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Everything posted by XParoleX

  1. I'm the main tank for our guild on my assassin. We normally run 2 groups, but Tuesday everyone was on so we did Zorn and Toth HM 16man. I didn't have any problems tanking them during 16 man HM. My healers said they barely noticed any change. Last night we went back to our normal groups to finish HM EC and even with Keph I was able to tank no problem and again my healer said he didn't notice much difference though all the fights. We run 1 op and 1 sorc heals. Below is my gear and stats, but we had no problem clearing HM EC with a Sin as main tank. Sure we can see the changes, but its not enough that it should make any difference on your raid group. These changes aren't enough that it should cause any groups to not be able to clear any content. I want to throw out there that for our second group I'm also main tank as a Powertech. I have a much easier time tanking on my sin than I do my Powertech. Sure there is a little gear difference my PT only has 3 pieces of Campaign gear and the rest is BH, but stats are very close and shouldn't be enough to matter as I pulled all the mods from the BH gear and stuck it in my Rakata gear to maintain my 4 piece set bonus. Gear Campaign Survivor's Headgear Campaign Survivor's Robe Campaign Survivor's Handwraps Campaign Survivor's Legwraps Black Hole Duelist MK-2 Boots Campaign Survivor's Waistwrap Campaign Survivor's Bracers Weapon - Rakata Hilt, with Black Hole Absorb mods Black Hole Duelist MK-1 Implant x 2 Black Hole Duelist MK-1 Earpiece Experimental Shield Overcharger - Relic Warhero Relic - Absorb All gear is fully modded. Armor Rating 6141 Defense - 27.52% Shield - 67.22% Absorb - 61.43% Health - 25k Relic~ <Infidels> Canderous Ordo
  2. It's not growing, when you see a more populated server grow it is because a low pop server just lost more people. People are rerolling on high populated servers and low populated servers are becoming ghost towns!
  3. Agreed! Our whole guild just moved from Krayiss Obelisk to a Very High Populated server during prime time. We had several people who were BM's and Full PvE gear, but being on a server where our population on the fleet ranged from 20-35 we are loving the change (Though we do hope for transfers soon as we put a lot of work into our mains). Our new server during prime time has 250+ on the fleet and seen 150 on Dromund Kaas. It really makes the game much more enjoyable!
  4. I understand what you are saying about drops and looting and it is the only reason people should want to steer away from respec. Most AC's have 2 viable specs atm so Dual spec will solve the problem for most people and then we could care less about Respec cost. For the person that said respec is cheap you obviously haven't tried it much first is around 800 then around 1800 then around 8k, then 25K, then 50k and cap at 98K that's 5 respecs a week (6 tops if I missed a number) before you reach the max amount. Even if you only have 1 viable spec for PvP and 1 for PvE you can't play both if you want unless you choose to suck at one because you can't switch back in forth to do both. So to Malastare's point about lowering it will only help low pop servers but be bad on high pop (again the only reason to complain is about looting which then I agree some people will be idiots and do as the poster above said) then give us Dual Spec already and keep the prices high. BW said they are going to implement it anyways so arguing if it is bad or good is mute at this point. No one cares about you changing spec to beat a quest we are all 50 who quest outside of dailies and we can beat those on any spec! If you are worried about someone taking your loot for their 3 specs run OPs with your guild on master loot which will even work on NM in 1.2 so this doesn't happen. For the person that said roll a alt, do you work for BW? I don't want to roll an alt I hate leveling! The story was fun at first but got boring quick and I don't want to level multiple characters I only enjoy playing my main so horrible advise!
  5. Let me break this down for you on how it works on low population servers (VERY low population) I have a fully geared character for both PVP and PVE and still enjoy raiding and don't want to reroll on another server. However to raid it might require to you play a tank one day and DPS the next due to the lack of people to choose from. Now you are doing multiple raids a week both NM and HM trying to get the FEW people geared that are on your sever, but you are spending close to 1 million in credits each week to be able to raid due to lack of people to choose jobs from? Now according to your logic I shouldn't change specs and we just shouldn't raid or fail with a bad setup? Let me take you a little farther into low pop servers. We don't need money sinks outside of repair cost. We can't craft and sell items on the AH because there is no one to buy them. We can only make money from dailies and that pays for repair bills, but now how do I pay for my respecs? There is no reason to be against dual spec or lower respec cost!
  6. This 100%, we use Master loot now and get Rakata drops often. Please read more before you insult people!
  7. I have a full time 8-5 jobs, a wife and a life and reached all of that without exploiting so yeah try again!
  8. Keep up the good work on reporting traders. To show how useful you efforts are please watch this interview and listen to the 2nd to last question. Keep up the good work guys! http://toroz.com.au/2012/03/interview-biowares-gabe-amatangelo-on-pvp-server-transfers/ Anyways Have fun in ilum!
