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Forcing us to Play Empire


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One of the major reasons I left WoW in the first place was because of the obvious favouritism the Horde got over the Alliance. If this trend continues I'll give Bioware the middle finger as well.


What is it with devs and getting hard ons for the bad guys?

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op vs scoundrel: op has lower cooldown on flash.

op vs scoundrel: there is a talent in the heal tree that gives 30% bonus to operatives and a 15% bonus to scoundrels.


They are working fixing the first one and the second one is a tooltip bug; they both give 30%. Do you even bother to read dev posts?

Edited by Noviru
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Not true at all there are tons of minor differences that make empire classes superior and not mirrors, here are only a couple:


sage vs sorcerer: no travel time on sorc skills.

op vs scoundrel: op has lower cooldown on flash.

op vs scoundrel: there is a talent in the heal tree that gives 30% bonus to operatives and a 15% bonus to scoundrels.


There are a ton more, and I have not seen a single one that favors the republic version of the "mirror"


teh BH > commando one is silly too. I dont even use Mortar volley on my commando, even if I stun them, it runs off before I shoot the mortar volley!


for BH its almost instant.


And IF MY CONCUSSIVE BLAST (instant aoe knockback) gets interrupted one more *********** time I'm going to scream (yes it does, I press it, I get hit, it does not go off up goes onto CD.....)

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(You can read the cliff notes at the bottom if you don't want to read the post).


I played this game because I wanted to play Republic. I usually roll the "evil side" in MMO's and was tired of it. Most of the time the evil side has all the bads and the "good side" has better players because they are outnumbered and stick together much better.


Now, after playing WZ's a lot for the past 2 weeks, it is apparent that what everyone says is true: Republic players are horrendous. I just can't take it anymore. I am now being forced to join the dark side and roll empire even though I really don't want to. I have my Republic consular up to lvl 50 with mostly Champion gear and I have to leave it all behind and start over. (Granted, leveling in this game is fun, so that's not really an issue. If it were any other game where leveling is a real monotonous grind, I would unsub).


Don't misunderstand me, I don't CLAIM to be some uber elite PvP'er, but I think I am better than most of the bads playing Republic right now.


Of course, it doesn't help that the classes are NOT mirrored contrary to what the empire players will say. Most empire classes are better (this can be shown to be true empirically as has been done countless times already, so I wont rehash it). Not to mention their animations just look better as does their gear. I think BW spent much more time on the empire than they did designing the Republic.


It probably doesn't help that I rolled the most underpowered class in the game -- Jedi Shadow. Out of all the "OP" threads I have seen on these forums, I have never once seen a "OP" post about Shadows. That says a lot. Sure, any class in the hands of a great player can look good, but you can't really say anything about a class because one rare guy can pwn face with it. You have to balance it by averages.




1) Republic players suck.


2) Empire is more attractive because the classes are better.


3) Empire is going to dominate PvP since the republic classes are less attractive and less effective.


4) The few good players the Republic has now will leave for Empire eventually, thus making the Republic even more of a joke than it is now.


5) Jedi Shadow is a weak class. It's melee focused but weaker than the other melee classes, which makes it probably the worst overall class in the game.


6) BW needs to address this issue of empire dominance some way, somehow. I don't care how, it's not my job to figure it out.


Nobody forces you to do anything. You want an easy way out just like 90% of everyone else here.


Your points are very bad. Shadow is awesome.

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Death from above does its damage almost instantly while it takes half a second to a second for mortar volley to do its first tick of damage.


Actually no. It still takes about a second for the first shot to land using death from above. I think it's all in your head because the animation is slower/faster. Appart from a couple of minor differences in long cooldown abilities there is no difference between the mirror classes.


Republic seems to just be attracting terrible players, at least on my server. Some games they get stomped so hard you almost feel sorry for them, even when the majority of them are higher level. Maybe republic is where most of the "wrath babies" from wow went? :p

Edited by NasherUK
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1) Both factions have terribad players, its luck of the draw


2) Empire may be more attractive to some, but not better, just tweaks needed.


