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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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I enjoy being at a disadvantage. I can safely say I am better than most of the Imps on my server because they've had to suffer playing easy mode due to sheer numbers.


Republic players on average must be better at PvP because they've had to adapt their playstyle to these disadvantages. If imps do get nerfed they're going to get slaughtered, nuff said.

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I enjoy being at a disadvantage. I can safely say I am better than most of the Imps on my server because they've had to suffer playing easy mode due to sheer numbers.


Republic players on average must be better at PvP because they've had to adapt their playstyle to these disadvantages. If imps do get nerfed they're going to get slaughtered, nuff said.


Harm is allready done and pvp imp have been catered.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I enjoy being at a disadvantage. I can safely say I am better than most of the Imps on my server because they've had to suffer playing easy mode due to sheer numbers.


Republic players on average must be better at PvP because they've had to adapt their playstyle to these disadvantages. If imps do get nerfed they're going to get slaughtered, nuff said.


That would only apply to Ilum. And even then no republic player is going to gain skill at PvP by being rolled by 5 other players. It's a lose lose situation, when it comes to skill, for both sides.

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For the animations, who cares.

Different animations, different pros and cons.


I.E instant shock vs project ; the delay can actually be used at your advantage. If you combo project + force breach, you'll actually get a huge BURST because they will land at the same time. Way harder to heal through than shock + discharge (because of the huge burst). Ask good shadows and they'll actually tell you that they like it that way.


But alderaan turrets? Wow. thats just insane, it needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Bioware always seems to be catering to what most people are playing...

More Empire players --> Empire classes get stronger abilities

Many Sorc players --> Sorc becomes strongest class and doesn't get nerfed

Very few Operative players --> Operatives get nerfed into the ground


I do enjoy playing SWTOR, but this is just sad

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I can't comment on most of what you said, however, if it's accurate, then it's really lame they set it up that way. You'd think someone would've been double checking everything for pvp.


That being said, since I play a mercenary, I can point out that you're wrong about DfA being an instant. There's easily a 1.5 second delay from clicking on the target area to the time the first missiles hit. Maybe the troopers mortar takes longer, I don't know, haven't played him. But they also have the advantage of not flying up into the air and screaming "Please target me and blow me out of the sky!" Some good pvpers have yanked me out of the sky after only firing one salvo.


Sorry, I play both classes, and the BH>Trooper as far as an apples to apples comparison goes, especially when juxtaposing mirrored abilities and how they actually perform. The videos are out there, so it's not like people are just making this up, but DfA, while not "instant" is still fast enough to be alot more effective that Mortar Volley. I rarely waste most or an entire DfA, yet I end up hitting dead air many many times with Mortar Volley. I understand you're defending your class, but the imbalances just in these 2 classes are glaring.

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Wont say much about the rest, but the AoE for troopers/BH´s need to be balanced.


Trooper takes 1.5 secs aiming his gun (plenty of time for the guy to move out of the way) and 1.5 secs actually firing it.


BH is instant: you activate your jets just as u click the icon and start doing damage from above for 3 secs.

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Wont say much about the rest, but the AoE for troopers/BH´s need to be balanced.


Trooper takes 1.5 secs aiming his gun (plenty of time for the guy to move out of the way) and 1.5 secs actually firing it.


BH is instant: you activate your jets just as u click the icon and start doing damage from above for 3 secs.



The biggest one to me is the Mortar Volley delay. The amount of damage I've lost as people move out of the way is ridiculous. So frustrating. I have a 38 BH now and the instacast almost makes me want to quit my Trooper :(




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Wont say much about the rest, but the AoE for troopers/BH´s need to be balanced.


Trooper takes 1.5 secs aiming his gun (plenty of time for the guy to move out of the way) and 1.5 secs actually firing it.


BH is instant: you activate your jets just as u click the icon and start doing damage from above for 3 secs.


Absolutely! How this is still happening is just pathetic on Biowares part. These two classes are not balanced at all.

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On Mortar Volley there's not even really an excuse of "it's got a cool animation" or some sort of wind up. You literally just stand there for 1 second doing nothing, and then lift your weapon for 0.5 seconds.



Seriously. How did an attack that you jump into the air with a jetpack and shoot down at the ground end up having a faster animation than lifting your gun to shoot?

Edited by savionen
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Such High hopes for this game and what do I find yet another MMO where the DEV's have favoried one faction over another.

Not gonna repeat myself as loads of other people have said simular statements, but quite frankley its a complete dissapointment wether a smuggler or trooper you have to stand or hope your target doesnt move and as a force user you have the mystical strength of a doiley, if thats the case is it any wonder through lore the Imps have run rough shot over the Republic time and time again!?

Example Voidstar- full compliment of republic players all class's and lvl's facing off against five sith all ranged at low lvl. I understand that the lvl damage is equaled out to the higest lvled players but really being taken down by a sith maurader lvl 12 is just a joke!!!

