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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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Cancelled my sub yesterday and uninstalled the game.


Hoping for changes.


How will you know that the changes are good when you will only see by comments on the forums, also if you cancel then you have no voice, how can you influence the game? There are enough players at the moment for EA to not worry about loosing a few.

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I am resubbing. My wife and I are enjoying the game a lot. Sure there are bugs, but most the time they can be worked around. Like directive 7 last night spawning like 10 smugglers on us. managed to win the fight after a few times and moved on. Still had a blast.



My wife loves the game, she does not play, but she loves the fact I am on the computer in the other room and not anoying her while she tries to watch Television :)

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I'll definitely stay subscribed :)


Are most of these bugs near/at level cap? Because so far the only bugs I've found are visual ones during some of the quest conversations.


Like I said, it's many minor ones that together makes it less enjoyable to play. Some that come to mind would be...


Operation Health Frames not updating. Especially in PvP Warzones - which is frustrating for me as I am a fulltime healer. =)


The Warzone dailies/weeklies. Often, it will not register victories, making the Warzone you just won not count towards your quest. This is annoying when you need 9 whole victories to complete the quest, but end up having to win around 20 instead.


Keybindings being designed with U.S International Keyboards in mind, glitching out certain keys that are considered vital for European users. For an example, Scandinavian keyboards have the § key to the left of their 1 key (I think it's / for the British), which, when clicked, will open the "Submit a Ticket" window.


This window will require you two click ESC twice to exit, as it has a confirmation window. It covers up your entire screen, and is often missclicked at hugely inconveniant times. They key can not be unbound or re-bound to anything else, unless you have a U.S International keyboard.


Hardmode flashpoints being bugged. Some are considered unplayable at the moment.


Those are the ones that come to mind - each and every one does not diminish my experience much, but when added together...


Like I said. I like this game. I've met a lot of good people here in the short month I have played - but my subscription is running out, and I haven't decided whether or not I want to keep paying - this month. I am certain I will return at some point, I just don't know when, or even if I should stop playing at all.


The entire point of this thread was to see what other people thought. I'm not sure why so many of you are reacting in such a hostile manner to such a innocent inquiry...

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There are things in this game that really piss me off, coming from a MMO veteran since 1997. I am very critical of Bioware and the MMORPG part of this game that lacks or simply does not exist for a MMO for 2012.


I love the Star Wars genre and the storys, voice acting, companions , ships and single player part I love. I enjoy casual grouping with people to help each other in parts of our class or planet quests. I have a fun guild and am very active. Just that alone I will be subbing for another month at least. I am not even 50 yet, (almost 49) and I really enjoy my bounty hunter.

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I'm having fun therefore I shall continue my subscription. In fact, I am going to go from month-to-month to a longer subscription plan this time. I am enjoying every chance I get to play. Usually by now in other MMO's I start to get bored of the grind and go alt-crazy, but I actually care about my character this time and seeing what happens next.


Can't wait to see what the other storylines offer.




I feel its a great game, if you dont like it just quit and come bck later. dont write a post about how your-almost-ready-to-leave-unless-they-change-something we dont rly care.


I think they did a great job and looking forward to new patches and new content being added for many years to come.


If you guys wana jump ship now, go ahead we wont really stop you. :confused:

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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?


I like this game on the whole. It's just a whole bunch of minor things that add up together.


I guess the short version would be: The game feels unfinished, and I feel silly for paying a company in order to send them feedback about how to improve the game. It's like you're... Paying a company money, in order to beta-test the game for them. If that makes sense.


I enjoy PvE and PvP in this game. The community is very friendly (so far, at the very least). The game has gotten me interested in a franchise which held no appeal to me before (I really should watch the movies... Is KOTOR worth playing as well? ).


So tell me, SWTOR community. One month into the game, and our first free month is about to end.


Will you be paying for another one?




Why not?


So you've cancelled your account/subscription.. then why tell us?? Are you just after some attention??


I'm loving the game, like the Majority... if it's not for you don't tell us, just leave.... :D

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You should cancel, as I did, sending a message to devs that at least some of us know when we're playing a poorly designed game that's still in BETA, and we won't pay for it.


And QQ some more people telling others to leave the forum. We spent the $$, we get to *****. It helps the devs more than telling them everything is hunky dory, and nothing needs fixing.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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How will you know that the changes are good when you will only see by comments on the forums, also if you cancel then you have no voice, how can you influence the game? There are enough players at the moment for EA to not worry about loosing a few.


Been reading forums long enough to be selective about what is being fixed or not, especially things I find important. No need to worry about me.


Regarding my voice, I have spoken many times. On forums and in tickets. All I've gotten back is droid responses and closed tickets. I have limits.


And your last statement is exactly the reason why there are ppl who feel disrespected as a paying customer. Personally I'm not worried about them losing a few, as I understand ppl enjoy different things in a game and play differently. Some will stay and some will leave. What does worry me is the dissapointment I have about this game, when I really would love to just be ok with it. Would suck that the first mmo Star Wars game that comes out is so not for me!

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I will be simply because I have been on an MMO when it begins. WoW had bugs when it launched, EQ had bugs when it launched, GW had bugs when it launched....


If you want a 'perfect MMO with no bugs', you're never going to play an MMO. Glitches will always happen, which is why they have patches.

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I will be simply because I have been on an MMO when it begins. WoW had bugs when it launched, EQ had bugs when it launched, GW had bugs when it launched....


If you want a 'perfect MMO with no bugs', you're never going to play an MMO. Glitches will always happen, which is why they have patches.


bugs/glitches =/= crap gameplay/lazy programming




It's really not that difficult to understand.

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I'm going to so glad when the 30 days ends and all the attention whores are all out of the forums.


