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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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The battlemaster gear is not THAT much more powerful. They won't wreck us if they have it. Yes they will have an advantage....but seriously once everyone reached BM as well, it'll be like it never happened. Quitting over one collossal mistake (and let's be honest there are bugs in this game, but no game ruining blunders that only EA and Bioware has ever made) is uber lame. If people want to be crybabies then they can leave and make this community better for it.
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The backlash over the valor exploit is ASTOUNDING. I can't remember the last time I saw this many people throwing a temper tantrum over a PvP exploit that people don't see until the end of the game. If you want to unsub, fine. But crawling onto the forums and throwing a hissy fit b/c you keep respawning and feeding the valor exploit is just inane. All this talk about how BW "failed" b/c they're not caving into all these tantrums... This game has been live for barely a month, and yet, you guys expect a perfect release with no bugs. Remember the Corrupted Blood plague in WoW? That happened almost a YEAR after release, and that bug affected EVERYONE, not just the people camping out on PvP. Low-levels were wiped out in cities b/c of that. But you know what? Blizzard issued a patch and everyone got over it. WoW has been running strong ever since.


Proclaiming this game and BW a massive catastrophe is just beyond stupid. You guys are getting your panties in a bunch over a GAME. Just unsub and go play something else. We already know so many players have been lying about the specifics (like gaining valor from turrets. Sorry, try again). This exploit is only a day old, BW issued their first response to it, and now you all have a tantrum? BW needs to analyze the problem and decide whether a game-wide rollback really is appropriate. For all we know, they'll announce a rollback tomorrow, or tonight, or a week from now, or never. Honestly, if they cave in and do a rollback, just as many people will start whining about that.


I agree with everything you said. However, Ilum is still a pain in the butt and needs some modifications. Hopefully before next weeks weeklys get reset.

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The battlemaster gear is not THAT much more powerful. They won't wreck us if they have it. Yes they will have an advantage....but seriously once everyone reached BM as well, it'll be like it never happened. Quitting over one collossal mistake (and let's be honest there are bugs in this game, but no game ruining blunders that only EA and Bioware has ever made) is uber lame. If people want to be crybabies then they can leave and make this community better for it.


Actually yes, Battlemaster gear is that much more powerful, because expertise is incredible. Battlemaster gear is actually also the best pve gear in the game as well as pvp gear.


Should I quit, and more importantly, stop paying money to the responsible company, over one colossal mistake that positively ruined my gameplay experience? I believe the answer to this question is also yes.


The fun has ceased. My cashflow has also ceased. Do I like a lot of the aspects of this game and would I come back if the game were fixed? Maybe. That's why I'm posting for a few days until I give up hope.

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Even if they have a backup of everyone's valor prior to the patch, they would most likely not be able to tell how a person even gained said valor.


This would leave them with the choice of rolling back the database of every server to yesterday (not bloody likely) or try and script a valor rollback using the backup data.


Essentially everyone would lose all their valor from the past 30+ hours regardless of how it was accumulated.


The only thing that BW screwed up on was their math and how quickly the valor gains would stack up. If the sides were even remotely balanced, those gains would have skyrocketed for both sides due to the back and forth fighting.


No. BW must have data on “Mean” valor gain per day since launch. Do a simple statistical analysis of this data, and set back everybody’s valor whose valor gain was three standard deviations above this mean on 1/18/2012. About 99% of the people falling in this group will have been involved in the exploit.


If BW has the data, and has the ability to reset individual fields in the Database, as well as a record of DB values, it’s not that hard to do.

Edited by Torcer
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The backlash over the valor exploit is ASTOUNDING. I can't remember the last time I saw this many people throwing a temper tantrum over a PvP exploit that people don't see until the end of the game. If you want to unsub, fine. But crawling onto the forums and throwing a hissy fit b/c you keep respawning and feeding the valor exploit is just inane. All this talk about how BW "failed" b/c they're not caving into all these tantrums... This game has been live for barely a month, and yet, you guys expect a perfect release with no bugs. Remember the Corrupted Blood plague in WoW? That happened almost a YEAR after release, and that bug affected EVERYONE, not just the people camping out on PvP. Low-levels were wiped out in cities b/c of that. But you know what? Blizzard issued a patch and everyone got over it. WoW has been running strong ever since.


