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Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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How is it null? Your companion doesn't need anywhere the gear level you character needs. It's as simple as this: Your character is benefiting the group, and your companion is not. So when you roll need for your companion, your putting yourself over the group, because rolling need for an item for your companion in no way helps the group. However, if you rolled greed, and someone else in the group who can use the item rolls need, the group benefits, because the player who can use the item immediately equips it, and therefore your group abilities and power and whatnot are increased.


I am running the dungeon to expediate my leveling process, no more or less. By way of mutual benefit, so is everyone else that I run with. If you try to say that you run dungeons not to help yourself, but to help others, then you are lying.


Following on from this, companions are a vital part to the expected leveling process. Flashpoints offer SIGNIFICANTLY stronger gear than that which is available through other reasonable means, for both yourself and your companion. Companion damage/healing/tanking may be lower than your damage, but that doesn't mean that it is insignificant - it is extremely significant.


Unless you want to get out a calculator and perform a multifactorial analysis on every piece of gear and its expect return on leveling speed as a function of time spent with companion vs. time spent without vs. the current gear level of the person against whom you are rolling, then you can go ahead and get bent, because I know for a fact that upgrading my companion has a significant impact on my leveling speed.



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Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.


So, and this is a question I beg you to answer truthfully, you wouldn't care at all if you had spent 3 hours in an instance without any recompense, and that awesome .00000045 percent chance mount/weapon/mod/whatever that only your character type could benefit from because it says (Bounty Hunter only), and someone in the group rolls need on it, ad beats you. Let's go wild, and say you rolled a 1, and he rolled a 2.


You wouldn't ask why? You wouldn't wonder why you just got gibbed? You wouldn't be mad if they said something like, "I'm only ten thousand away from my next mount upgrade, and I could sell this for a TON of credits. I know the RNG has loved me today, and I've won all the other rolls in this instance, but I NEED to have a faster speeder."


Massively Multiplayer. Multi-players. Other players. (sigh)


Co-exist. Or just roll need on EVERYTHING. Those are the options you are presenting.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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Are you kidding me? It is absolutely my business on how you roll, what you roll, and what you do with it, probably because YOUR ROLLING ON AN ITEM THAT I NEED.


Feel your hate, let everyone know that you are a needy child!

Edited by snooggums
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Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.


I felt the same way last night when I rolled on a blaster for my comp, It was the only thing out of the flashpoint I could have used. And if it's an upgrade for my comp and it helps me out and I won the roll then I guess you can QQ.

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Healer or no, I'd kick you if you took gear from someone that needed it, just for a mod in it. That's what commendations and the GTN are for. Cheap, easy, specific mods.


As pointed out, END-GAME MODS are going to once again be removable. This has been announced by the devs and it coming back to the game in the very near future. People who want the best stats (hey, min-maxxers and raiders) and who want to utilize the armor customization aspect of the game (want to maintain the look they like), will start to raid for mods.


Because they are upgrades to the mods they already spent commendations on.

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Are you kidding me? It is absolutely my business on how you roll, what you roll, and what you do with it, probably because YOUR ROLLING ON AN ITEM THAT I NEED. Or an item that someone else in the group needs. Now, I would be fine if you rolled need on a item that nobody else in the group could use, but when someone else in the group benefits from using it on their character, then yes, you are not entitled to roll "how you please." And I apologize, but the SWTOR forums for some reason blocked g.t.f.o., so I wasn't calling you an expletive, but simply a troll.


If I say I need it, I need it. You do not get to make my choices or decisions. I have equal rights to roll. What I do is none of your business.


I deal in facts, not what you *think*.


Apology not required, the explanation was fine.

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So person A wants to spread the wealth.

Person B wants it all to himself.


Person A is selfish? lol?

No, try again.


More like, person A wants than an equal shot at the wealth than person B, who also wants wealth but just wants an equal shot and not follow a bunch of pretend rules about rollling on gear.

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No, it's not at all.


In fact in that example I am UPGRADING MY MAIN CHARACTER.


Your example is just an excuse to roll need on everything. You could layout why every drop is an upgrade for you, whether directly (by use of the item) or indirectly breaking it up for mods or dissembling it or selling it for cash.

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Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.

