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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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An official statement one way or another (whether it is a bug) would be really appreciated. I really hope it's a bug. On the other hand, I can't understand why they would make this sort of change without making it configurable. Without numbers on the bar, the game is hard enough. I spend half of my time staring at my totally unconfigurable bars as it is.


Heres the official patch notes:


•The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable).

Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.


So working as intended.. Totally baffled why they get rid of a perfectly good system and replace it with a bad system?! :confused:

Edited by Russx
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sorry to say but its not "nothing" or fear of change like some have said, the worst thing to do from a UI prespective is to change something that worked just fine to something else. a month or so since the game came out, there was a learning curve at start, people learned how to do it and carried on. A change will affect in a negative way, myself and my premade in WZ noticed it right away and all were displeased with the change.


It not that we will have to re-learn dealing with it, it is actually hard to tell whether a skill is on cooldown or not, considering GCD the only way you manage to tell is either by figures on the skills or a color, now we have neither unless you hover on the skill to read

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And I thought they might actually correct the combat.


I should have learned my lesson from Warhammer Online.


Huge, giant red flags when they supposedly merged the Mythic team for their supposed "experience". Scared me, feared for the worst, and those idiots have surely impacted this game, which COULD have been such a great one.

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*** is it with this game that they can't just put in a moddable UI and let it go with that? Why were we begging for this over a year ago in early, early beta and they have never done anything but make matters worse? Why can't they just go look at Rift or even Warhammer and just copy that friggin UI? Warhammer sucked but at least it had a solid, modern MMO UI. Edited by Mannic
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lol i just got ruined on my lowbie because i didn't realize that Electro Dart's cooldown wasn't up yet. I couldn't even see the bar, but it had like 5 seconds left on it. Here I am spamming it wondering why it's not working and thinking I'm lagged. Lulz.


Hahahaha fail.

Edited by Sevvy
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Ok, let's see:


Problem: Users couldn't tell when reactive abilities (or those that consume a resource) are available during GCD because all icons are greyed out during CD's.


Implemented solution: Icons only grey out when they aren't useable (i.e. not enough resource, mob needs to be stunned first, whatever) They stay bright during CD. Resulting problem: Hard to tell when skills with long CD are off their CD as the "CD fill" is basically invisible.


Proposed *real* solution: Icons still grey out if they are on their OWN CD, not during GCD. Fixes both problems.


Thank you for this. I like seeing people provide solutions rather than just complaining about something.


I personally hope that Bioware never forces us to have a numerical option for abilities on cooldown. I prefer the look as it is today. I do however welcome the ability to choose between the two.

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The issue they tried to fix was that it was impossible to see if reactive abilities were ready during a GCD as all abilities would become fully greyed out.


Now everything stays lit up all the time, even if they're on cooldown, as long as other requirements are met.


Extremely lazy.


I don't know what you are talking about. Whenever I use an ability that has a CD, it is grayed out for me. I don't see any of these changed you guys are talking about.


If it is a short CD or a long CD, my icons still show a dark grey slider over them.

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you know if we had addons any and all UI issues like this could've already been solved. just a simple addon that changes the abilities to always be greyed out if on CD, or one that just shows CD timers. bioware would still be responsible for getting their **** together and eventually fix the issue so an addon wouldnt be needed, but at the rate they try to fix things by messing them up even more i've become more and more convinced that having addons wouldve saved A LOT of headaches that this game causes. Edited by Sharma
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The system worked perfectly fine before 1.1. I'm a JK Guardian and never had a problem with Riposte or Pommel Strike. Those skills would stay lit up even if my GCD was active. Now, with longer CD skills like Warding Call or Force Stasis, I can't tell when they're active because they're lit up even though they're still on CD. While it isn't game-breaking, it certainly isn't a feature. It was working perfectly well before this patch. At most there should be an option (although I don't know why anybody would prefer this system over the last).


Funny, Guardian here too. From what I remember, Riposte isn't affected by GCD, so of course no trouble. (and, FWIW, I never use riposte and didn't pick up any of the skills for it, so it's possible I could be misremembering. Don't even think I still have it on my hotbar)


My primary complaint was stuff like Blade Storm and Force Sweep. Things that have variable focus costs (if you have the right skills). I want to know BEFORE the GCD is up if I have enough focus to use them without having to count number of focus - # of courage buffs. Otherwise I'm wasting time recognizing that they're up before I use them, instead of queueing them up during the GCD.


(pommel strike and opportune strike are lesser issues, it's fairly rare that a stun/slow doesn't land, so you can pretty much just assume they do... and since they only work on strong and lesser mobs, not that big a deal... been considering dropping them off my hotbar too)

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