Proclaiming this game and BW a massive catastrophe is just beyond stupid. You guys are getting your panties in a bunch over a GAME. Just unsub and go play something else. We already know so many players have been lying about the specifics (like gaining valor from turrets. Sorry, try again). This exploit is only a day old, BW issued their first response to it, and now you all have a tantrum? BW needs to analyze the problem and decide whether a game-wide rollback really is appropriate. For all we know, they'll announce a rollback tomorrow, or tonight, or a week from now, or never. Honestly, if they cave in and do a rollback, just as many people will start whining about that.


Aren't you throwing a hissy fit, about other people throwing a hissy fit?


Some people paid $150 for this game, so if they want to voice their opinion about this massive screw up, they are more than within their rights to do so.


And i've got money that say's your an imperial player who exploited the bug.

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The backlash over the valor exploit is ASTOUNDING. I can't remember the last time I saw this many people throwing a temper tantrum over a PvP exploit that people don't see until the end of the game. If you want to unsub, fine. But crawling onto the forums and throwing a hissy fit b/c you keep respawning and feeding the valor exploit is just inane. All this talk about how BW "failed" b/c they're not caving into all these tantrums... This game has been live for barely a month, and yet, you guys expect a perfect release with no bugs. Remember the Corrupted Blood plague in WoW? That happened almost a YEAR after release, and that bug affected EVERYONE, not just the people camping out on PvP. Low-levels were wiped out in cities b/c of that. But you know what? Blizzard issued a patch and everyone got over it. WoW has been running strong ever since.


Proclaiming this game and BW a massive catastrophe is just beyond stupid. You guys are getting your panties in a bunch over a GAME. Just unsub and go play something else. We already know so many players have been lying about the specifics (like gaining valor from turrets. Sorry, try again). This exploit is only a day old, BW issued their first response to it, and now you all have a tantrum? BW needs to analyze the problem and decide whether a game-wide rollback really is appropriate. For all we know, they'll announce a rollback tomorrow, or tonight, or a week from now, or never. Honestly, if they cave in and do a rollback, just as many people will start whining about that.


So just keep quiet and let BW bend republic players over a barrel?


Problems don't fix themselves, and at this point I doubt anyone at BW even plays republic. (or the game they develop for that matter)


I bet it's convenient being on the good end of an exploit/imbalance huh?

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Sorry BW, I'm not unsubbing but without a rollback, there goes probably a good 20% of the Republic players left who did not outright cancel after this.


I'm in the same boat. Without a rollback, even for me as an Imperial, I find it ridiculously unfair that my faction has people who intentionally abuse an exploit and get away with it. In fact get REWARDED with it.


Who knows how long it'll take me to get to rank 60 valor, but I'm guessing it'll take 40 times longer then these cheaters did.


Bioware = supporting cheaters FTL. They are lucky I'm still enjoying the stories/leveling of characters, when that's up...and I'm forced to look at 'end game pvp imbalances due to this' I'll just have one less fun thing to do at 50. Which means one month closer to quitting out of boredom.

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so what exactly is happening?? are there going to be rollbacks finally? Have they even opened their mouths and said something to us??


I'm not gonna unsub cus I figured stupid crap like this would happen (the game is 1 month old, derp). I just want to know *** bioware is thinking or planning to do and IF they are doing anything at all...




That is BW's biggest issue. They clam up and don't talk. They need to openly discuss the issue and dispel the rumor or confirm it. They have the data, they need to open up about it.

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I was there on Tarro Blood server at 6pm EAS.


I heard some QQ on vent and chat about how they broke Ilum so I figure I go check it out for myself.


I saw a wall of red names out one door from our base, and it only took me 3 deaths to figure out to try the other door ;-)


I fixed our big gun there and got a 1v1 kill (1/30) I got on my speeder and ran for their base seeking out 1v1s on my way there got to 12/30 solo. When I ran into an op roaming central point, I put guard on the nearest person and helped them on their 16 v 16 (aprox) skirmish. After we won I politely asked for an inv and got my 30 kills and a few extra to help others in the op finish theirs.