Seems fair to me.
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The way it should be is, If an Item drops your companion would benefit from having, See if anyone else in the group NEEDS it for their main character, if not just say, Im needing this for my companion. Thats fine. If you are rolling for the mods then I suppose its fine either way, you are still technically Using the gear. So I suppose so ( As long as say, You are a Vanguard rolling need on a Jedi Guardians Chestpeice, because theres a CHANCE it might have just an Endurance mod in it. Thats a big no no. )
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Can? Sure.


Should? Acceptable I guess.


Must? Rofl.



The entire concept of main spec/off spec was pretty rare in games prior to wow; most characters were not that flexible. Not to mention, MS and OS have no relevance whatsoever to this discussion, since your companions are mandatory REGARDLESS of spec, to the same degree as weapons or armor are, for the content you use them in.


Your MS is what you do. You can be a tank, healer or dps and all these specs got different gear that they use, depending on your class.


If you are in a dungeon, then you can only have 1 of these 3 roles. You can also not have your companions with you, as BW does not want companion support.


So in the end you still only have 1 spec in that dungeon you are in, and you should only roll on that 1 spec. If you want to do otherweise, then you must say so when you form the group or enter one.


If you dont say so, then you are a ninja and a greedy ... who doesnt understand basic stuff about MMO´s.

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Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

Is it any of your business how I roll? No

Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.


Am I entitled to ignore you and never group with you again? Yes


Roll need for your companion so I can filter you out of the people I group with quickly. Only terrible players would take an item from a player for their pet, so don't cry when no one wants to play with you...

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Oh god. You're not even end-game yet.


And yet people STILL know how to play.


Funny huh? Isn't it interesting you have to be one of "those healers/tanks" that leverages your position? I certainly think it is. After all, if it was all fair you wouldn't need to do that right?

Edited by Gohlar
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I've booted people from my party who rolled Need on an orange 'for their companion.'


I've also booted people who SAID they were going to roll Need, and if I didn't like it I should just kick them now 'because they are the only healer/tank/dps on right now.' I promptly found another Healer/tank/DPS and we proceeded to steamroll the instance, while that guy continued to go 'LFG For <instance Name>'


It's really quite simple. If you want to group with me, you will treat your other players with the RESPECT they deserve. And the respect they DESERVE, is that if their character - the one they are ACTIVELY USING TO HELP OUR TEAM - needs the item, they will be able to need it without fear that someone will take it for a pet. The same goes for you, that you have the right because you are part of a team to roll NEED on an item you will NEED for YOUR CHARACTER, not for your PET.


People need to get out of their minds that their 'Pet' is their character. You may gear it, but it is not your character, and therefore they need to really stop trying to gear their pets out.


That, or accept the long and the short of it. You won't be allowed in my group because I make it clear before we start that you are not rolling Need for your companions. I don't care if you're a Healer, a Tank, or a DPS. Hell, I don't even care if you're Jeesus Incarnate, come back to gear out his pet before the Rapture comes.


Yea but... no one cares if they're in your group at all. lmfao

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So, and this is a question I beg you to answer truthfully, you wouldn't care at all if you had spent 3 hours in an instance without any recompense, and that awesome .00000045 percent chance mount/weapon/mod/whatever that only your character type could benefit from because it says (Bounty Hunter only), and someone in the group rolls need on it, ad beats you. Let's go wild, and say you rolled a 1, and he rolled a 2.


You wouldn't ask why? You wouldn't wonder why you just got gibbed? You wouldn't be mad if they said something like, "I'm only ten thousand away from my next mount upgrade, and I could sell this for a TON of credits. I know the RNG has loved me today, and I've won all the other rolls in this instance, but I NEED to have a faster speeder."


Massively Multiplayer. Multi-players. Other players. (sigh)


Co-exist. Or just roll need on EVERYTHING. Those are the options you are presenting.


If the item states Bounty Hunter only is is not equip-able on a companion to my knowledge. If an item dropped that stated <class> only, I would never roll need out of pure courtesy. Everything else tho, If I need it for any reason, I roll need.

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Pretty much, Yea, what's your point? It's my group, and if my team agrees with my leadership - guess what? You're just SOL.










