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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Can that really be true? If so it would be a shocking development in this debacle. This kind of info needs to spread to the blogosphere!




Stop posting that thing, listen to people that actually know what they are talking about.

Edited by Caonimah
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This was how they look during BETA up to the final weekends of testing.




It was stated in the beta forums which are now gone that they were removing high-res textures in order to cut down the amount of data the players needed to download for the final weekends of test. After a number of player voiced their concerns over the suddenly lower textures in the game they stated that the final game will look much better and not to worry.

That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.

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Typically these vicious, mouth foaming, swarm posts have at least 1 fanboy that breaks up every 3 negative posts with his rainbow gun. Oddly enough I don't see any of that here, very few. Guess that shows how many people are really confused with this. I know I am - I just don't get it. Real answers would be swell.


Actually,we're just playing the game now.


But please, feel free to keep whining and posting conspiracy theories. Programmers feed off of complaints and criticisms, after all, so all of these posts are totally helping to speed up the process.

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I hate this low-res texture issue as much as you guys and I'm most likely not resubbing for a while until a fix is made (even a self + companion option would suffice for me).


But let's stay logical guys, the idea of a remote-rendering method for a GAME with a high volume of people is just ludicrous, that Stanford model is not applicable to gaming environments.


Also, I love how that mental theory has gone form pure conjecture to undeniable fact. It's like people who see a strange light in the sky....no idea what that is, hmm, can't be a plane....it must be an alien spacecraft who have undergone faster-than-light travel to visit us!!

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I hope people realize that if it was being rendered on remote servers, over the internet, the moment you lost your internet connection, you wouldn't see anything new and would be stuck on the same, degraded, or blank, screen?


I also hope that people realize that this is not the case...


There is some contention on that theory as every time I log in since the latest patches if I have pending awards from crafting quests or even a guild MOTD if I log in at the Fleet I have an entirely black screen until I clear these UI elements.


Then the world graphics resolve in, and I do mean resolve in, I can literally watch the step up process in motion. And I'm on incredibly high end hardware here so its not an issue of my computer being unable to handle the load.


I don't think they're streaming 100% of the game but there is evidence that supports that remote asset streaming was in use as early as the 2009/2010 beta tests and I still believe that some assets are being streamed, though attempting to stream player assets of this magnitude would be phenomenally stupid.

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were all playing the game instead of spending 400 posts complaining about something thats not happening any time soon. Its a let down, but we wont let it bring us down.

We continue to play cuz we appreciate the game for what it is.


Complacency is the enemy of progress. Enjoying playing by yourselves in an empty MMO.

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This is what was advertised and i thought i bought here:



This is what i got with high settings:




Q1 is to late. You should not have sold the game like this. Refund.

Maybe i will purchase again, if i see you have learned.

Doubt it tho.

Edited by Ommm
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So this is how PC gaming goes out like, with the developer telling us how our machines will perform with their product.


I swear, you guys might as well be developing for the ipad or some other closed system...console development has jaded your senses.


Sorry gang, I was really enjoying this game but if you are gonna treat us like a bunch of idiots, then I think my money and time is better spent elsewhere.


That is what ticks me off the MOST, that you are entirely assuming we don't know anything about this crap, and trying to pull a fast one.



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It's not even the textures that bother me anymore.


It's EAware using their mouthpiece Reid ( who is just the messenger, not the one at fault ) to tell us flat out lies that any 5 year old could see through because they apparently think we're all idiots.

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What they said is not acceptable. We do not accept to have these garbage textures in a 2012 game with a 300 million budget. Kay? They need to respond, that they are going to fix this RIGHT NOW, because soon there won't be anyone to respond to.


So to be clear not liking the answer means they didn't answer. Sweet.

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.



Thank you for the update.

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Thank you fo the response. I can live with this.

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not to feed the flames here... But i'm extremely disappointed by bioware's decision on the matter, and i'm pretty confident that their decision to cater to the lowest common denominator and only that, will not work to their advantage.


This is the first time i have ever played an mmo where developers have decided to halve the texture quality not as an option but as a mandatory change across all clients. It's unforgivable, and the reasons behind it are ridiculous.


Until now, i've been tinkering a lot with the .ini as well as nvidiainspector to try to force high res character textures.

Thinking it was an lod bug, i forced the lod bias to -3.00 and noticed something else happening instead. It seems we may not even be getting the best environment textures the game has to offer because the standard lod refuses to render them.


I've attached screenshots below for comparison between what the game is rendering at standard "high" settings, and what the game renders with lod bias forced below the standard threshold.


Standard lod:



forced lod:



i should also mention that the change has made no impact on my fps, and has if anything made the game run smoother for me.


you must send me your ini

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There is some contention on that theory as every time I log in since the latest patches if I have pending awards from crafting quests or even a guild MOTD if I log in at the Fleet I have an entirely black screen until I clear these UI elements.


Then the world graphics resolve in, and I do mean resolve in, I can literally watch the step up process in motion. And I'm on incredibly high end hardware here so its not an issue of my computer being unable to handle the load.


I don't think they're streaming 100% of the game but there is evidence that supports that remote asset streaming was in use as early as the 2009/2010 beta tests and I still believe that some assets are being streamed, though attempting to stream player assets of this magnitude would be phenomenally stupid.


Ive a 990 x intel a 590 gtx and i am completely confused on how my PC is still rendering stuff as i move . even with gress ditance cranked to 100 it looks as if i am watching a chia pet commercial

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Thanks for the update. Hopefully I can return to TOR sooner rather than later.

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Here are the pictures after tweak for ATI cards








notice the mount reflection and floor reflections and reflection on the building at upper left corner behind the flag.


But it still looks crap on character armor as there is no High Resolution Textures.


Could you please tell us how you did that? It's at least some improvement :)

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That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first major changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.


Thank you for the work you have done regarding this Stephen.


I have a question, by greater visual fidelity to our characters are you saying that we can expect the cutscene quality graphics on our own characters during normal gameplay?

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