3) We republic win quite a bit on my server (Vulknar Highway), so not seeing any "domination" either way.


4) No they won't.


5) I play a shadow and do fine.


6) There is no "empire dominance" and they will tweak to fix minor advantages

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Actually no. It still takes about a second for the first shot to land using death from above. I think it's all in your head because the animation is slower/faster. Appart from a couple of minor differences in long cooldown abilities there is no difference between the mirror classes.


Republic seems to just be attracting terrible players, at least on my server. Some games they get stomped so hard you almost feel sorry for them, even when the majority of them are higher level. Maybe republic is where most of the "wrath babies" from wow went? :p


No, I have both a BH and a Vanguard and Mortar Volley casts far, far slower. It literally won't do it's first tick of dmg until after halfway through the cast.


There is a bit of an odd delay for our Full Auto compared to Unload. That one isn't as much, but it is still present.


That being said, I premade with a few of my friends and we win 70%-80% of our matches. However, when I solo, Republic does lose more often than not. Just seems like Empire has more serious players than Republic does.

Edited by EpothosII
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If people are tired of long queues and hutball they are always free to make a character on the Republic.


That's what I did, and it seems there are many good players that have done that as well. Republic on Kaas City win much more than they lose (from what I've seen), and only lose when we face level 50 premades (and that won't happen after next patch).


I'm not a fan of Bioware talking about making more same faction battlegrounds when they should be making incentives to roll on the underdog side.

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Funny, how players always call dev favoritism or just about any excuse to avoid the fact that the one real common denomiator is they themselves.


I play mostly empire, because i go darkside in ALL starwars games but i also have several republic side toons, and there is 0 truth to the fact that empire is better in any way. We win matches, we lose matches.


Work on the one thing you have control over. YOURSELF. Or keep blaming it on anything you can scramble and warp to fit your world view.


Just remember no matter what side you switch to, there YOU are. Fix YOU and it doesn't matter what side you play.

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I agree with the OP, at least on my server anyway.


I've been in at least two dozen WZs so far on my toon and haven't won one yet. Republic players that aren't in premades don't seem to care or coordinate at all, and the abusive QQ in Ops chat in reaction to this is just...amazing.


I'm new to PvP and I sorta suck, but I want to learn and get better. But I'm pretty demoralized about it right now. I'm eventually going to recruit more guildmates for premades, but a lot of them are focused on levelling right now. But I'm guessing that a lot of the Sith I've been fighting are premades.


The other observation is that as a level 50, I can usually call what's going to happen when the WZ kicks off and I noticed I'm grouped up with little Jimmy level 17 and his younger cousin Tim. And I start fighting the Sith and notice...oh hey...we're fighting a bunch of level 50 Sith Sorcs and 50 BHs. I hope that banding the 50s together will help this.


I think it would also be helpful if:

1) Republic toons learned they can hotkey passing the hutball. On that note, if you do get the ball...don't be a hero and run a gauntlet through enemy lines past a bunch of imps on your own. Pass the ball around to nearby players when they start hammering down on you.

2) Not act like a herd of wild geese in the Alderaan WZ, jumping hither and yon to the three checkpoints. Pick a spot and defend it, and call out for help if needed.

3) At least read up and have a basic understanding of how the Voidstar works before trying to invade/defend it.

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I gotta adress the OP on the fact that he's terribly wrong on some levels


-Yes, bioware favors the imperial side, mostly with cooler content / class favoring

-Yes, most people like to shoot lightning and do bad things, who wants a game where you gotta help everyone, that's what real life is for


-No, republic side does not suck, there are many skilled players on their side and they do kick *** when they team up.


-The republic / empire ratio does not matter. It is about skills, not numbers. A warzone can only contain 8-10 players from each side, thus numbers do not matter, it is about the players.