There's a face for you. The first one is from Work, at Kroger Pharmacy. That was about a year ago before I got a job at a Cancer Center working in the pharmacy.


The second one is from Anime Weekend Atlanta. I cosplayed Ragna the Bloodedge, because I enjoyed BlazBlue. The girl in the picture with me is a friend of mine that I stay in contact with. She is also an amazing Nu-cosplayer.


And I put caps on what I felt the need to emphasise. If the whole basis of your arguement is that I'm 'unable to argue because of caps!' without pointing out any logical fallacies, then... Well, I have no way to argue it, because there's just -no logic- to it other than to point out that you're wrong. xD






You're right. I don't have the right to dictate you - I have the right to dictate my team, and if I overstep my bounds, my team is free to say so. But if the team agrees with me and you're the only one who disagrees:


There's the door right over there. Don't let it hit you on the way out.


I am le sad that he has ignored my post, because I debunked everything he said. ): Assuming he just missed it, so I reposted it for his benefit. Doubt he'll reply to it, though. xD

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I'm aghast.


With your attitude, it's a wonder anyone would ever group with you.


Actually, it's just a different perspective, one that really requires Need before Greed situations to be systematically enforced.


With companions specifically, I can certainly see the similarity with off-spec rolls and the like.

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I am running the dungeon to expediate my leveling process, no more or less. By way of mutual benefit, so is everyone else that I run with. If you try to say that you run dungeons not to help yourself, but to help others, then you are lying.


Following on from this, companions are a vital part to the expected leveling process. Flashpoints offer SIGNIFICANTLY stronger gear than that which is available through other reasonable means, for both yourself and your companion. Companion damage/healing/tanking may be lower than your damage, but that doesn't mean that it is insignificant - it is extremely significant.


Unless you want to get out a calculator and perform a multifactorial analysis on every piece of gear and its expect return on leveling speed as a function of time spent with companion vs. time spent without vs. the current gear level of the person against whom you are rolling, then you can go ahead and get bent, because I know for a fact that upgrading my companion has a significant impact on my leveling speed.




Yes, companions are a vital part to leveling solo. But your companion doesn't need that orange/purple item that drops when someone else in your group can use it upgrade their main character. And when I said it helps the group, I was looking purely short-term, as in for that flashpoint/whatever. Long-term, companions do not need armor that high of a level. As someone else stated earlier, the main things companions need are weapons, which you can easily get through quests. (This is all from an earlier poster) If you think that you and your companion won't be able to kill some certain monster/elite, because your companion doesn't have that orange/purple item, you are incredibly deluded.

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The creed of evey hack and exploit user. "If they didn't want me to do it they would have prevented me from doing it!"There is a vast, VAST difference between exploiting a dysfunctional piece of code, and abiding by a functional one. What you are trying to do is impose your belief onto a system that has no moral standpoint. Which leads to the second point:


Intent is probably a word you do not understand.

Intent has to be inferred from SOMETHING. What single scrap of evidence does ANYONE have that it is the "intent" of Bioware that people get precidence over companions on gear?


It is NOT enforced by loot rules.

It is NOT inferred through the importance of companions in solo content.

It is NOT inferred by anything Bioware has said.



Besides prior experience in MMOs, which actually supports your opposition through Bioware's lack of action to combat said "ninjaing" despite ample opportunity, where are you inferring any intent whatsoever on behalf of Bioware?

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Well yea, that's because I play a tank. A role that is actually useful.


I play a tank and use my companion for DPS. Different strokes.



Group leader sets loot rules. Whatever they set then dems the rules. :)

If you don't like whatever rules have been set, don't join the group. Don't follow those rules = ninja.

Edited by PjPablo
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Your example is just an excuse to roll need on everything.


No, it's not at all. Not every drop has strippable modifications. Not every drop has modifications that suit the build or stats. Not every drop is usable by my class (a hilt versus a barrel).


No. My example is an example of where this game is heading with loot tables and armor customization.


I am pointing out that beyond "need for companion" ... there are going to be hissy fits that people (like the OP) throw when they see someone roll need for an item that has a +Crit mod in it because they want more healing crit or something of that nature.


What in the world makes you people think folks are rolling need for everything? Even IF they're rolling need for companion?

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