With less spells and abilities even at the equaled out power lvl they wouldnt have the reductions and benifits of talents yet some how I got trashed time and time again to the point he hunted me down as easy prey *** lvl 45 consular taken down by a lvl 12 with not even a third of the abilites or buffs or pvp amour, THAT AINT RIGHT!!!!

Ive Taken part in internetional PVP tournaments for WoW and eventchally called it day as they did the same favored the horde over the alliance.

Its a *********** shame that such a massive finachal enterprise and well established company like Bioware has fallen into the same pitfalls as so many other MMO's. Gonna give a month but after that I will be cancerling my subscription and I urge all those who feel the same to vote with cancerlations or every relm and server ditching their republic chars and going Imp. They wont have much of a game if everyones on the same side. May the force be with you My ARSE its with the Sith !!!:mad::mad::mad:

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It's baffling to me that people actually buy into this.


You guys may be unaware of this, but Bioware is a corporation. Bioware's soul purpose in existing is to make money. They're not going to alienate 40% of their customer base by intentionally designing their video game to favor the faction that they like. If they did do that, people from the other faction would quit, and they would make less money. If they made less money, Bioware employees would start to lose their jobs. I may be wrong, but the average Bioware employee probably likes having a job more than they like their faction in a video game.


It's moronic that any of you actually believe this is intentional. It's a bug/oversight. Bioware isn't going to sacrifice real world money to win more games of Civil War.


Hmmm really so we're all just moaning for the sake of it. even the Vs short trailers they have done you can see how they all get worked up over how good the iquistor is against a trooper or an IA is agains a consular.

And yes again ofc they are going to do that human nature makes you want to see how evil you can be otherwise there wouldnt be any factions anywhere.

Just goes to show you dont have an awful lot of experience in playing MMO's where this is oftern the case.

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"Hey fellow dev team members! i just had a great idea! Lets PURPOSELY reduce the chances of our game succeeding by favoring one faction!"


"That guy's thinking outside the box. Give him a raise!"



Yeah, that definitely happened.


Why should the Dev team care? They are working on a salary not commision from subs. They know the game will survive on PvE subs alone, so their jobs are secure. The guys who would care are execs from EA who don't even know how to install a computer game, let alone PvP in one, so they won't find out about, or understand the balance issues.


This was happening in WAR too. The lead Combat & Careers dev, Steve Engle was playing a Dwarven Slayer on a live US server. (most powerfull DPS class in the later stages of the games life) Another DPS class, the Chaos Marauder was buffed to rediculous levels. Just so happens that said lead C&C dev rolled one in time for the buff he implemented. With SWTORs lead Dev's clearly obsessed with PvE in this game, they may not notice these balance issues before launch. Intentional bias for a faction or certain classes is not as unlikely as you may think.

Edited by Finreal
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On Mortar Volley there's not even really an excuse of "it's got a cool animation" or some sort of wind up. You literally just stand there for 1 second doing nothing, and then lift your weapon for 0.5 seconds.



Seriously. How did an attack that you jump into the air with a jetpack and shoot down at the ground end up having a faster animation than lifting your gun to shoot?


Not to mention that it gives people more time to move out of the way of dmg by the time you shoot the damn thing.

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Why should the Dev team care? They are working on a salary not commision from subs. They know the game will survive on PvE subs alone, so their jobs are secure. The guys who would care are execs from EA who don't even know how to install a computer game, let alone PvP in one, so they won't find out about, or understand the balance issues.


This was happening in WAR too. The lead Combat & Careers dev, Steve Engle was playing a Dwarven Slayer on a live US server. (most powerfull DPS class in the later stages of the games life) Another DPS class, the Chaos Marauder was buffed to rediculous levels. Just so happens that said lead C&C dev rolled one in time for the buff he implemented. With SWTORs lead Dev's clearly obsessed with PvE in this game, they may not notice these balance issues before launch. Intentional bias for a faction or certain classes is not as unlikely as you may think.


Dont be naive.


Do you have anywhere near a damn clue how difficult it is to get a job as a game developer? Working for bioware? On the biggest project featuring the biggest IP possibly ever?


These men and women are dedicated and full of pride in their work, and they BUST THEIR ASSES working ungodly hours so that people like you can whine and make up retarded conspiracy theories.


You dont get a job in the industry unless you love what you do and take pride in it. If they botched faction balance...well then they botched it. Its ridiculous and childish to believe that the devs were scheming all along to sabotage their own game.



Their jobs are secure. Thats the stupidest thing ive heard all day.

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Not to mention that it gives people more time to move out of the way of dmg by the time you shoot the damn thing.


? death from above has quite a bit of a delay as well.


i could put the reticule about 5 yards in front of where my target is running and by the time my first missile hits he is already out of its aoe range.

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? death from above has quite a bit of a delay as well.


i could put the reticule about 5 yards in front of where my target is running and by the time my first missile hits he is already out of its aoe range.


I guess you missed the video. Every shot counts you know. There shouldnt be a delay in either class. . . its amateur game making.

Edited by Drahh
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