Yea, that's it. We're attention whores. I payed 75 bucks and played to 50 JUST so I could come here and get some "attention".


Like I'm talking to Hannity or something...

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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I won't be renewing for awhile. Once you hit 50 there is no story. It boils down to the PvP / Raid grind I just don't have interest in doing anymore. A vast majority of quests are not class specific, I'd say maybe 20% of anything you do on an alt is new, unless you're rolling a character from the other faction. I have 2 50s on the Empire side, 1 good 1 evil. No real difference in the stories other than you kill them/let them go; I don't see anyway you can count them as separate stories. I'll renew in several months when there's something new to do.
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Well I signed up for another 6 months playtime, my server has lost some people as the queues have shrunk down to managable 15 minutes or so from a peak of 5+ hours. Personally I have experienced very few bugs, and during the month I been playing I have crashed twice to the desktop. I have one at 50, and 4 alts between 15 and 25 so I still have lots of content to explore.
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Reasons not to renew, for me, are:


- animation delay issues

- user interface being crappy and not customizable

- the whole texture debacle

- poor item customization for certain companions

- visual and quest / flashpoint bugs


However, the "free" month actually cost $60, so I'm going to pay another $15 and go through some of the better class storylines with alts. I will do so completely solo; I do not feel like putting up with the ****tastic UI and bugs in order to group. Figure it will take me a month or so to enjoy these storylines, then I'm out.


They have a lot to fix to interest me in a continued subscription. After the storylines are consumed via solo gamepley, this game becomes a MMO, and as far as MMOs go, it completely sucks. It's been said in many threads so I won't go over why in detail, but they completely failed to implement a decent MMO-type gameplay (in terms of UI, spell responsiveness, class balance, item progression, guild/social features, etc).

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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?

I plan to pick up a couple of Time Cards to play with a few friends who haven't started the game yet, and to keep up with friends who have already begun.


This will be the first MMO I've started playing that I've not maintained a subscription on for about at least six months after launch.

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I really enjoyed the game, but I doubt I re-sub. Maybe come back in a few months, try other class story-lines.


I've maxed just about every possible thing on my Merc... all lvl 23 Purples on all equipment, Rakata earpieces, etc., Ship has pretty much all Purples, run most all FP's and Heroics.


It was fun, but all that leaves is PvP. And I hate Huttball. With a passion.


If we could play other Imperials in Voidstar and Civil War, I'd stay subbed. But since we can't, and I don't want to roll an alt so soon, I'll probably cancel for now.



STO went F2P. I've got 3 Admirals there. Plus 3 toons on Fallen Earth, and 5 maxed on Champions Online. Will mess around with them for a month or two, then see if TOR has fixed some of it's stuff.




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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?


I like this game on the whole. It's just a whole bunch of minor things that add up together.


I guess the short version would be: The game feels unfinished, and I feel silly for paying a company in order to send them feedback about how to improve the game. It's like you're... Paying a company money, in order to beta-test the game for them. If that makes sense.


I enjoy PvE and PvP in this game. The community is very friendly (so far, at the very least). The game has gotten me interested in a franchise which held no appeal to me before (I really should watch the movies... Is KOTOR worth playing as well? ).


So tell me, SWTOR community. One month into the game, and our first free month is about to end.


Will you be paying for another one?




Why not?


some people lease cars

some people lease video games

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I usually don't feed the "my sub expires, I quit, the game sux" rancors, but this one is decently written.


Think about it, OP... what other entertainment is so cheap that for less than $15, you can enjoy it an unlimited number of hours?


You say you are having fun... then it's definitely worth paying for it.


I know my sub will continue past the 20. Why? Because despite the state of the game, my biggest grief being the UI since I didn't get any game breaking bugs or performance problems, I'm having fun. And having fun is what I play video games for. As long as Bioware keep me entertained and show they care for the game by frequent patches to fix what needs to be fixed, I'm gonna stay.

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Since i started swtor, even when i pre-ordered i tell my friend only 1 thing..


I dont care what others think, i dont care how others whine, i even dont care even if it be you and me only playing this game, as long as im having fun, if it be last u and me playing game, ill keep playing as long as its active...


Why? cuz im having FUN.. rest is bullocks and dont care

Edited by dirtycarebear
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I will be keeping my subscription going, I genuinely love the game. But then I'm a Star Wars geek. Having played it for some hours already, I can see so much potential for i over the coming months, even years.


So my gripes (no trolls where armed during typing this):

I do feel the game is basically KOTOR in an MMO wrapper, the areas are very linear, and very static. Nothing seems to move/patrol very much. They just exist in the space they where placed in... ok some odd enemy or NPC patrols a litee...


Having played several MMOs from the days of SWG (pre force village), to yes dare I say WoW... none of them ever felt linear (tunnel driven). I could pretty much go anywhere I dare venture, freely... even go to another continent to level if I wanted.


My view is that, you choose your starting planet (after all planets are vast right???).. So I could say start on Tattoine, or Hoth at level1 and level perhaps to 50... or perhaps havign got bored of snow at level 12 or 20...go to a star port and fly to another planet to continue.... if you catch my drift....?? Story line, perhaps this would have been something you either start at 30 or 50....?? Or even at level one, but you needed to be on the required planet to start it, and travel around the universe, as you pretty much do now.....


I do love the game, I really do, but I expected vast open planets.. a bit more space freedom and so on..


Bugs I can live with, I don't think the game any where as near as buggy as WoW, conan, SWG, etc....


But, hey ho...

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I'll pass, even though the game was refreshing it brings nothing new to the table or intresting I might add. Why leave a game which I played over the past 4 years to start over doing the same thing with a less polished game that has nothing new to offer. It's like slapping a new cover page on the same book with less pages.
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