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Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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What is really overpowered is friendship. Just imagine, someone with the unfair ability to be able to tolerate or even enjoy the company of others to the extent that they could get other people to want to group up with them. Now that's scary. You come across a multiboxer and you start scattering or CCing their guys, they lose their mind looking at their 4 different computer screens where 4 different things are happening, and trying to get everything back together. But four nerdy friends with head sets, you'll get eaten alive if you accidentally stumble across them on some planet in the middle of nowhere.

Personally, I don't have the ability to tolerate other people on mmo's enough to want to group up and wander around with them for very long, and I'm kind of upset that there are people with this unfair advantage. Still, I guess everyone has their unfair advantages.

Most mmo's I think tolerate multiboxing because they know it's only secondary to the gross overpoweredness of teamwork.

As a side note, I've casually dual-boxed before, and it's really really hard getting all of that set up, getting everyone to do the same thing at once, and while sometimes it's awesome killing guys at double speed, you can barely control either character, and there are a lot of situations where you get hung up. It's a different form of gameplay, and it takes as much if not more skill than playing one character. And it's not necessarily more fun.

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You don't see a problem with 4 people running up to you and all casting the same spell/attack at the exact same time and instantly killing you?


And all it took was 1 button pressed on the keyboard.


And what stops 4 individual players from running up to you and focus'ing you down?


Name one thing a multiboxer can do that a group of individual players cannot do, and assuming those 4 players aren't bad, can't do much better.

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I am hoping for some clarification from a mod on this but i also would like to hear fromt eh community also.


Recently on my server a guy has been spotted repeatedly running around with three toons all with similar names and all three doing the exact same thing at the same time. Meaning when 1 jumps they all jump, one attacks they all attack, with the same skills. Its clear this guy is using a 3rd party program to control the three accounts at once.



Um, maybe but probably not. When I do this I use a wireless mouse and keyboard that controls all three characters (I have three computers and monitors on my desk). You use a wired mouse and keyboard to get each character to move independently, when needed (one is always getting stuck).


It gives you a lot of fire power but it's honestly more work than it's worth.

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But what about programs that allow you to control multiple accounts simultaneously ?


It's usually a hardware device actually that just duplicates the inputs. So he's still hitting the keys and such, just that it's duplicated on the other computers.


And, yes, doing it this way has been deemed ok in other games. It's not a bot or macros or the like. He still has to set up the bars and hit keys to do what he wants.


Now if you can somehow prove otherwise.......

Edited by ispanolfw
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It cannot be checked anyway so how can you ban it.


What would happen if me and 2 other friends put our PC's next to eachother and play as a team same result.

What if i connect my mouse and keyboard via splitter to 3 PC's you dont see any difference. Yes the actions are identical but you only see the results of those actions.


I dont see why it is fun to do this i mean you already control 2 characters anyway but if people want to do it fine by me.

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I'm about to try multi (dual) boxing, becasue ther third guild I've joined is just "evaporating"


50 members online a few weeks ago, now at peak times it's often less than 10

Sick of missing out on all the Flashpoints and heroics becasue no-one is available to run them. Chatbox "General" is dead. Everyone has gone and made custom channels.


This is the third guild I've been in that just "died" - and as a Republic player it's a really grim prospect trying to get a group anywhere.

Yeah I could go Imperial and have an easier time, but guess what - I don't want to.

I owuld like to play the game as part of a community - but the game won't let me. I've re-rolled on a different server and the same thing happens.


So my reason for dual boxing is just so I don't miss a huge part of the content


As for labelling people who multibox "socially inadequte" or words to that effect, then get

a grip.


I play team sports, have three kids and work with 20+ other people. I don't need a game of any sort to fulfill my social needs. I deal with people"for real".


Maybe you remember what that is like...or maybe not!


And if you don't want to do it, and don't understand it - then why troll these threads? What are you trying to prove? Is trolling on issues that don't affect you how you get your kicks?

