercs get for example, and that's ALL they have.
  5. I didn't see anywhere in that post that actually had a logical reason why 5s immunity was balanced. it's like every maruader should have to play a mercenary to realize how stupidly easy they have it, and then they'd all just shut up. It's getting nerfed. Deal with it. I expect it to last no more than 2 seconds. The INTENT of the skill is to give you a very brief moment of near immunity so you can invis away or finish someone off. Instead it's being used in conjunction with heals/medpacks to give god status for far too long, and that's only ONE of their defensive cooldowns. Most classes don't even have one as powerful as that, let alone MORE including invisibility. Christ, can one marauder NOT tow the party line and just admit it's absurdly OP at the moment?
  6. Good post OP. You are correct, of course. And the solution is indiviudalized respawn timers, like ever other game in existence ever. Not "walls" that come down every 30s on the 30s.
  7. After posting this I see this is a common problem. I just want to post this from SeanPoe in another thread. "You're completely wrong. The current map designs are a complete joke in terms of actual real pvp. The first team to take two nodes in civil war has a 100% chance to win despite gear if they know how to play. All you have to do suicide over and over for the remainer of the game to stop caps. You could die 50 times each with the other team not having a single death and still win if you manage to cap the first two nodes and know how to hold them. This game's current design does not punish death, and it significantly rewards baddy's that can just zerg objectives while getting roflstomped in the actual REAL pvp aspects (ie, fighting other players)." As you can see, top players recognize this obvious design flaw. Please fix it
  8. Yes, very few people understand why it's fair. That's why you see all these idiots running around in 10-49 WZs in greens and blues that are -10 levels of their current. Level doesn't matter. You get a few skills. Woop-de-doo. GEAR matters. If you wear purples of your level you WILL have ~14k hps and absolutely dominate everyone in the warzones. Purples are very cheap on the auction house if you spend even minimal effort.
  9. People notice when you don't have 13k hps. /thread
  10. They should add a debuff that automatically applies when you enter combat that reduces your healing by some percentage. Make it the same as the amount of bonus healing a player gets to out dps NPC mobs so that the only difference between a DPS and a Healer is who is better. Lets say 30%? Oh wait, they did that and you're still crying. You literally don't know how easy you have it. Healing is getting BUFFED, because it's underpowered. If you don't know that it's because you're a noob and no other reason. You lose games versus healers because your team has none, because you aren't one. You don't want to go play games where its 3 healers vs none? Then ROLL one. If you can't kill a healer it's not because they're overpowered. It's because you're bad and you don't know how they work. Stop prentending like it's something else. You have all the tools, and the required nerf to healing in pvp. Stop making excuses. You're losing because you're bad.
  11. Went 58-0 on Voidstar yesterday with 450k healing and 125k damage. I think about 8-10 medals. We had 2 deaths on our team. We lost the match 3rd door to 1st door. The republics got super lucky on RNG door respawns multiple times, had 3-4 invis players, and on their attack phase, were able to delay us just long enough with coordinated cc's to prevent us from catching their 20s force speed asasssins, despite knowing the tactic they meant to use ahead of time. On our attack phase their respawns came so fast and frequent, and they have enough invis players, they could keep people off the doors indefinitely, despite the fact that we were freefarming them as they appeared. I wish I could say this is the only time this occurs in warzones. Alderaan is the worst, and the 3s channel on the sides really isn't remotely close to enough time to prevent any team that's coodinated, or heck, trying. The solution is so simple. Each player is on a 15s respawn timer before they can res. There are no walls. You can drop down once you res. Why wasn't that how it was implemented to begin with? There should be no RNG on when someone chooses to click the res button. Please stop these games were the team that's being totally farmed still "wins" because of broken mechanics. Edit - I want to be clear - I have no problem with ccing and racing to doors as a strategy. I only have a problem with a team that is dominating the opposing team being unable to cap or advance because of horribly unlucky respawn RNG
  12. 30% debuff is too much. Drizzle is an invincible Twink healer level 44. All purples level 42-44. No single dps can take him down, but it's almost an even fight. The only question you should ask yourself if you think healers should be in the game - What is the point of healing if dps can out damage a healer? There is none, you'd just play dps if that were true. In this game it's basically a wash as a healer. It's in order for a slight buff, but not a full removal. 15-20% would be more appropriate. That way 1 healer can maybe keep up another player with 2-3 people for a little bit if they're bad. Right now you they can't.
  13. Okay, I caught this bug in action just now. I had Blizz making level 45 heavy armor helmet blue quality, and a level 45 purple boots. I had sent this alt 12 promethium to make level 45 purples. Had 10 after queuing up. Traveled to Belsavis from Fleet. Quick Traveled to the Tomb. Looked at my crew when one came back from a slicing mission and my boots had turned into the level 45 blue helmet. I had 2 in production. The boots were not in production, had not been cancelled, and THE MATERIALS WERE STILL GONE. Anyone else seeing this? Is it related to zoning in an out of the ship? Thanks, The Trizzle, Drizzle, Tray, for Shizzle.
  14. 40 tries on level 43 rejuvination relay has so far proved 0 blue results. Kinda stupid as ****
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