I went from lvl 52.5 to 53.5 Valor rank for my efforts and qued up for WZ got my champion bags as usual some commendations a 4th relic gloves (for the 3rd time so I took the mods out for PVE set) and FINALY the Champion Helmet the 1 piece I was missing.


Over all a fine productive day in my book and I still had time to do a guild run of the new FP


I learned that collect "Armaments" on the Ilum daily quest meant looting the boxes that spawn at central. That was an easy 5 or so towards the daily.


I noticed we finally got stats on the PVP relics making them awesome. BW FTW Thank you


I also learned that some people spend way to much time QQing and not enough time Pew Pewing and I find pew pewing to be much more fun.


So some peeps got more Valor than me, they still need to get 2 BM bags daily and 2 extra 1 day a week. I'll get there soon enough.


Call me a fan boy all u want but this game is tons of fun PVP and PVE.

Yes there are bugs but I have to admt I'm impressed at BWs response time and frequency of patches and fixes.


BW has earned my sub.

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Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.


Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. In Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing a patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST). [Note, please check the launcher and the main thread for the latest information on patch deployment timing -JG]


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:




This issue is an effect from the root cause that the population imbalance on some servers is simply out of control. You want to fix the real problem? Then you folks better start looking at the real cause.


Highly recommend you guys start working out your game plan now before it continues to spiral further out of control.

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So I don't think any of you complaining about rollbacks actually witnessed any valor gains for yourself. Most of you are going off the false hype that quickly spread across the forums. If you are high valor rank you know the amount of valor it takes to get from 50-60 is A LOT!.


If your faction controlled all objectives the max valor was 200 per kill. If you set there for hours and spawned killed people and made 10k Valor YOU DIDN'T hit BM unless you were really close already.


I am on the empire I did not spawn kill as I'm on a low pop server and all night you could find groups of emps and republics battling it out was awesome. The republics were killing just as much as the emps were.


Everyone of you saying you have no chance because people are already geared in BM gear due to an exploit have no idea what you are talking about and are just jumping on a band wagon. Even if you hit BM rank you still need luck with the RNG to get the gear.


Let me quote my original post since everyone seems to skip the logical post and just read the "OMG I'm quiting for a rumor that I know nothing about, but think is unfair"

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So no rollback? Guess I am staying cancelled thanks again for trivializing battlemaster status.


you sound like someone who has no brain, so "Guess i am staying cancelled' so your saying that becouse some people got a lot of valor you you are not going to play the game, you are saying that if they rolled back you would stay,, your desiding if your going to play a game of something that hap for one day, you must have not liked anything about the game to begin with,


mY favorite restaurant gave free egg rolls to the people who ate there last night by mistake, there not going to make the people who ate the egg roll give it back, there for I am not going to eat there any more.



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As the Bible says "Hell is never satisfied". Lots of people on here bound by the spirit of Hell. Can't even enjoy it for what it is, a game!!!. Like being some badboy in a virtual world means something?


Apparently, you have just discovered the drug that drives a lot of PvP.


Yes, being better than someone in a virtual world means enough that thousands of PvPers strive for it every moment of the day. That others may find this somewhat silly (myself included) doesn't negate the value to them. Especially since expressing that superiority leads to actual game rewards.

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As the Bible says "Hell is never satisfied". Lots of people on here bound by the spirit of Hell. Can't even enjoy it for what it is, a game!!!. Like being some badboy in a virtual world means something?


lol what the hell does that waste of paper have to do with a computer game... The issue is the fact alot of young ones are abusing a bug to exploit an ruin the game for alot of other farmers.

Edited by BegaTasty
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My two cents...A faction v faction game with no faction balance put into place is a recipe for success. As aion has clearly shown for a 2 faction PvP game to work you need to make sure the population is as balance as possible.

nothing can fix this but a server rollback or a mass banning.:rak_confused:


There is barely a difference to the way the game was in beta and the way the game is now. and its been in beta for about a yeaR? :/EA forced this game out way too early(Holiday Season) and now we as the customer and them as the publisher are paying for it.


