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You didn't know the game required a subscription to play it when you bought it?


It was right on the box, mate.


You have completely missed the point. This is like investing to start up a business and then getting told that your contribution doesn't actually mean **** unless you continue to pay.

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Say what you want, I love vanity things like this. Five years from now when this game takes off (here's hoping), people will wonder how you get it. :cool:


My plan: The day they release the "veteran" reward title years from now, I'm going to stand in the Slippery Slopes Cantina with no clothes on and /flex while changing titles from the founder one to the veteran one every 10 seconds.

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I've been playing multiplayer games since the 1970's. Nothing ever works right the first time they patch it- except in the rare and happy case. It's always the same, too. I've seen the complaints bandied about today on the forum for every MMO I ever played. I've seen it on the mailing lists for MUDs and MUSH games. I've seen it on the snail-mail digest of play-by-mail games. I've heard people say it verbally in my physical presence about a game we played which didn't have any player-to-player communication because it was 1979.


New content breaks things. Developers will always be accused of not listening. Game design staff will always be told they should fix bugs before releasing new content, but at the same time will be told they're idiots for delaying new content.


Some users will never be happy. They cannot be pleased; it is an impossibility to do so. A good game company will simply listen to them, nod their heads and smile, and carry on.


Now, the rest of us who understand that stuff happens will chuckle, pick up the mouse and adapt to the circumstances and play for as long as the game continues to deliver entertaiment commensurate with its price.


Very well said.

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IThis is the first time I've been on the forums, and I can't believe the amount of whining and crying I'm seeing here. Are you people like 2 years old? Get over yourselves! This is Bioware...the same people who brought you Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Neverwinter Nights, etc. They will fix the issues, just give them time.


I stopped playing MMO's years ago because they were all the same, and they bored me to tears. Bioware steps up to the plate, and hits a home run. This is the most immersive and entertaining MMO I have ever played. If you seriously don't like it, then execrcise your right of choice and QUIT!! That way the rest of us who enjoy the game don't have to listen to your immature snivelling.


I will now sit back and await the coming storm of crying/fist shaking/name calling, etc. that generally comes after throwing down the gauntlet...

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My plan: The day they release the "veteran" reward title years from now, I'm going to stand in the Slippery Slopes Cantina with no clothes on and /flex while changing titles from the founder one to the veteran one every 10 seconds.



And ill be playing GW2 a proper PVP game.

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You didn't know the game required a subscription to play it when you bought it?


It was right on the box, mate.


Doesn't matter. It's a "thank you" for their "successful launch".


The ones who made that "successful launch" paid $60 - $150 each already.


By the way, it says "subscription included in purchase price", so all those people paid their subs when they bought the game.

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I think the 1.1 patch brought back the PvP on Ilum instead of just waiting to repair/destroy things, it kicked it up a notch.


People on these forums forget that this game is brand new, it has been out for a month. Give BW a break, they are working on things and people just complain about things don't work. Maybe suggest an idea on how to fix it (I love sharing ideas).


To all the players telling everyone on this forum that they cancelled their sub: Why are you still here?

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You have completely missed the point. This is like investing to start up a business and then getting told that your contribution doesn't actually mean **** unless you continue to pay.


No, it really isn't.


If you don't want to play the game, then don't. Nobody's holding a lightsaber to your neck. The reward is for people who have skin in the game. I'm happy to get it because I was going to be paying the sub anyway, but hey- free pixels.

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Thank you.


Personally love Vet rewards for time subscribed to an MMO. Hopefully this is the first of many such 'rewards'.


Veteran rewards usually don't mean within a month of playtime because you wan't to try to convince some Achievement players to resub.

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By the way, the people who pre-ordered and the ones who bought the game on release and were there on day one made your " successful launch". So even your reward prerequisites are full of crap and show the truth of this being nothing but a pathetic attempt at keeping people from dumping you.


And since I entered a pre-paid card when I registered the game ( like I'd give you my CC details :rolleyes: ), I expect I'll see this nice shiny bauble on my characters as they wait for their remaining 67 days to dry up.




Failure to address things like




is even more of an insult.


Absolutely horrible. I truely feel for people who prepaid already.


I feel utterly ripped off for the $150 I spent.


Up until TODAY, I was a staunch supporter of this game. Now that I see how community relations are going to work, I'm happy to put it behind me forever.

Edited by VorpalK
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