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People are pretty funny


having 3 accounts-not illegal in anyway


having 3 characters doing simultaneous acts at the same time-banable


I personally do not care what people do and I wouldnt report anyone doing it, but he is using 3rd party software to allow the character to do the same thing at the same time


Pushing 1 button which activates 3 abilities is not allowed


But to each his own



it activates 1 ability per client your argument is invalid

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I don't mean this in an offensive way at all... I actually want to know the answer to this question:


How does him doing this impact the game and yourself personally?


I genuinely would like to know the answer to this. My knee-jerk reaction is that this guy should be banned but I would like to know what the implications of someone doing this are before I say that with certainty.


Since most of the game is soloable and that part that isn't is instanced, who cares.

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Most MMO 2box setups are for 1 to play the game and 1 to play the auction house. We wouldn't even do that if we had an app on our phone to check auctions ala WoW...


It really doesn't effect other gamers in this genre to 2box IMO.


In other game genres however, I frown on 2boxing.



Not to mention if you were serious about the GTN there is NO WAY you could be efficient with this game's travel mechanic *puke*

Edited by Knyghtprowler
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It's not cheating to run several accounts. BUT the question is what software do you use to do it with. There are some tools that clearly go down the path of cheating and would get you banned in some mmos. Not saying WoW is one of them because they don't seem to care.


name them, go on.



people are so misinformed and gullible, its painful to read and see.

you can multibox with zero programs that injects code into original game, and thats what hacking is. the multiboxing person DOES NOT control other characters by one - he just sends same input to all characters on different accounts he has from 1 console, this is done by either software or hardware methods.


Go read about the phenomena, and stop, really stop spreading misinformation.

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If the person can do what he does while at the keyboard then it's legaloffice it works with out him being in front of the keyboard it's ilegal.


Multi boxing is acceptable running keyboar macros etc that allow you control multiple characters at once is fine.


I dont see what the fuss is about, this person pays for multiple accounts and contributes more to the game than most do.


Maybe he is just fed up with groping with nubs and decided the only way to fix it is to become the group himself.

Edited by Elgarr
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Its not like your other accounts are automated bots. What you can do is pretty limited especially since SWTOR doesn't have a macro system. Every account will target the same thing and attack the same thing.


Some people believe Multiboxers have an advantage in pvp because they're controlling multiple characters but anyone who multiboxes knows that's a load of bull***** teams are 8 vs 8 If one guy controlls 1/2 your team those players can't separate & are extremely susceptible to knock backs especially in huttball with all its ledges & traps. In PvP a multiboxer is like a bad premade group.

Edited by chaosvernon
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I don't really see it as cheating until he gets some sort of competitive advantage from it that directly effects others. If he is rolling around in PvP as his own personal gank squad, yeah, that is pretty shady and there is little you can do against it so, I might consider that cheating but, outside of the PvP perfectly focused fire element, i have little issue with him not needing help on group content or whatever.
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Hum.. not that I knew of. I know it annoyed some people however you didn't lose that 3 v 3 arena match because he was controling 3 mages you lost that match because your team is still new. That was most of the compliants I saw, WAAAAAA this guy smashed my 3 v 3 team or 5 v 5 team because he was one player controling 5 mages and that is just easy mode to 1800. No, no it's not any 5 man team with decent arena experince rips apart cpt multi-boxer.


The blues 100% support multi boxing.


That was great when you got matched up with a multiboxer because it was free...whatever those points were called.

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Multiboxing is the greatest gaming concept on the planet. It's basically one person that says "You all suck, I think I'm better than 98% of the players who play this stupid MMO, and I can do better than you."


Google 'xzin' sometime.


I've personally done it on WoW. If you think MMOs aren't challenging, I dare you to try multiboxing. But first, you need to buy multiple copies and pay multiple subscriptions. This is why most game companies turn an eye to multiboxing: They are still making the same amount of money. The only time they have a concern is when you are away from the keyboard and the software is automating commands, which is against the EULA.

Edited by xGBox
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