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  1. ^This I find it rather amusing that people make such a big song and dance about a little thing like sexuality, claiming that it is offensive to them, yet they see absolutely nothing wrong about options that include murder and stealing from the dark side path. I personally don't agree with most forms of murder, even for my toon, I do not therefore think it should be completely removed from the game content by toggle just because I find it undesirable. The big appeal about a lot of games that include morality and character choices is that it gives you much greater immersion in your own character or avatar. It allows a wide range of people to play a story the way they really want to, not just the way the writers want. Since Bioware have already included romance as a part of their side story, one would hope that they would continue this tradition in allowing all players the chance to play the story the way they want to. I honestly have no idea why people are so upset with the prospect of having another choice on the screen. If it is undesirable to you, don't click it, much the same way that you would if you were playing a LS character and came across a DS option. The inclusion of same sex romance and how it is implemented is a political issue. The presence of it in your game is not. It is purely up to you whether it is relevant or not.
  2. Why not make it even easier by just having a sexuality option in the character creation screen? Sure, have heterosexual as the default option, but also have a homosexual and bisexual option and then tie the ability to flirt with characters dependent on that. That way people are not going to actively choose homosexual options inadvertently, and that way there is no potential, and very real minefield, of discriminating and insulting the LGBT community.
  3. Hey guys, There is one thing I would desperately love to see in SWTOR, but I also know that it is probably way, waaaay down on the list of things to do. I must admit, I hate playing on mouse and keyboard. Hate. I have no good reason why I dislike it, but it also aggravates my back and neck having to sit at a desk hunched over a keyboard to play. So, at the moment I am using Xpadder and my 360 controller quite successfully to play, although it is a little buggy, and a little more clunky than I would like. Now, I know it can be done, as I have played DCUO and was very happy with their set-up. And I know that Bioware has experience in Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 as well, so one would hope that it would work quite smoothly. Would love to hear from anyone in regards to whether Bioware are even considering this, or just to see how many people would be in support of it? Thanks guys.
  4. What do I do? I fix people for a living. What do I play? A Jedi Shadow, because fixing people all day makes you want to kill people in all sorts of fun and evil ways. :}
  5. yahurdoinitrite And as an offside and on-topic... I wanna play as a Cathar.
  6. I actually am quite enjoying my Scoundrel, Shadow, Knight and Inquisitor story lines rather well. And I am sure that you will find plenty of people who say the same about their classes too. If you are not interested in the story lines, fair enough, but just because it is not to your tastes does not necessarily make it bad writing. Have you ever watched the Star Wars movies at all? Bioware's storytelling seems to fit with the original feel of the movies, which is what they're supposed to do, right? Personally I think the main issue a lot of MMO players complain about the story, is the fact that most MMO players are not interested in it, or are so used to spacebarring through quest text that they're conditioned to not care. Some people quite simply just want to kill things. If that's the case, I really wonder why they would then start playing a game like TOR and then complain about something that the company is known for. I also do find it a touch perplexing that people who didn't like the game feel the need to tell everyone they know how bad the game is. Why? People can decide for themselves. I would much rather see a whole thread for complaints, and just have all the complaining done there, especially when these people are no longer active subscribers. The only reason I can see for why people persist in doing this is that they are intentionally stirring up trouble, or they are that narcissistic that they think that people really care about their opinions and need to shout it to the rooftoops.
  7. The OP did actually ask about a laptop, not a desktop. A desktop may not suit their purposes. Personally I would avoid LG like the plague. They are not exactly renowned for their quality builds for... anything really. If you are looking for a gaming laptop that will play SWTOR well, I would be looking at this instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230141 Or have a look at Clevo's range. Ultimately, what do you need it for?
  8. I personally adore the voice acting, as I find text-based quest dialogue a bore to read, and not engaging in the slightest. The voice acting and the animations give you a real feeling of immersion in the game. That your little side quests actually matter to someone. There are stories behind every little side quest, which makes the story much more connected and fluid. With voice acting, you also get the humour and other nuances about character that is usually missing in text based chat. Ultimately it comes down to personal preference, but I must ask: if you don't like voice-acting, why did you buy the game in the first place? For how long was it actually advertised as being fully voiced? Not sarcastic, generally curious.
  9. No, actually most women play men for the same reason men play women. It has nothing to do with proving anything. And if you think that, then you're very sorely mistaken, or have very little knowledge about women to begin with. So, by your reasoning all men who play female characters are also doing it just for attention? Your logic is a little faulty there, and you are being quite close minded.
  10. What I find funny about all this is everyone who is playing agreed to the terms of service, and they are quite detailed in terms of server down time. So, the people who are complaining, either didn't read it, or did, and are conveniently forgetting the ToS because it gets in the way of their oh-so-righteous consumer raaaaaeg!!11oneeleventyone? If you order pie, agree to ordering pie, and then when the waitress brings it out you complain that you didn't want pie... well, frankly you're an idiot. From a consumer perspective, Bioware do not have to return your money because you agreed to server downtimes at any time. And I hardly think that the occasional patch or downtime constitutes a failure on Bioware's part to deliver what they promised. Just because you had faulty expectations on signing up, does not mean that it's Bioware's fault. They made you no promises, and it's not bad customer service. Sure, it's not ideal, but it is hardly poor customer service to pull the servers down for patching or fixing serious bugs. And to those who say that they shouldn't have been pulled down to fix a problem that only affected a few people... do you have any stats as to how many people were actually affected? If you cant sacrifice a little bit of time to allow Bioware to fix the game for people who were unlucky enough to have it, then you are all very selfish, entitled people, and the community will not miss you when you ragequit. And with this, I am done. There is no sense arguing with fools.
  11. And intelligent people don't resort to sweeping generalisations. If you were actually not ignorant enough to know your stats, you would realise that most of the EU has similar obesity rates to the US. Get yourself some knowledge and try again later.
  12. Because we are not morons, nor are we rude or conceited enough to demand things like spoiled children. If you don't like the fact that you can't play for a bit because of server downtime, why are you playing an MMO anyway. And yet then the same people turn around complaining about bugs. Or maybe it's because Australian gamers have lives outside of this one game. To those who are demanding their money back because of "missed gaming time." Are you also going to ask to be reimbursed for the time you go to work/school/the toilet too? What a ridiculous statement to make. If the cost of the game per day is 50 cents, then you're demanding 4 cents per hour for the time you couldn't play? Wow, talk about pathetic.
  13. And every Australian player has to deal with this for every MMO on the market, and in our true peak time (7pm-1am), which is before I get home from work, and after I go to sleep. Yet have you heard the many Australian players on the forums complain about this at all? The frustration sets in from seeing this big cryfest about something that is really not that big a deal. And it really isn't. They have to do maintenance at some time, and yes, in an ideal world it would suit everyone perfectly, but ultimately whenever you schedule it, it's going to interrupt someone's play time. The issue here is the overwhelming theatrics and quite pitiably a sign that a large percentage of people here have nothing else to occupy their time/are that addicted to a video game that they're throwing temper tantrums. The levels of immaturity on this forum sometimes is wearing.
  14. Grammar is not optional for written English. I have no idea what you're trying to say here. @C-Bee No, I am saying that this reaction to a little bit of downtime is ridiculously overblown, and am trying to give people a bit of perspective since this is a once-off for people on the EU servers. Ultimately down time is not going to cater to everyone, regardless of whether they're in the US or not. Some players have night-shift, others normal day shift, so should the people who work night-shift start acting like children demanding that they be catered to just because the maintenance time doesn't suit them? Bad customer service is letting those people who have not been able to get into the game wait because it's inconvenient to people in the EU.
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