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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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Agree that the cooldown indication change was for the worse. With longer cooldowns you'll have several seconds where there are only 2 or 3 pixels covering the button and yet the skill is still unusable - a good way to lose a couple GCDs unless you are staring at the button bar and ignoring the game world.


"That other game" is clever enough to use a rotating indicator within the button, so that the cooldown shading never gets confused or de-emphasized by the button border... And the way SWTOR was originally was perfectly fine too.

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Woops, made my own stupid thread on this subject then noticed this one.


Yes, definitely signed. It's not a good QOL thing to have to peer at the icon to check whether there's just a sliver of blue there or whether the individual ability is REALLY off it's CD.


You should be able to monitor GCD and CD in peripheral vision once you're used to your abilities, you shouldn't have to peer at individual icons to check if they're truly "drained" or not.


The change certainly makes for a prettier (i.e. less permadark looking) UI, but it's less useful and more irritating.

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I thought that this was a bug. That this was intended to be an improvement is just baffling. I'm really starting to worry about this game.




No this was their 'fix' for ability delay. The problem was obviously that you were just mashing abilities before the gcd was done so they changed the graphics on the GCD.


So, no more ability delay bugs...what do we fix next guys?

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Where the heck have dev responses gone in the past 2 weeks? Major issues like this are just being ignored.


I think if developers took the time to respond to all of the harsh criticisms on the forums, they'd have no time to fix the stuff that everyone is complaining about.





Seriously, this forum, as a whole, is full of the most self-entitled, whiny, uncompromising people I have ever seen.


"The game came out a month ago. It isn't perfect. Unsubbing, see ya!" "BW sucks, they don't care about us. I got my free month of gameplay and no small title that I won't be here to receive anyway? Bull!"


Sorry, did BW not release a HUGE update a month after launch? Oh, right. Launch was a month ago. There is not a single MMO that has ever been released at this size, and there is not a single MMO that has ever had a flawless release.


Everyone can stop whining like little kids about every last thing. I'm seeing every one of these problems myself, but you know what? I play through. Because I'd rather play a game with a few minor issues than sit and ***** and moan about it all day. If you don't like the game, leave and stop talking about how you plan to.


And here's an idea: Make ONE thread about a topic, highlight the issue, and wait for it to get fixed. You know, instead of jump on the attack?


Or, you know what else would be great? Submit a customer service ticket.


I have heard so many times "I'm not submitting a ticket, that should have been done in the beta test."


Who the hell is going to sit here and yell about something, but do absolutely nothing to fix it because it "isn't his job?"


I am not planning on unsubbing from the game, but maybe I'll just stop lurking the forums. This seems to be where all of the problems really are. It's a sad sight when people without this ridiculous view of the way things work are the minority.

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I think if developers took the time to respond to all of the harsh criticisms on the forums, they'd have no time to fix the stuff that everyone is complaining about.





Seriously, this forum, as a whole, is full of the most self-entitled, whiny, uncompromising people I have ever seen.


"The game came out a month ago. It isn't perfect. Unsubbing, see ya!" "BW sucks, they don't care about us. I got my free month of gameplay and no small title that I won't be here to receive anyway? Bull!"


Sorry, did BW not release a HUGE update a month after launch? Oh, right. Launch was a month ago. There is not a single MMO that has ever been released at this size, and there is not a single MMO that has ever had a flawless release.


Everyone can stop whining like little kids about every last thing. I'm seeing every one of these problems myself, but you know what? I play through. Because I'd rather play a game with a few minor issues than sit and ***** and moan about it all day. If you don't like the game, leave and stop talking about how you plan to.


And here's an idea: Make ONE thread about a topic, highlight the issue, and wait for it to get fixed. You know, instead of jump on the attack?


Or, you know what else would be great? Submit a customer service ticket.


I have heard so many times "I'm not submitting a ticket, that should have been done in the beta test."


Who the hell is going to sit here and yell about something, but do absolutely nothing to fix it because it "isn't his job?"


I am not planning on unsubbing from the game, but maybe I'll just stop lurking the forums. This seems to be where all of the problems really are. It's a sad sight when people without this ridiculous view of the way things work are the minority.


I've just got to respond to this. I get your point, but this is the wrong thread to post this in. This isn't a thread complaining about glitches. It's not about a bug that Bioware will eventually fix (or I wouldn't have posted anything). This was a change Bioware made on purpose, that many feel is doing more harm than good. We feel they need to change it back or give us an option to turn this change on or off ourselves.


