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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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I'm female and always play a female toon. For me it's a way of being inside the game, so I've never played a male. I do think people are friendlier to females, and more forgiving, LOL. I usually just play alone or with my brother (we're both grown adults by the way).


Someone else pointed out that many games were male only avatars. I remember the first time I got on Teamspeak years ago and the group found out I was a girl. It floored 'em. So I like people knowing I'm female if I'm in a guild. But it's great playing either sex on-line, whatever you personally want to do. I never thought to question a player about their true identity actually.

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I'm a female gamer and have never exploited that fact to get something. I enjoy earning my gear just like everyone else. I have had funny experiences with guys hitting on me in the past, like one time when I was on GW this guy confided his whole life story to me, I thought he was being nice and wanted someone to talk to. At the end of his rant he says' brb I'm gonna jerk my gerkin' so I'm like 'oookay..' he comes back and tries to cyber with me! and wait for it....his pick up line was 'I'm taking off my socks now,' I logged off and literally laughed my *** off. Some of you guys are a real life knee slapper. :p


I haven't had people hit on me recently though, probably because I let it be known that I am an actual female to guildees and that I am happily married. Me and my hubby play videogames together all the time. :D

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Easily half of my guild is female (same with our original incarnation over in WoW) so it always seems weird to me that people don't think that there are many (or any) females playing a given game.


Some of us play males, some of us stick mostly to female characters, and we're all just as nerdy about the game as the guys we play with.

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In single player games (kotor, mass effect, neverwinter nights) I played either females or males.

But in mmo I play mostly males because I like to identify with my character - his actions reflect what I would do. That makes me feel uncomfortable when I want to flirt with female characters because every time I see a nice female toon, the scene from "Gamer" comes to my mind :)

So I can't fully develop my character role-playing wise.

Somehow, an idea of two guys marrying via their toons doesn't look good to me.

Edited by DarthMarcin
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Female. Nerd. Gamer. Yes! I've gotten used to most of the reactions, as I work in IT which around here is pretty much all guys - I like it, since most of them are straight up, no nonense dudes. I don't flaunt it, I don't ask for stuff, I just am who I am and do my thing - collect stuff, click the shinies (spawn world bosses), kill stuff and hopefully heal folks enough that they can whoop butt while I hide behind them. Sadly though I have been in guilds where girls have 'abused' being female and I want to take them, shake them hard and smack some sense into them (ironically, those guilds were drama filled nightmares as well).


In terms of what I play, I play female characters because I like to play versions of me. So given that fact, I couldn't play a guy, cause I have no idea how you all think, and you are all kind of weird. (I kid! Promise!) :p

Edited by CandiceAurora
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I am a female gamer, and I like to play female characters. I rarely run into people in game that decide to discriminate me because I have *****. Whenever I do I just decide they aren't worth my time and move on to having more fun. I actually haven't run into very many professed females in this game yet, but I never ask either. In game I refer to other people by the sex of their toon. If they are playing a male toon I call them a he, and female toons I call she until someone corrects me. Some people don't care. Some people hide their real life persona in game. Some people just like to role play. It all really doesn't matter to me so much, I'm just here to play the game, have some fun, and maybe make a few friends along the way. ^_^
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::raises hand:: Actual girl here and I don't usually care what gender I play.


It wasn't until more recently that they started making female lead characters (non-mmo) so you were stuck playing male. I guess after playing two decades of male characters I could care less.


For MMOs my main is always a female and always has the same name, or some form of the name if someone already sniped mine. But my alts could be anything. Right now all my republic characters are female and all my imperial are male.


In the end, who cares what someone else plays. Have fun and enjoy.

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Some people don't care. Some people hide their real life persona in game. Some people just like to role play. It all really doesn't matter to me so much, I'm just here to play the game, have some fun, and maybe make a few friends along the way. ^_^


I think this is a great attitude, and I am similar. :) If only everyone could be as forgiving and understanding, the MMO world would be schweet.


I couldn't play a guy, cause I have no idea how you all think, and you are all kind of weird. (I kid! Promise!) :p


Weird? Please do elaborate. :3

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Weird? Please do elaborate. :3


Haha, I was just messing around. I merely meant it was harder for me to play a male toon and get into character, if I feel like getting into the story and whatnot. Especially here where I notice my responses are vastly different. Either way, just teasing, you know like boy germs when I was eleven. *flee*


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Haha, I was just messing around. I merely meant it was harder for me to play a male toon and get into character, if I feel like getting into the story and whatnot. Especially here where I notice my responses are vastly different. Either way, just teasing, you know like boy germs when I was eleven. *flee*



lol it's fine. I don't mind in the slightest. I was just curious about specifics, if there were any. :) You should re-try it though, you might enjoy it! Make a Mr. Hotstuff character and strutt him around (clothed or unclothed, I'll leave that to your discretion). ;>


Okay, I'll stop typing no-..

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So is there a huge difference between the male and female character story's and dialogues ? maybe its more kind of macho male testosterone flying dialogues IDK I don't play as a male. But just Curious really.