  9. I am stating this from a perspective of someone who has fought both you and Zag many times in warzones and ilum. I can say Zag is harder to kill! Maybe you do more damage, but then again maybe Zag only worries about healing and not trying to get DPS medals as he just wants to keep his teammates up to help get objectives. Maybe he isn't a hybrid spec and full 31/10 spec healing spec. I have been in ilum with groups and can have 3 people focusing on Zag and he gets away and stays alive. While I will admit you are a good healer, you do go down easier than Zag. Anyways I have expressed enough on this thread so see you in ilum. /thread Relic~
  10. Sorry, but you are far off there! The only time we have good Q times is around 7-10ish and if you don't get invited to that Q there isn't enough people for another warzone so you sit for 15 min or you get one and it ends in 120 sec. Sure we are getting more 50's and its getting a little better, but yeah most of the day its 30 mins!
  11. You sir our obviously not on our server or you would realize that 30+ min Q's is much slower. Took me forever of daily grinding and long time on the weekends since I work 8 to 5 to get BM through warzones!
  12. Again you keep ignoring my post towards you I would like to challenge the fact you are a actuall pvper. You are against trading so you can keep your gear advantage I say trade to give everyone the same gear to make pvp meaning full. The whole point is SWTOR pvp is based on gear so if you want to pvp you need gear plain and simple to deny that would only show ignorance on your part. I say you are the carebear for wanting to keep you gear advantage! Me I was BM before trading and I say trade to get everyone BM so we are all on equal playing fields to make PVP fun and not the gear based dominance that it is now!
  13. Actually you again have no idea. So let me help you out. No gear isn't the goal good pvp is, but in this game pvp is dependent on gear so yeah for good pvp requires a gear grind. I would actually rather have everyone on my server in BM gear instead of just me and maybe 1 or 2 other people so we can have meaning full pvp and not pvp based on who has grinded the better gear. Next! Relic~
  14. Again you don't understand, we aren't sitting there waiting on crates, we are staying grouped waiting for you to come back. Why would we split our resources? It doesn't make sense to split the group and have people running everywhere chasing more room for people to die. If bloodline or us (because you don't count) control center that team wins because in llum center is all that matters. And to the person who said kill traders aren't real pvpers and are carebears you have no idea. I had BM before I ever traded and I still PVP all the time, (actually that's all I do) I do llum because its fun talking to republic friends and helps my guild mates out. Also please look at the screen shot of our fleet there is 14 people! Your server forums are -------> go talk to people on a server that actually have a population. Next! Relic~
  15. It's funny how clueless you are about what happens on our server. Second I always tell my people to stay mid and make you come to us so cruising around taking meaning less objectives is pointless. Don't worry Tal I will make sure I kill you everytime I see you! Relic~
  16. I'm not sure who you are, but the only two times I have trade 1 was at the spur of the moment the other was organized so not sure if you were imagining or thought I was somewhere I wasn't. Second: Monday - Saturday we do fight there are no truces and I have brought battle to Ilum a couple times. We do fight there and it is a normal area for the most part.
  17. This is our server on the imperial side. Now take into consideration imps have more than the repubs. Please look at the number on the fleet. What else are we to do. http://i673.photobucket.com/albums/vv99/goodbyffxi/Screenshot_2012-02-27_11_59_33_421188.jpg
  18. If they did more than simply discourage it they would loose A Lot of their subs. Fine roll back my valor I still have my BM and all my gear. All the people that exploited this right after the llum patch when they were camping the republic bases never got in trouble or lost valor so how can you now? Give us a real pvp system and this wouldn't take place anymore. Give us an incentive to protect our bases and to take the enemy base make it real world pvp! Until then you will see this happen over and over on every server!
  19. So they contradict themselves. Do they even know if its ok? Also all that says is they don't encourage it.
  20. His name is Xvivarant. And I think many people on our server both republic and imperial can verify I hit BM before we ever started trading. However I do organize the event for the Imperials for the most part I have no shame its a video game and I have nothing better to do in it. Though I can respect your feelings for honor we do not all feel the same in video games so if you don't like it don't join we won't hold that against you. It's everyone's choice and most people choose to get involved it also helps build our community on our ever so small populated server. Relic~
  21. Great advice except bringing his guild there would have just fed us more valor as we vastly out numbered any group he could have gathered. P.S. Thanks Luked for the screenshot, it was great for the front page of our website. Relic~ http://www.sithdarkness.com
  22. Can you not read? The CS rep states exactly: "If a group of lvl 50 Imperial and Republic players coordinate to meet up on llum and FARM valor points by TRADING KILLS isn't considered as an exploit!" Next! Relic~
  23. You sir are my hero. Sorry Luked good effort though! Relic~
  24. Hi Luked <3. So anyways I am in that picture and yes I hit BM before our server ever started doing this (Both repubs and imps on our server can verify this)! Why do I join and participate in this you might ask, simple because THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO! We are an extremely small server and Warzone Q's are long. We kill each other legit in llum all week except 2 times we have done this on Sunday that I have seen. So if you get your way Luked and they ban everyone who was there you just lost 60 people and these 60 people are the most active on our server so now enjoy NEVER getting a warzone, flashpoints and running around the fleet by yourself. Ban me there is nothing left to do on the game anyways, besides run warzones when I'm bored and a once a week operation. I enjoy the game and plan on sticking around to see it hopefully evolve into something fun, but if they ban people for this then so be it they ruined their own game. Fact is BW has made llum this way and given us nothing better to do with our time, don't hate the players hate the system. Relic~
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