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10 Good
  1. Exactly. Star Wars has been demolished over the years by its own creator, it's not even close to the higher quality fantasy canons (Game of Thrones, LOTR, etc.)
  2. Designer #1 > Hey guys, we created this amazing "pending" system! Should we use it for when companions return from missions? Designer #2 > NO, DUDE! Players will want to know what their companions brought them RIGHT NOW! It's like getting a Christmas present early!
  3. WoW lost more people after it's first month? What? I mean seriously, have you been living under a rock?
  4. The updates and fixes have been incredibly minor compared to what is actually required to fix this game.
  5. I also want to add that turning off auto-follow is next to no work and makes the game 100% more playable for many of us. The fact that it's been a month and a half- and that many, many people reported this in beta- and the issue is still not fixed just displays a monumental cluelessness.
  6. Actually, it isn't. His is an educated, informed opinion. Yours appears to be anything but.
  7. Actually, I'm psychic, and I'm here to tell you most people hate the new UI with a passion.
  8. Uh, he specifically says the numbers are current as of Dec 31st, 2011. Not "TODAY".
  9. Yeah, that actually really creeped me out first time I noticed it. The pairs of heavily armored guards standing around inside the Sith Academy on Korriban. They looked like life-size dolls. It's so strange that they chose to do that. Why? What on earth was the reason?
  10. You know, there actually exist choose-your-own-ending books. Like videogame stories, they're not considered very good.
  11. This shouldn't be surprising. The last game Bioware made that had a real sense of geography and a sense of place was Baldur's Gate 2. Seriously, go back and play Baldur's Gate 2. Athkatla feels 10x more alive than anything on TOR. KOTOR was where they started to lose it in terms of building real, believable worlds. The story in KOTOR was great, the planets were terrible and felt like tiny boxes (remember Kashhyk or Tatooine?). I think they just don't have enough talent with 3D level design. They don't know how to make a videogame geography that seems alive and breathing, so the stuff they do make ends up feeling too artificial and static. Most of the planets in TOR feel less like a sci-fi planet and more like a videogame level. Obviously no one is asking them to construct actual 3d planets, but the whole art of level design is making the artificial seem life-like.
  12. If a player makes it clear they're rolling need on companion gear and aesthetic gear, then I roll need too, since I do in fact need the money. That isn't any lesser a need than companions and aesthetics. Otherwise, I will only roll need on character upgrades since I consider that to be a higher level of need.
  13. Aren't you the guy who said there was no orbital station on Belsavis, then someone posts a picture of the orbital station on Belsavis? Yeah, you're real credible.
  14. The Biodrones have already modified their Bio-Enjoyment microprocessors in this way.
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