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[Video] This is Ilum - Republic Perspective


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I didn't blame the players for the fact that Ilum is broken. I blamed them for going there to die when they know they'll die, it just doesn't make any sense.


Here let me break it down for you: if the less populated faction stops going there and feeding the more populated one, then the more populated one cannot do their dailies and farm valor which in turn increases the amount of people complaining about Ilum, thus increasing the chances the devs will do something about it asap.


You know while you are correct in keeping the actual republic players alive, if you watch a lot of the servers there are usually quite a few sub 50 republics over there, take a guess why they are in ilum. Thats right they are imp alts, being farmed. They are using their alts and taking turns farming each other for the valor. Where is the solution to this?

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After playing other MMO's you gradually start to discover how awesome Blizzard really is. Happened to me while playing Age of Conan.


yea its true blizzard might make a few bad choice from time to time that throw balance off by 5% or so but most other mmos made horrible choices that completely kill things.

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The video doesn't show a imbalance with the Imps. It just shows more imp players like to pvp on ilum. You can't control how many people are going to fly to the planet at a particular time.


I do however agree that the camping of the medicenter is dumb and every player who participated in those kinda things should get email warnings of some sort saying that's griefing ect. Also 1.1b or whatever should add a new resurrection option to res at republic fleet or the spaceport or where ever to get out of a situation like that. Or just put some sort of unkillable npc cannons at the medicenters that 1 shot kill enemies.

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The video doesn't show a imbalance with the Imps. It just shows more imp players like to pvp on ilum. You can't control how many people are going to fly to the planet at a particular time.


I do however agree that the camping of the medicenter is dumb and every player who participated in those kinda things should get email warnings of some sort saying that's griefing ect. Also 1.1b or whatever should add a new resurrection option to res at republic fleet or the spaceport or where ever to get out of a situation like that. Or just put some sort of unkillable npc cannons at the medicenters that 1 shot kill enemies.


Agreed, med centers shouldnt be camp-able like that, anywhere. Put a ridiculous guard turret or something

Edited by Xtrema
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WOW. That is just insane. Glad you posted this video. Now the Devs can see and not just read what we are dealing with.


Sadly though I think all they are going to do is add more or more powerful base guns to prevent camping like this. That or have guards that spawn.


The Ilum pvp system needs a complete do over. There are a few suggestions bouncing around.

Edited by Nocturnalis
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It actually says quite a lot about balance. It's no secret that republic are heavily underrepresented on pretty much all servers. Trying to shoo it under the carpet helps noone. They need to make incentives so that people are attracted to the Republic. Right now both factions are mirror images of each other, same spells, same classes, same everything. The only difference is the names of the spells and classes. Silly...
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Lol definitely an awesome update to any already ****** pvp system!




There is a simple solution, though: don't go to the warzones if you are on the republic side. I don't think the Imperials can cap objectives if there are no objectives to cap. That denies them free valor.


also, with the new 50 bracket we need to have an organized premade 50 team running as much as possible so everyone gets into warzones and racks up some wins.

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It actually says quite a lot about balance. It's no secret that republic are heavily underrepresented on pretty much all servers. Trying to shoo it under the carpet helps noone. They need to make incentives so that people are attracted to the Republic. Right now both factions are mirror images of each other, same spells, same classes, same everything. The only difference is the names of the spells and classes. Silly...


There is nothing you can do to make good players play pansy arse republics.

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This is total garbage. This needs to be completely and totally re-worked.


I expected a lot more out of Ilum but we can all see that those grandiose promises were all empty and unsubstantiated.


At this rate they are going to have a very small player base with most of the game functioning as an electronic ghost town.

Edited by Bastionhawk
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And they KNOW they can't play it, so why bother?


YOU SIR are an idiot and should just go troll another thread or ****. This is clearly the worst idea bioware has come up with.


This has to lag everyones computers to hell. I'm imperial and I see no fun in trying to slaughter 1 republic with 100 other players dancing around waiting as well. What would you be thinking if you were republic right now? or are you too cold of a person to think about the opposite faction. roll a repub, then come back to us and tell us your thoughts.


hurr pvp server hurr....no its player vs 100players.

Edited by tommartin
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