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Nobody likes spending their time being stunned/mezzed/locked down


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I'm fine with snares.. even short-term roots. Because you're still participating and able to take actions.


But despite the great stickied threat about the resolve system, there's still wayyyy too much CC going on in games. Maybe resolve just doesn't work for marauders, but I'm typically spending a good chunk of each battle being stun locked. It's just not fun.


How about instead of all these stuns/mezzes, you substitute for many of them abilities that reduce an enemy's damage? Add more interrupts, perhaps.


And then leave in one or two stuns for each class, max, and give them a much shorter duration and longer CD so that we stop having matches where it's just all about CC and more about positioning and tactics?


Maybe I'm just too used to other games where you don't have all this cc.. but I'd much rather be able to be playing 100% of the time and just being impacted in other ways by player skills than to be sitting there unable to do anything for 10 seconds. That's not fun.

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The problem with the game is that Bioware focused mainly on PvE combat, story, flashpoints, operations, etc where as PvP feels like an afterthought. Their is some huge balancing issues. Many favoring the Imperial players. Yes, I have a char on both sides & when I can effortlessly win on the Imperial side with faster Cooldowns & not broken animations, I'm going to steamroll republic players almost everytime. With my Commando, it's hell trying to get even one win despite how good our team is. It almost feels like I have a much better chance of winning a PvP match with a bad Imperial team than a good republic team.



Edited by LatinLegacy
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Devil's Advocate here, CC is needed because otherwise many classes which rely on them would have to be buffed in either defense or damage dealing to not be useless and I am sure as hell you don't want to ranged have like 50% extra damage and/or melee/tank grade defensive cooldowns.


Other than that CC adds a lot of tactical play into the game, which allows personal skill to be as much of a factor as a pure brute force.

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The only thing that needs to change:


Damage needs to break you out sooner. Full duration stuns that don't break on damage, no problem I'll cc break, oh **** my resolve was not full now I eat another full duration stun that doesnt break on damage. Or I wait for full resolve and break, wicked, awesome, but for the next few minutes I have no choice but to eat 2x full duration stuns that don't break on damage.



Just make damage break us out sooner depending on how much % of max health we lose while stunned.


and why does knockback gain resolve but slow does not?

Edited by Zidaen
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I agree that the stuns are really over the top but the problem becomes if you get rid of stuns/mezzes what is a sorc supposed to do with all the leaps and pulls in the game. Snare is great but not if someone has a gap closer on a short cool down. I can't stand there and go toe to toe with a melee and I don't have enough burst to kill them before they get to me if I force speed away either.
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I completely agree. As a melee i find that ranged classes just have TOO MUCH advantage. The amount of times i just get stunned, rooted and come out at 10% health only to be killed a few seconds after is ridiculous.


Reducing the amount of CC would allow things to flow more and make for better gameplay.


Currently rolling melee is daft with the damage output ranged classes have.

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Here's an idea. CC's of all forms are lessened by a % of time based on your % of Resolve. Therefore, if you get stunned and you break out, only to be stunned again, the first stun would have put your resolve up to 50 - 75%, so the second stun has 50 - 75% of its duration removed... thus a 4 sec stun would be brought down to 1-2 seconds.
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I completely agree. As a melee i find that ranged classes just have TOO MUCH advantage. The amount of times i just get stunned, rooted and come out at 10% health only to be killed a few seconds after is ridiculous.


Reducing the amount of CC would allow things to flow more and make for better gameplay.


Currently rolling melee is daft with the damage output ranged classes have.


Agreed. Another option is to increase the cool downs of root, stuns, snares to two minutes. There is way too much CC in every pvp match. It's no fun to be CC'd only to be killed a few seconds afterwards. Doesn't make sense that my CC break is on two minute cool down, yet my CCs can be spammed (combinations of slows, roots, stuns, knockdowns, etc...). Although some classes do need the multiple CCs to counter an opponent, such as melee vs. ranged. So, it's gonna be tough to balance out because Bioware made the short sighted decision to make almost all classes be able to CC in some form or another.

Edited by UnimatrixSteel
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yeah we need to get Bioware game designers and sit them in a room and start talking about a very common faux pas in game design "taking away player control" and how it is never really a good thing.


We Cannot Do That While Stunned

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