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Your favourite line of dialogue?(possible spoilers)


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When the SI is on Tatooine and you're leaving Zaroshe Outpost to head into the Dune Sea, Khem Val comes out with quite possibly the best line in the entire game.


"We could destroy this place and nobody would notice."

Summed up my feelings about Tatooine perfectly!

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Just heard this one from my BH, in regards to finding the Panteer Crown


"I'll do this, but don't tell me I can't wear that fancy hat until I hand it over."


And a repeated one from Gault


"Thank you, thank you. I'll be signing autographs after the smoke clears."

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This one has stuck with me for a couple of days now, from the Sith Inquisitor. The SW might say it to as it is not a class quest:



On Blamora, there is a dude whose wife is sleeping with a guy who stole so top secret stuff. He opens up the conversation with the inquisitor with something to the effect of "finally, my problems are solved"


To which the inquisitor replies: Very few people look at a Sith and see and end to their problems.


So classic, its like 'yeah, I ruin lives for a living and I am proud of it'



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On SI, it turns out I need a sensor chip from my cult on Nar Shaddaa. Paladius informs me that he's getting some hassle from 'The Three' who're interrupting the chip business. I eventually track them down.



The Three: We will give you your chip, in return for your cult.

Inquisitor: [Force Persuade] You will give me the chip, and join my cult.

The Three: Here, take the chip. We also request to join your cult. You won't regret it!

Inquisior: I wish I'd thought of it myself.


Had a proper LOL.

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also on Dromund Kaas in Lord Grathans Estate if you chose to download the plans for the turrets for the Imperials:


PO-12: If you insist on it, there's nothing I can do. After all, I'm not programmed for combat.

But if it were up to me, organic species would not be allowed to do such horrible things to each other.


Me: We just pretend our enemies are droids.


PO-12: Oh my! I think if I had a stomach I would be sick right now.


Ooh, I forgot about that droid. XD He has another great line in that conversation, something like,

"I am programmed with 100 languages, and in not one of them are the words 'on fire' a good thing when describing a person!!"

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On SI, it turns out I need a sensor chip from my cult on Nar Shaddaa. Paladius informs me that he's getting some hassle from 'The Three' who're interrupting the chip business. I eventually track them down.



The Three: We will give you your chip, in return for your cult.

Inquisitor: [Force Persuade] You will give me the chip, and join my cult.

The Three: Here, take the chip. We also request to join your cult. You won't regret it!

Inquisior: I wish I'd thought of it myself.


Had a proper LOL.


Yeah, I loved this one too, especially after all the bargaining and whatnot they tried to pull.

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I glanced back, and I was surprised that this wasn't here already. (Or that I hadn't posted it already! XD)


BH end of Chapter 1, on the Aurora. Easily the most satisfying conversation in that mission for me, if not in all of Chapter 1. Not humorous, just awesome. :D




Tarro Blood: Come on, surprise me. Open the door and face me like a warrior.

BH: Where's the fun in that? I want to hear you beg.

Tarro Blood: Hmph. Figures. You are a lowlife. Fine! I’m begging you! I can’t die like this! Please!


Tarro sounds absolutely furious -- but he wants out of that cell so badly. Making that arrogant bastich beg was most excellent. :rak_03:



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On SI, it turns out I need a sensor chip from my cult on Nar Shaddaa. Paladius informs me that he's getting some hassle from 'The Three' who're interrupting the chip business. I eventually track them down.



The Three: We will give you your chip, in return for your cult.

Inquisitor: [Force Persuade] You will give me the chip, and join my cult.

The Three: Here, take the chip. We also request to join your cult. You won't regret it!

Inquisior: I wish I'd thought of it myself.


Had a proper LOL.


I blasted each one with lightning until they gave me what I want then I found out they were simple con men.


Oh and my favourite line is


Empire Characters:I like assassinating assassins they always look so surprised.

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Sith Inquisitor: "Actually, I was having this amazing dream. There were these relics, and each of them produced a different flavor of ice cream."


Talos Drellik: Hmm. I never get the good dreams. It's always flesh-eating Jawas or Hutts in bikinis.


Andronikus Revel: Hutts in bikinis? Sounds like an improvement.


I love these guys <3

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Commander Pritch: I must say, my lord, it's been inspiring to watch you work.


Sith Warrior: Prostrate yourself somewhere else.


I just completely lost it. My female Mara hates people kissing up to her but I definitely wasn't expecting her to come out firing like that. XD

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Aww, I recently began ro record all the epic and funny moments that happens while I'm playing, so I have a bunch load of these ... but, I think it's better I keep the list here small ... ^^

So, here, my top 5, sort of ...



Doc on Hoth after getting some more informations about Rusk:

"Back on Balmorra I've met a lot of soldiers like Rusk. But somehow these soldiers always ended up as victims of friendly fire."



My Jedi Knight on Ilum, after he is sent outside again to take out some landing strips:

"Do you know what the temperature is out there? I've got frostbite on my... ... somehwere you really don't want to get frostbite!"



My Sith Warrior onboard the Black Talon, after being contacted by Grand Moff Kilran:

"Something wrong with the hologram? Or is your face supposed to look like that?"



Vette in conversation with my Sith Warrior:

Vette: "[tells about her wonderful past with Risha]"

SW: "Memories of the best times in life are treasures later in life."

Vette: "Who are you and what did you do to the Sith I know?"



And last, but not least, a dialogue between a Jawa and a customer on Tatooine, Anchorhead:

Customer: "The protocoll droid you sold me yesterday doesn't work properly! His vocabulator broke down after only some words!"

Jawa: "Vocabulator not broken: It's feature!"

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Sith Inquisitor: "Actually, I was having this amazing dream. There were these relics, and each of them produced a different flavor of ice cream."


Talos Drellik: Hmm. I never get the good dreams. It's always flesh-eating Jawas or Hutts in bikinis.


Andronikus Revel: Hutts in bikinis? Sounds like an improvement.


I love these guys <3


I've been looking for this line on Youtube to prove to my alliance it exists. Anyone seen it?

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