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Everything posted by BourbonDingo

  1. I'm a fan of the really small ones, like the jetpacks... I don't know why, but I really don't like the massive ones.
  2. If you have the legacy levels, I'd start looking at some of the bonuses there. Some of the fast travel stuff is super helpful (like Priority Transport: Starship and Priority Transport: Capital Planet). If you aren't an altoholic, maybe grabbing some of those companion influence buffs. Having extra money can also just mean not ever worrying about sending your companions on missions as you max out your crafting and gathering.
  3. Can these be stacked? Or do I need to do the Amazon one... wait three months... do the Origin one... wait one month... repeat? Or is it, do both... wait six months... do both?
  4. I haven't seen anything that suggests otherwise, but I wish there was a way to reset your story and replay it. I've got characters from when the game first started that are sitting at what was max level for the time, and I barely remember one thing about that story. I know that I can go youtube the story that someone else played through, but that doesn't feel exactly right, you know? As it stands, the closest thing would be deleting the character (who has unlocks that I'd have to make account-wide) and remaking it...
  5. Can see the clickable terminal, but clicking does nothing. I've been able to interact with the GTN and other shops normally. ___
  6. Yeah, all I saw when I saw that number was that the 'tax' was more than I have on all my characters combined.
  7. Chance Cubes are awesome if you are a relatively new player, or have never really bought packs before. If you are a collector, or have just been around long enough to collect most of what you want? These cubes, and these new packs, are going to make it harder and harder to keep your collection going. Even if you make decent money from selling items out of these new packs, it looks like every item in the new pack is going to be selling at an exorbitant amount because of the drop chances...
  8. Not really feeling the new lightsaber from everything I've seen, I dunno. Probably the thin blade, I tend to not like those.
  9. Honestly, I'd be okay with them if they reduced the drop chance on those cubes. Or, even better, add a permanent slot that can only give a cube and make one of the other slots only give new items. I spent some of my sub CC on a hypercrate and I got far too many crates that only dropped chance cubes. That is the thing I think shouldn't happen.
  10. Yeah, a toggle for this option would solve my problems. I'd assume you'd only need a search if you had everything at that point.
  11. About the only reason I can really see a use for it? Speeding past the early planets. Beyond that? No idea.
  12. So, I;m finally leveling one character past the point of having just a couple of companions. So, I've got a question... Is there any reason to keep companions geared if you aren't using them? I mean, will I ever have to use them? Is there ever a (keep spoilers minimum) instance where I've got to play as them, or they have to fight to defend my ship? I ask this, because as a Trooper; I was doing a companion quest. I resorted to only pulling the companion out when I had to interact with a quest object, and just keeping my usual companion out for fights. I forgot to do the swap one time, and my companion died in moments, while only really being about 6 levels undergeared.
  13. Thanks for the info. Disappointing, but I can work around it.
  14. So, I know that outfits that are collected from packs can be unlocked across your whole account through paying cartel coins. My question, however, is this... Are outfits that are purchased directly from the Cartel Market (CZ-13k Guerrila Armor, for example) unlocked across the account at the start? Or will there be an additional fee to unlock it?
  15. For me, everything is fine until the difficulty spikes on Tattooine and Alderaan. This is completely a by-product of my tendency to play games for story. So, I run the first time through on Casual (mostly). After, I use subsequent playthroughs to challenge myself with difficulty. Every single time I run up to an area hub, I sigh... I'm picking up 90% quests I'm going to do again. Each fight will be exhausting, and there will be many, many fights. And, after this somewhat unfulfilling run; I'll get a short segment of story. Basically, the phrase "getting there is half the fun", feels like it goes out the window once you get your speeder. The game feels bigger, and longer... Almost like it takes even longer to get places once you get your speeder. The only time my speeder ever feels useful is on the fleet. (Partially because I can't use it in space docks) Also, I just don't feel powerful after a point unless in I'm in a cutscene. Every fight is something (even two or three levels above) I have to focus for. I understand all this is from a mindset based on coming into a new KOTOR game... and not a mindset coming into an MMO. But, it's still there... and it's driving me crazy.
