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Why do so many play Empire?


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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


people like being evil, duh...games about escapism, getting away from your day to day, and well, after you get off work, and all you want to do is kill your boss, but you don't want to go to jail, you can log on and giggle manically as you get more darkside points murdering fools for questioning you!

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Actually, The Horde were sort of the good guys (Orcs and Tauren). The Humans were all corrupt and the Dwarves and Gnomes were killing the environment, hehe.


Go look into what the Horde was like under Blackhand the Destroyer.


Horde was Orcs and Ogres only, and they killed and ***** everything between them and their destination.


You ever look down at the textures on the ground outside of the Dark Portal on Draenor?


That's a road made of bones.


Bones torn from the corpses of the Draenei by the Orcs.


They committed genocide on the Draenei.


Orcs used to be cool in Warcraft.

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


According to the now missing guild page inital breakdown was 60% Empire 40% Republic.

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From a force user perspective, jedi are all about personal restraint with strict rules around what they can do. They aren't even supposed to take a mate.


The dark side is all about emotion and passion which fuels their strength in the force. These guys can do what they want with their godlike powers.


Seriously, who would you choose to be, especialy when they don't even force you to be evil if you choose empire? From a roleplaying position, Jedi are stifled and dull in comparison.

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I like both sides in the movies, but I went Sith Empire.


There have been tons of Star Wars games, but very few let you play as the Empire/Dark Side. I'm pretty sure the first time I joined the Galactic Empire was during TIE Fighter, which is still one of my favorite Star Wars games, so joining the "darkside" is nothing new for me. Other games that let you choose a side include X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, the Battlefront games, the Star Wars RTS games (I forgot the names), SWG, and the Jedi Knight games (you can go light or dark). The majority of SW games, though, had you playing for the Lightside/Rebels/Republic.


As far as the force-users go, if we look at the prequels, we've already seen what it looks like when a ton of Jedi are running around, but we never saw a ton of Sith, because of the "Rule of Two." The idea of playing during the time of the Sith Empire, when all the Dark Siders were running around with red sabers, throwing force-lightning at people, is interesting.


It also looks like Bio was really pushing the Sith Empire, based on the trailers. They did a good job making the baddies look awesome and intriguing.

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Many assume good = weak, while the darker side is like the biker bad boy.

They think it's sexy and sexy too women.


My sons are exhibiting this phase in their teenage years.


For me, it's not so much that good=weak, it's that good often means compromise, idealism, altruism and other concepts I am personally at odds with.


Compromise is sometimes good, but often it means watering down something that's demonstrably correct to avoid 'hurting feelings'


Idealism is just what a man hides behind when he's not willing to do what has to be done. One shouldn't look at someone as an idealist, but a realist.


Altruism, to me, is the epitome of "Go for the quick good now, ignore the possible bad side effects."


Often the only difference between a "good" leader and an "evil" leader is scope.


Much of the groundwork laid by conquerors and tyrants becomes the foundation of better societies, it's just that it takes hundreds of years to work itself out.


While a good man fixes a problem temporarily.

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


Because the Republic NPC's speak in little clips which remind us of Lifetime for Women programs. Your biginning quests suck, and the acting is like day time soap opera drama.

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For me, it's not so much that good=weak, it's that good often means compromise, idealism, altruism and other concepts I am personally at odds with.


Compromise is sometimes good, but often it means watering down something that's demonstrably correct to avoid 'hurting feelings'


Idealism is just what a man hides behind when he's not willing to do what has to be done. One shouldn't look at someone as an idealist, but a realist.


Altruism, to me, is the epitome of "Go for the quick good now, ignore the possible bad side effects."


Often the only difference between a "good" leader and an "evil" leader is scope.


Much of the groundwork laid by conquerors and tyrants becomes the foundation of better societies, it's just that it takes hundreds of years to work itself out.


While a good man fixes a problem temporarily.


So, crack the baby's skull open over work as a society to better itself..got ya. ;)

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Please tell me your server names so I can check them out, 'cause I have been searching for a PVE server with Republic majority, couldn't find one.

PVE servers mind you. Not RP-PVE, that's the only types that I see Republic having a slight edge.


And please link the source to your "data that's been released." TORProgress and Taugrim all have Empire having a majority even on PVE servers.


Crucible Pits is Republic majority. The only problem you will run into is seeing everyone being from Ruin, Ruinous, Ruin Gaming, Ruination, etc. etc. Each of these Republic guilds is filled ... but all in all, Republic has the majority on this server.

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BH > Trooper

Operative < Smuggler

Sith Warrior = Jedi Knight

Sith Inquisitor >>> Jedi Consular


People are surprised? Really? I tried playing republic, hated the Sage/Shadow and disliked the Trooper. Now im on empire side enjoying the sith sorc and two bounty hunters. I would have preferred the JK and the smuggler over its counterparts, but unfortunately it doesn't really work very well to play both faction(no crafting synergie etc).


But seriously, lightning skills are the ultimate iconic dark side effect. Throwing pebbles and rocks ... **** thats embarassing, what if someone sees you? And lets just not get into the whole bathrobe theme ...

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So, crack the baby's skull open over work as a society to better itself..got ya. ;)


No, it's more the idea of sometimes you need to crack the baby's skull, and being all weepy eyed about it isn't going to fix much.


Do what needs to be done, regardless of moral implications.


But, as mentioned, these are just how I look at things and I am generally amoral.


Not immoral, just amoral.

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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special/cool. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it.


Maybe some people simply like that side better? Prefer the clothes (better in my opinion), prefer the storylines (better in my opinion), prefer the lack of blatant, if ill considered, moral content.


Do you have a tattoo or a piercing? Or is your lack thereof indicative of you wanting to be special/cool because you don't do what everyone does?

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My guild said they were rolling Empire.


So I said ok.


And then I rolled Empire.





I rolled Empire for two simple reasons


1. I get a Jawa for a companion. And that's amazing to me.

2. I can heal people with rockets. WITH ROCKETS. Which is also amazing to me.



Edited by Ellis_Dee
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This is just false. Classes and leveling zones are fully developed on republic, not sure what you are talking about. You may prefer empire but that doesn't make republic classes and zones not developed.


I had to drop quests on each planet because there was so much content, But yah it's underdeveloped




He never said lack of quests, the republic side feels bland, forced in a way. The empire just feels right, better voice actors, the content is there.

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Because many anymore like playing the "bad guy". Just what I have seen in these games as of late. So you can pretty much bank on any of the newer mmos that have a faction that is considered "good" and "bad" that most of the time the population playing the "bad guys" will severely outnumber the other faction.


My advice to developers out there to ensure you will have pretty even populations without manually throttling it via player faction creation on servers?


Make a game that has all evil factions. Guaranteed win in this era of gaming.



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