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Everything posted by JerBear-d

  1. Happens to me as a guardian with force stasis. Also having problems with dispatch and saber throw. The animation of a saber leaving my hand doesn't stop, even after it returns to me.
  2. JerBear-d

    So I just hit 50

    When I started at level 50, the lowest I'd be on the leader boards was about half-way down. I played hard and didn't use gear as an excuse. You can do the same thing. You'll do a lot better than you think
  3. I'm hitting 50 on my guardian tonight (50k experience is literally two or three wz's), and as a level 49, PvP is laughably easy. I got myself 2 different purple level 49 enhancements, a purple level 49 hilt, a purple level 48 shield generator, and orange/blue gear for the rest. On Alderaan, I legitimately was being attacked by three people at a turret (level 42-ish, 37-ish, and 35-ish) and I held them all off for a good while. I killed two of them, had time to stop, call for help with a somewhat long sentence, and accept a few gathering missions in the midst of it. I killed 2 of 3 people attacking me while accepting rewards and calling for help. But I certainly have no unfair advantage I look forward to level 50 on my JG. I'm going to casually get all of my gear (which will take a little bit), but I have saved up about 1000 mercenary and 1000 wz commendations, so with the champion bag I have and the 5 I can buy, I'm set. Or I can just wait to buy the commendations straight from the vendor, which they say will happen in 1.1.5. After that long wait and all of that time being completely rolled over, I will start to have a fighting chance. Slowly but surely, I will become a competitor. And the cool thing? I'll be able to say I advanced to the top of the game with this character instead of desperately trying to avoid progress. Huh. Imagine that. Play the game how you like, but I think to so strongly discourage others from trying to progress is a little silly
  4. Given that my team actually listens and goes left and right like half of the team agrees on before the game starts (the other 1/4 is usually just not vocal but goes with the plan and the other 1/4 go mid), I have about a 90% success rate with l/r and about 75% with l/m. People put more value on the mid (for no real reason) so they defend it more. L/r are not attacked as much and as long as they are defended properly it is an easy win. I always go left and stay (with one more person, as long as everyone doesn't try to be a hero), and the rest go take right. We call if anyone is incoming. Works like a charm. Maybe you are just one of those people who blames everyone else on the team when you are part of it too? 2 left, rest right. If right is over-taken with a ton of imps, move mid. Have everyone keep talking about how many at each turret. Call if any incoming. Try to keep one of the two at the left as a tank. Hold left because you have a while to watch them head over. Right and mid switch out. Get two. Hold. It almost always works.
  5. You're right, the imperials are wayyyy favored because they have a color crystal that I can't get! ... oh, you mean we republic players have one they can't get as well? ... what do you mean I can roll one republic character and 7 imperial players if I want to so I can get a ton of purple crystals? Well, the imperials are still favored. Because I don't like compromise.
  6. You mean the tank stance isn't working for you when you decide to not go with the other two stances and dps instead of tank? ... the horror!
  7. For me, Angral was first try. Level... I wanna say about 32? Maybe 33, 34 is possible but I highly doubt it. Wasn't too hard, in my opinion! I mean, it got close, but call on the force and a might stim work wonders
  8. It's not that every class is bad, just the one that the people complaining are playing.
  9. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't mind making a character that is in a polygamist relationship with all of my companions. ^Obviously would never happen, but fun to think about I'm looking forward to same sex relationships. I think they would have been present at launch had BW not been any rush to release. I know it's not a huge difference in programming and everything, but voice acting and all of that matters. But I'm sure it's on the way regardless
  10. I like to play pretty much primarily while the servers are down. I'd rather just not get to play one or two nights a week and have a decent (or improving) game to play for the majority of the week than have a faulty game 6 nights a week that is down on the 7th night. But I guess that is just me. Quality of the time you get over quantity, right?
  11. Obi-Wan's little speech after Anakin lost his legs and arm? It's heartbreaking. I think RotS was a really, really good movie. The dialogue wasn't the best, but the movements in story-line was wonderfully written, in my opinion. I loved it.
  12. JerBear-d

