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Everything posted by plosky

  1. I'd recommend the Asus K53SV. Runs an i7, 15.6 in display, and has a GT540 video card. It runs Skyrim with most setting on high fine, as well as SWTOR.
  2. First of all, from what I see, the video doesn't depict all changes that are going to be implemented. Secondly, the video isn't indicating how it's going to be exactly, or even how the changes are going to be implemented. It's just showing what changes are being looked at and most likely going to be implemented in one form or another.
  3. Actually, my main is a Jedi Knight, so I feel for the Republic =(. However, asking for every single bug to be fixed immediately is absolutely ridiculous. Here's a link I posted earlier: http://mrlizard.com/rants/why-havent-they-fixed-this-bug/
  4. Lol wat? No. Only bots right now, and not that many at that.
  5. Well, this is for all the people that are complaing that BW isn't listening: http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120119 Now, BW DOES have a problem with relaying back to the community that they are paying attention, but that doesn't mean they aren't listening. You can see several issues that many players have whined about being shown in the video. Sorry if it doesn't fit you perfectly, but it is actually very amazing that fixes are being pumped out this fast.
  6. Do you want this game to flourish or not? If not, please leave. If you do, you would realize that yes, SWTOR does have problems, but crying and throwing temper tantrums instead of providing CONSTRUCTIVE feedback will not help. So you have two choices: Help the game by being constructive, or you don't want the game to flourish and are simply trolling.
  7. Haha, how about not being an a-hole, huh? What I see is constructive criticism, which is different from the mass whining and complaining that plagues these forums.
  8. Sure, they have a right. I also have a right to sit on the front of my lawn in my underwear cradling a shotgun, shouting obscenities at passerby's. Am I going to do that? Probably not. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  9. I think your misunderstanding something. He's not saying, "Oh, the game is perfect. Let's leave it as it is." What he's saying is stop ATTACKING the developers where all you do is complain. Provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.
  10. Here's a thread for you: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=205164
  11. As I posted above, there's a difference between whining and constructive criticism/feedback. If you REALLY want this game to flourish, you would provide criticism in an adult way with suggestions on how to fix it to back it up. Not complain and whine. To go even further with your pizza analogy, when you got the burned pizza you wouldn't stand up, spit in the waiter's face, and tell him MY PIZZA IS BURNED!!!! FIX IT!!!! No, you would ask him politely to take it back, fix it, and then return it.
  12. Just to clarify my belief. The complaining is absolutely outrageous. Note I said "complaining." Not constructive feedback. I absolutely agree with people who report problems and bugs in an ADULT way, with good suggestions on how to fix it. I mean, I like the game, but it DOES have it's fair share of problems. But when I look at these forums, I don't see constructive feedback, I see complaining and whining. That's all
  13. Uhh...what are you talking about? The thread points out how things work in for major game companies in terms of programming. If you're referring to when it calls the complainers crybabies, it's because thats what 99% of them are. Crybabies.
  14. Did you even read anything that I posted? Apparently not.
  15. Read this: http://mrlizard.com/rants/why-havent-they-fixed-this-bug/ In no way am I a fanboy, but I like this game. The people who constantly complain are getting ridiculous and have no idea how things work in a programming environment. Well, here ya go.
  16. Wow, someone who feels the exact same way I do. I used to play WoW for several years, including other MMO's such as Rift, Aion, DaoC, and GW, amongst others. I quit WoW about 5 months ago because I just couldn't stand it anymore, due to how it just gets...old. So far, SWTOR has brought me back to the MMO genre, and I love it so far. Yeah, it has it's fair share of problems, but that's what constructive criticism is for. I have hope in BW, and hopefully they'll live up to it. But what I absolutely hate are the people who just scream and yell about how they hate the game, and then proceed to troll the rest of the players. Something everyone needs to realize is that the forums make up for a TINY percentage of players. So even if there are people on the forums complaining and saying, "I'm unsubbing," the fact of the matter is, they are most likely the minority. Have fun playing!
  17. I think what would be awesome would be space combat pvp, where there would be two huge frigates (one for each side) and smaller fighter ships. The player would start out in the smaller fighter ship and objectives would be to kill other fighter ships and various things on the enemy frigate such as turret defenses, etc. After all the defenses on the enemy frigate are destroyed, the smaller fighter ships could dock at the enemy frigate, and then on foot pvp would begin in the enemy frigate, basically turning from space combat to melee combat.
  18. Umm, I wasn't saying that my morals, and mine alone affect everything in the world, which apparently you've somehow gleaned from my post. I was saying that morals themselves affect the world, which can be seen through my previous explanation of how they affected WoW.
  19. Who knows? I wasn't comparing WoW to SWTOR, but was simply using it as an example for how morals affected a video game.
  20. Yes, morals are subjective, so what? It still doesn't change the fact that morals affect everyone's choices, and what goes on in the world. This can be proven through WoW when they implemented the roll device (forget what it's called). Now players in WoW could only roll on items that they could use. Why was this implemented? Because players, using their morals, indicated that it was wrong to ninja or roll need on items that they couldn't use. Ah, no, I personally wasn't ridiculing you, I was just pointing that fact out, which I felt was needed from your previous response which gave no indication that you realized you were being ridiculed.
  21. You do realize that if your rolling need on items for a companion or yourself, you can technically roll need on every single item? For example, if I was a sorcerer who had Khem Val as a companion, Khem Val uses medium and heavy armor, while I use light. I could potentially roll need for every single item that drops, saying it was for me or a companion. Same with weapons, seeing as how each of my companions uses every type of weapon.
  22. Oh my, I don't think that you understood that his post was ridiculing you. Ignorance is bliss.
  23. So according to you, morals should just be thrown out the window, and the TOS rules apply to everything? I sincerely hope that you never get a job with the government, the world would go up in flames.
  24. Sure, it's possible to do that. I'm not saying that people don't do that. But to say that companions are non-extricable from characters is nonsense. There are also plenty of times where it's 4 players doing a four-man heroic. (In which, no companions are used)
  25. First of all, companions are extricable. Do you use your companion on 4-man heroics? Thought not. Second of all, that orange/purple would benefit a main character MUCH MORE than it would your companion because of the range of skills and abilities a main character has compared to a companion. Therefore, the level of rolling need for a main character is higher than the level of rolling need for a companion.
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