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Everything posted by Herik

  1. Quit today. Only three days left on sub. Can't think of a reason to log in. BW does not know it's ...
  2. Pvp sucks says it all. plus they didn't roll back cheaters valor. Gear is way too hard to get and now I don't feel I will ever be on a level playing field.
  3. This whole concept sucks. The servers are deserted. They were even at start. I was first day Vanilla WoW and even with all the bugs it was more everything. These worlds are sterile.
  4. Five years in WSG as Alliance says you are wrong. It never leveled out for Alliance.
  5. Crap game is crap game. nuf said. I went thru this with the corrupt Arena system in WoW . It never balanced out after the exploiters got ahead of everyone else and stayed there for 7 seasons. This destroys all notion of an even playing field. Why would the Republic participate if we can never win or even compete? Hoist on your own petard.
  6. No MMO company would be this stupid. HAHA SWG anyone?
  7. No one making you read it. Or answer for that matter.
  8. yesterday I changed my sub from 6 mos to one mos. I will give them that long to rollback the horrible unfair valor gains.
  9. This. No Rollback. No renewal of subscription. And btw pulling this crap as subs were going to renew is uncool.
  10. I should have leveled to 50 and done the same as everyone else. I will never catch up and I will never get over my resentment at the unfairness of a failed patch. I quit the 6 mos sub got a one mo nth. Don't know if I will even use it.
  11. I am happy to be taking my time. I was Vanilla wow player and got to rank Field Marshal. I never want to be that excited and obsessed again. I play mostly as single player due to the terrible group experiences on that other game. Here in TOR I can join a Heroic 4 and am under no pressure . I do the best I can and so does everyone else. It's fun. It's allowed you know, to just have fun.
  12. This.This, a thousand times over.
  13. Maybe I'm lucky Origin bugged out and lost my pre order
  14. Stuff!!! At least you got some stuff. Origin tells me they never heard of me. I guess I'll enjoy the preorder code I got from Origin????? and come back maybe in 6 mos when this pos is ready for prime time. Hats off to world's worst customer serviice!
  15. Just did 10 rounds with the worst customer service in human recorded history. I am playing on a pre order code from August, however I did not receive my DDE code yesterday. I checked my brand spanking pretty new Origin account and they are indicating that I have no old orders no new orders and furthermore they had never heard of me. Glad to hear I didn't waste any money. I won't use the ugliest crystal I have ever seen on my weapons. Of course I only have 3 days to play without a code so gunna blast back and enjoy my free play.
  16. since it seems that although they sent me an early access code, Origin seems to have no knowledge of me or my pending order. So 2 hr que's and worlds worst customer service, e-mails from droids that make no sense and general lack of experience in running an MMO makes me a happy camper to be out from under worthless DDE. Game itself is awesome, but customer service matters.
  17. same here. no code. ordered 8/13 redeemed preorder 8/31.
  18. So far the customer service sucks, the communication is nil and the entire experience leaves a bad taste. I am glad we did not sign up for second account yet despite how much the beta was good. Unless I can start on a completely new server, this is a waste for me.
  19. Thanks Count. Hope I'm on a server with people like you.
  20. Is there going to be a way to tell you which are the brand new servers when you get into game?
  21. I was in WoW when the first few years of Arena started. The exploits ruined the experience for all of us who were not in the big guilds. I never caught up.
  22. This is a game breaker for me. BW cannot be so stupid as to not understand the inherent unfairness of this. Why bother PVPing when you will get wiped by players that will always be ahead. Why have PVP up up at all if you fail so badly at this launch you don't have enough people? Are you all that stupid 1%?
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