For many classes and playstyles, especially PvP and tanking, this makes playing unnecessarily difficult, and it's not a bug that will eventually be fixed if we just wait long enough. If we don't say anything, Bioware will just go on thinking this was a good idea and everybody is happy with it, when that's not the case.


If there was ever a thread with a legitimate "I'm gonna unsub" reason, this is it. Bioware PURPOSELY made a change that makes it harder to play. That's not a bug, that's the company making bad decisions. I love Bioware games more than I probably should, and I really want this game to succeed, but I totally understand people who see them making decisions to the detriment of gameplay and lose faith.


I understand your point, but jeez, dude, at least post that rant to people who it actually applies to.

Edited by AcousticColors
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In patch 1.1 the overlay on your abilities which showed when they were available to use or not was changed to an overlay that goes down to the bottom of the icon as it's cooldown comes up, but because the icon isn't "greyed out" anymore, a lot of the time it looks like you can click an ability that is on cooldown and use it, but you can't.


As a Jedi Sentinel I already spent half my time staring at all my cooldowns but now with this it's more like 99% of the time spent staring at my bars trying to decipher my next move because I can't just clearly see what is on cooldown or what is not, it's awful.


We want this change reverted to the way it was, which was PERFECTLY FINE. Why you even felt the need to change it in the first place is beyond me. I hope bioware don't think this is what we were talking about with regard to "ability delay", because that is a completely separate issue and the visual indications of when an ability is on cooldown or not had nothing to do with it, so in the end I really can't fathom why they changed it.


CHANGE IT BACK! I can't play like this -.-


I back it up. Why fix something that ain't broke?

Developers have other problems on their hands and then they do this to top the flaws of this game.

I start to have a feeling that devs want to alienate playerbase and force people to leave.

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For many classes and playstyles, especially PvP and tanking, this makes playing unnecessarily difficult, and it's not a bug that will eventually be fixed if we just wait long enough. If we don't say anything, Bioware will just go on thinking this was a good idea and everybody is happy with it, when that's not the case.


I back it up and to reply to all those who are saying move along it´s fine. No it´s not.


I give it to you if you say there´s too many people whining and bitiching about rather unimportant stuff but this is not something unimportant.


To me if you say it´s fine when you have a 3 min CD ability and you can´t see when exactly it´s going off CD when only 10 secs are left you are a liar. Either that or you play with so much lag that ... well... you don´t even notice it.


Plus (I´m speaking for myself) I always backed up any claims that I have when pointing mistakes but all you do is come here and say "it´s fine move along". At least back it up or else move along youselves fanboys.


Or are you going to tell me Ilum "it´s fine as well"?

Edited by Agenteusa
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Come on BW, so many pages on this serious issue, with so many constructive, well written an serious posts in them and no response.

It is not something that will just go away by not responding to it, as the poster above me said, very well. It is not a quest i could just skip, not a visual bug i can ignore by going to another zone, it's the UI, it is all the time there, it hinders my gameplay every time i want to do something, because it is the tool by which i interact with the game.

This doesn't even look like it needs a huge patch and time investment, if you can obviously light on/off abilities on demand. This shouldn't require a lot of time to quick patch/fix/add option.

Give us a response about this, please.

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In patch 1.1 the overlay on your abilities which showed when they were available to use or not was changed to an overlay that goes down to the bottom of the icon as it's cooldown comes up, but because the icon isn't "greyed out" anymore, a lot of the time it looks like you can click an ability that is on cooldown and use it, but you can't.


As a Jedi Sentinel I already spent half my time staring at all my cooldowns but now with this it's more like 99% of the time spent staring at my bars trying to decipher my next move because I can't just clearly see what is on cooldown or what is not, it's awful.


We want this change reverted to the way it was, which was PERFECTLY FINE. Why you even felt the need to change it in the first place is beyond me. I hope bioware don't think this is what we were talking about with regard to "ability delay", because that is a completely separate issue and the visual indications of when an ability is on cooldown or not had nothing to do with it, so in the end I really can't fathom why they changed it.


CHANGE IT BACK! I can't play like this -.-


While i agree it should go back to the way it is... i feel compelled to point and say "drama queen!". Its not nearly as bad as you make it sound, and i play the same class you do.

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