  16. Progression towards 50th. Those other things would be worthwhile if the game didn't already have all of those things. Someone who had absolutely no interest whatsoever in anything other than Endgame PvP would find themselves not enjoying this game, if they could not PvP. Incentives such as at level bonuses would mean nothing to them, because their goal is to reach Endgame PvP. So, what you would have in general is an absolute timesink, in which only the people who feel that their progression in PvE has grinded to a halt, due to a real or perceived lack of gear, or bonuses or whatever. I play PvP because it is fun, and I realize that my fun skyrocketed when I was no longer paired against 50's. Will 50's PvP suck? Probably, for a little while. But, Bioware has given me the option of rolling another alt, and enjoying that grind all over again. The idea you shared of only allowing basically Legacy benefit characters having XP gain? What happens if you only want to PvP with your first character? Or all of your characters? You've consigned people to basically a forced PvE existence (which is why we even have the Expertise skill). "Leveling too fast?" - Guildie hit 50 in 9 days doing quests, solo. Another hit 7 doing quests, paired with one other person. Yes, PvP can be faster... but barely. And you'd need to be on forever. And, we're not talking about people who afk-exploit in Warzones, because you'd always have those (especially if PvP started only doling out commendations). But, this is all a really long way of saying, "I don't want to go back to hating PvP." Edit - Quote didn't post, weird.
  17. I don't support an XP toggle, or no XP for Warzones. Now, I'm going to make some generalizations, and I apologize if I tread on feet here. 1. People paying to play PvP in this game don't care about the 300+ hours of content before Endgame PvP. Which means that Bioware is rewarding them with the ability to almost completely level a character through doing what they love (hopefully) doing. 2. I like the diversion of PvP, and the fact that I feel like I am not hampering my progression when I participate in it. No XP would hamper that in a couple of ways. The obvious: Only having progression through PvP quests, which I would likely have to travel to the Fleet to get, as opposed to gaining xp while PvP'ing... even if I'm in the middle of Tattooine. The Not-So-Obvious: PvP guilds sitting on their level 49 pre-mades, rolling PUGS in pre-50 PvP. This would just recycle the issue I had with 10-50 brackets. You may not use this quite obvious feature of XP'less PvP; but there would be many, many who would. I spent "Pre-split PvP" counting 50's on my team in the hopes that they'd match the Empire's almost guaranteed 4 on the other. I really don't want to spend "Post-split PvP" counting 49's.
  18. As it stands, I'd be okay with a "Stop XP" option if it was only usable at level 29. Stops people who want to take part in lower level PvP. However, I think it should also halve all Warzone rewards (at the very least, maybe something more drastic). See, the thing is that you want to stop XP, for the enjoyment. If you want achievement, you shouldn't want to stop XP. Otherwise, you'd be reversing the whole point of the bracketed system as it stands now.
  19. Imp Side has male social pants in Dromund Kaas. Orange, so you just have to keep finding new mods for them.
  20. It seems the game just doesn't like quick target changes to me. I can't tell you how many times I've put a target marker on a mob for CC, swapped targets and done a force leap... to the previous target.
  21. Don't forget that PTR was clamoring over the subject well before the patch was implemented.
  22. Sadly, the only way to make it work would be to heavily instance the world. Basically setting up a queue, until X number of Republic and X number of Imps were ready to start; and only allow one or two in on each side. But then, it would no longer be Open World PvP, and just another Warzone queue. Basically, Ilum is pretty much screwed until they figure out a balancing maneuver. They need to balance it, because otherwise you'll have Imps sitting in Ilum all day without any Republic to kill (vice-versa depending on your particular imbalance).
  23. But... but... but... Morality doesn't have any place on a PvP server! There's no crying in baseball! Oh, and I completely agree with you. But, this is an argument that is being argued for the sake of arguing. Nothing more, nothing less.
  24. They did engage. The first time. After the eighth time, I don't think they were engaging any more.
  25. Well, pure hubris or ignorance of Warzone travel? Emergency pass would work, if it wasn't a cast time, or an 16 hour cooldown. People were being killed with seconds of respawning. You don't come back invisible when you spawn at a medical droid.
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