    New Warzone

    This is what kills teams in warzones. Everyone needs to play for number one thee days. --------------------------- I think this would be a fun idea, as long as the mechanics were worked out properly. I also would like to see a 2v2 or maybe 3v3 or 4v4 arena-style warzone.
  13. EDIT: Can someone delete this? Or let me know how? I figured the forum would combine posts and it didn't, but I edited this post in to my other one already
  14. I appreciate the advice, man! My link may be faulty, though. I have 0 on accuracy but full courage and force clap. So pretty much exactly what you suggested Nice to see like-minded guardians, though. Everyone is stuck on that 31-10-0 build Also, I'd suggest you give more to momentum. A free blade storm = free blade barrier, which does matter over all, in my opinion. Courage is good for keeping a little threat on mobs that are close by, but it isn't killer not to have it. It is definitely useful, though!
  15. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMGrurrkzRZhMM.1 I feel like this is a very good tank spec for PvP and PvE. It somewhat solves the guardian's main tanking problem (keeping threat on groups), but also allows for decent protection, good survivability, and somewhat decent damage. It takes a little thought to keep on top of it all and play it well, but I like it more than anything else I have seen.
  16. I'm on Prophecy of the Five (Republic) and it is very fun. Although it is rare to find a balanced server (and ours isn't all that balanced by any means), it is a load of fun for pvp. I stand a fighting chance, which I think matters lol. People on the server are (for the most part) very nice and very helpful with things. Also, try to think incredibly carefully about which advanced class you're going in to. It's important. Good luck, it'll be fun!
  17. At level 43 I was successfully able to get a level 47 mercenary running, stunning, running a bit more, repeat, all the way to his base a little bit ago. Contested territory pvp with defense spec is pretty damn nice
  18. I think defense chance is more valuable than absorption. I go Str, End, and Def. Shield rating affects how often your shield will work if you are hit. Absorption affects how much damage your shield will take for you if you are hit and your shield fails. Defense rating, however, affects how often you get hit in the first place. I think if you nip the problem in the bud, you're better off. But, you know, everyone has different opinions
  19. I win a somewhat decent amount of the time on my server (Prophecy of the Five) and I'm Republic. Usually, a loss is just bad luck. Sometimes, it's a complete lack of organization on the Republic side and a huge abundance of organization on the Empire side. They come up with ideas, people listen. We argue about which plan is best and have too many trolls. Or that's how I feel about it, at least.
  20. Somehow, the idea of buying the game, playing the game for a month, then demanding your money back for said month seems to me to be one of the most ludicrous, selfish, and uncompromising things I have ever heard. Especially seeing as you're demanding your money back, implying that you think you're special when there are thousands of others who are unnecessarily all mad like you. Either BW personally screwed you over, or you have your head too far up your ***. I'm going to assume the latter.
  21. I think if developers took the time to respond to all of the harsh criticisms on the forums, they'd have no time to fix the stuff that everyone is complaining about. Seriously, this forum, as a whole, is full of the most self-entitled, whiny, uncompromising people I have ever seen. "The game came out a month ago. It isn't perfect. Unsubbing, see ya!" "BW sucks, they don't care about us. I got my free month of gameplay and no small title that I won't be here to receive anyway? Bull!" Sorry, did BW not release a HUGE update a month after launch? Oh, right. Launch was a month ago. There is not a single MMO that has ever been released at this size, and there is not a single MMO that has ever had a flawless release. Everyone can stop whining like little kids about every last thing. I'm seeing every one of these problems myself, but you know what? I play through. Because I'd rather play a game with a few minor issues than sit and ***** and moan about it all day. If you don't like the game, leave and stop talking about how you plan to. And here's an idea: Make ONE thread about a topic, highlight the issue, and wait for it to get fixed. You know, instead of jump on the attack? Or, you know what else would be great? Submit a customer service ticket. I have heard so many times "I'm not submitting a ticket, that should have been done in the beta test." Who the hell is going to sit here and yell about something, but do absolutely nothing to fix it because it "isn't his job?" I am not planning on unsubbing from the game, but maybe I'll just stop lurking the forums. This seems to be where all of the problems really are. It's a sad sight when people without this ridiculous view of the way things work are the minority.
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