What's worse, players knowingly transfer or re-roll on the more populous faction. Few people like to be the underdog, most players just want to win in PvP, so they go to the already winning side.



It's ridiculous that such a glaring issue has made it to the live game. What I mean is that the ablities of some of the Republic classes take more time to do damage than their Imperial counterparts. So a Jedi Shadow's Project ability, which is an instant-cast damage ability, takes about 1.5 seconds before it actually does damage because the character is doing the animation of picking up an environmental object and hurling it at the enemy. The Sith Assassin's Shock ability, which is the mirror ability of the Shadow's Project, has no such delay. It just leads to a very unresponsive feel when playing a Jedi Shadow. The same is true for a Trooper's Full Auto and Mortar Volley and the Bounty Hunter's Unload and Death from Above abilities. Trooper's have an unbearable delay while the Bounty Hunter's doesn't.


Sad how the sith and imperials just sit there putting guard on the sorcs while they aoe the crap out of the base and get loads of valor


Funny how the moderator/dev? Includes republic when discussing the exploiting and farming of ilum.. yet clearly it was all imperial.



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Ilum sucked before 1.1. It sucks worse now, lol. Base dailies and weeklies on kills when Imps have a major advantage on almost every server! What? Hmmmm, did any of the devs play any of the other MMO's the past 10 years or what?



As far as the BM gear. Bad move. You do not make X item take 100s of hours to grind, and then 1 month later make it take half the time. What would everybody think if they raised the level cap every month so the hardcore gamers could once again gain a advantage? Don't like someone that plays more to have a advantage? Don't play mmo's...

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If you want to unsub, fine. But crawling onto the forums and throwing a hissy fit b/c you keep respawning and feeding the valor exploit is just inane.

I was waiting for someone to say this!


I've been laughing HARD. If I was level 50 and 20+ people were camping my spawn point after the 2nd death I'm staying dead. No more free valor for them off my head. But they didn't and are crying for an exploit.


Granted Empire exercised bad form spawn camping but when I talk about these kind of things previously on the forums you get people shouting roll on a PvE server care bear or some other type of nonsense like that.


NOW they're crying exploit. Where's the pro PvP server players now? Where's the "That's what you get for rolling on a PvP server." comments?


Forums are sooo funny.

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Ilum sucked before 1.1. It sucks worse now, lol. Base dailies and weeklies on kills when Imps have a major advantage on almost every server! What? Hmmmm, did any of the devs play any of the other MMO's the past 10 years or what?



As far as the BM gear. Bad move. You do not make X item take 100s of hours to grind, and then 1 month later make it take half the time. What would everybody think if they raised the level cap every month so the hardcore gamers could once again gain a advantage? Don't like someone that plays more to have a advantage? Don't play mmo's...


Actually, making things easier to obtain is totally fine. It's just time frame, if they cut all valor ranks by say 20% after three months, that would be fine.


Anf by no means am I defending Bioware Austin for the patch. Just pointing out that you have to make things accessible over time.

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Ilum is a disaster. The Ilum changes created a ton of new battlemasters and destroyed the Republic side on pvp servers. Not to mention, the level 50 Imps are all in Ilum looking for the 1 or 2 Republic players out there. This Ilum change needs to go away.
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can someone please close this thread, 72 pages with no repsonse from a dev menas this thread is pointless...if you are going to quit do it already so i can get back to reading constructive forums



quit or dont just quit telling us about it

No one making you read it. Or answer for that matter.
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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


This comment just made me sick.


Good job BW punish your paying customers for your own F*ck up. I cannot believe they would treat their members this way.


Originally I was excited to hear about things like ranked pvp coming in the future. But how can I be hopeful of future content when the current content is borkenz.


Please don't start flaming saying that I am probably one of the exploiters. After reading the thread of horror yesterday I didn't even attempt to go to Ilum but instead spent all yesterday leveling an alt. You know since this game is becoming mostly solo.


In my eyes BW has until D3 to get this sh*t fixed, or they will not be seeing me as a continued member.



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