So i had this problem when i ployed lotro that i could never find any girls that played the game, i mean my entire guild on lotro are boys, the entire guild on here are boys... is there no other girl on the face of the planet that plays swtor on my server (Telos Restoration Project) I feel so alone... not to mention that boys who have girl characters are kinda weird... on lotro i had a male character and i had to delete him because it was to weird lol...a not that i care but its kinda dissapointed when you think your talking to a girl and it turns out tht the person behind the character is a dude,,nywayz just wondering, no need to get in a hater mood i was just asking


OK *Edit post* YES I can relate to your story, same thing actually happened to me right here in this game. I met up with a Girl Character.. I thought at first must be another Gal.. I eventually ask them about themselves, well turns out she's a guy. Was a little disappointed really, as I was hoping to talk to another girl player really. Not that I mind guys, I like you trust me. XD


Just nice some times to actually talk to some one who is NOT a guy.

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1. What faction do you roll? Evil ('Empire') Good ('Republic') although I hate thinking in such terms, some people root for the 'Empire' IRL but want to be the good guy in MMO's (my point of view).


2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark.

Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave.


3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ...


1. I have almost all Republic toons. I absolutely hate making my characters do things that I find utterly distasteful. I have yet to make a thoroughly renegade Shep in Mass Effect, for instance. But I do run one Imperial Agent and I'll make a Sith at some point to see how the story line runs.


2. Usually my decision depends on the story and the character rather than the good/evil alignment BioWare has assigned but I do tend toward the light side. I don't know anything about Vette except what you've written but I'm strongly anti-slavery. Depending on the story I'd probably think she'd be happier dead than abused for life.


3. I like healing because I don't like dying, but I'm trying a tank and have been having a blast with it thus far. I prefer a mixed role where I can heal if needed but still hammer out a lot of damage and actually help finish a fight.


As for the original question, I play both male and female characters but mostly female. In BioWare games that's usually because I like the voice acting better for female characters (though I do like the actor for the male Jedi consular). I also role play a toon of my own gender more readily.


Except for hubby and one other guy, all of the other people I came to this game with are women. :cool:

Edited by legbamel
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The one thing I find interesting about guys playing girls is they can't roleplay them as girls. I can usually identify a guy behind a girl (maybe 90% of the time) based on how they speak and the things they say.


I ask this purely out of curiosity, how can you tell the difference between a guy and a girl simply by what they say? I RP, and I'm a guy that solely plays female characters

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The one thing I find interesting about guys playing girls is they can't roleplay them as girls. I can usually identify a guy behind a girl (maybe 90% of the time) based on how they speak and the things they say.

I agree with this but it doesn't apply to all of the cases. In my years of MMO'ness, I have encountered some guys RP'ing a female remarkably well. They somehow manage to do it right, although they admittedly remain a minority.

I ask this purely out of curiosity, how can you tell the difference between a guy and a girl simply by what they say? I RP, and I'm a guy that solely plays female characters

There are small things here and there, like the mannerism or the wording of their phrases. The best indicators are usually extremities however. Guys tend to RP a female either extremely tomboyish (tough, rude, strong, with an insults collection that fits a truck driver, etc.) or extremely feminine (barely clothed, slurty, overly flirty or sensitive, etc.) Again, this is not always the case, especially since there are females RP'ing their female toon in similar ways, making it even harder to tell. Still, when such extremes are involved it's more often than not a male player behind the character. At least that's how my experience has been.

Edited by Kiyosa
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Female player, female toons for the most part. I might roll a male IA because I love the sound of the voice actor's voice but I've already invested time in my female IA so maybe not. :)


I tend to be guilded with old friends/older people, so there have been many times where the majority of my guild's (albeit a small majority) active players are female and most of the time it is very close to 50/50.


I can't say that I've had random people sending me $$ before (except for the 1 credit gold spammers on SWTOR) but I don't run around in my underwear in game or silly things like that either, and I don't tend to have time to RP. (I cut my teeth on online text RPGs, so MMO RP seems very clunky to me) I believe that it happens though; I read a really amusing series on Something Awful about a male player utilizing his feminine wiles to get people to send his toon $$ and items. So even the people who think they're being nice to the ladies might be getting it wrong. LOL

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I wonder though...those who say "If i'm going to be staring at an *** for <insert time here>, might as well be a female." Why are you looking there anyway? Aren't you supposed to be making sure nothing is trying to eat your face, son? :p
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I wonder though...those who say "If i'm going to be staring at an *** for <insert time here>, might as well be a female." Why are you looking there anyway? Aren't you supposed to be making sure nothing is trying to eat your face, son? :p


That is just the go to excuse,


if anything you can say guys playing women a is a form of cross dressing,


but all in all i don't have any problem with guy playing girls, just the 14 year old little boys that run about in bikinis getting off on some pixels.

Edited by soulself
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That is just the go to excuse,


if anything you can say guys playing women a is a form of cross dressing,


but all in all i don't have any problem with guy playing girls, just the 14 year old little boys that run about in bikinis getting off on some pixels.


I think that applies to some people older than 14 year olds too.

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