I do agree on the fact that the republic side should have MIRROR classes and not have the empire side get better skills. I am empire myself, but there are MAJOR bugs with republic animations causing skills to take longer , and I see some skills have less effect on republic side, thus forcing most hardcore PvPers to roll empire. Just give equality, BioWare. Don't be childish.

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Just seems like Empire has more serious players than Republic does.



Somone actually getting the picture together. I read alot forums and hardly post, but this is what i concluded also. Now why is that? Can be many reasons. I agree some posts here about Bioware devs advertising Empire side alot more pre launch. I did notice that. There was even a Q&A video in some big expo very close to launch day. And i remember someone asked devs what are their favorite class - 90% ansered empire classes and wanted to be "bad" guys.

Then i saw alot beta leaks when i wasnt in beta yet and already there i saw tester facing empire classes that did ridiculous damage in WF's (wont name class here we all know it).


Well there is your answer i belive. It doesnt take alot IQ to figure out why all the good pvp players went to empire side. Add all the small things all speak about (minor tweaks here and there) together and you get powerful and well balanced better faction than opposite.

Now all the good pvp'er jump to better faction and voila, there you get the majority servers ruled by empire side.


How to fix it? Hard to tell, because only Bioware devs know who developed what faction and what classes. If it was one team who created and balanced both factions, then they surely missed some important tests or beta feedback from pvp'ers back then and there was alot about empire side.

Edited by Divona
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Death from above does its damage almost instantly while it takes half a second to a second for mortar volley to do its first tick of damage.


That is a myth! This behaviour happens with BHs too! I met with it many times, I press the button, half-second nothing then I see the castbar at half then start shooting! Not only Commando (maybe they see this more frequently)!

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Then i saw alot beta leaks when i wasnt in beta yet and already there i saw tester facing empire classes that did ridiculous damage in WF's (wont name class here we all know it).

Not this again. :rolleyes:


The republic has all the same classes with exactly the same amount of damage on their abilities. The only difference is class names and ability names/icons/animations.

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Not this again. :rolleyes:


The republic has all the same classes with exactly the same amount of damage on their abilities. The only difference is class names and ability names/icons/animations.


You sir are true patriot. I suggest you send email to Bioware team and call off the fixes they plan to do where same class mirrors on republic side have different cd's and delays from animations. Everything is fine all is mirrored correctly, we could just cut off and close 90% of pvp threads, problem solved :)

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You sir are true patriot. I suggest you send email to Bioware team and call off the fixes they plan to do where same class mirrors on republic side have different cd's and delays from animations. Everything is fine all is mirrored correctly, we could just cut off and close 90% of pvp threads, problem solved :)

A delay from an animation doesn't make you do less damage with the ability, which is what you first argued for.

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5) Jedi Shadow is a weak class. It's melee focused but weaker than the other melee classes, which makes it probably the worst overall class in the game.


I was sorta agreeing with you until you revealed you have no idea whatsoever about game balance. You are obviously one of the bad people you are complaining about.

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Some nights I have to play several games to get my daily win, other times it happens on my first go (usually don't bother requing after that win cuz you can pass the ball/cap/bomb only so many times before it gets boring).


Until they lock Republic character creation on your server they're not *forcing* you to do anything.

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Casts Death From Above- BH flies in the air, making him a very easy target to see and thus anyone with a brain can stun/interrupt- wait, we're facing Republic.


After flying in the air, missiles starts to shoot at the red circle on the ground. Once missiles hit the ground, after about a second from first using the ability, damage is dealt- if enemy was smart, they'd have moved by then- wait, we're facing Republic.


Damage is then dealt for a few seconds provided I didn't get interrupted, but, one could easily move out of the way of the channelled abilities- wait, we're facing Republic.



And I know you Republic whiners are lying, because I've had the ability interrupted a few times before any damage had been applied- which wouldn't happen if the damage was instant... of course, it was interrupted in Huttball by imperial players, I don't know, maybe imperials have better interrupts too?


Feels like the entire Republic has banded together to troll, if only they could band together to pvp.

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Casts Death From Above- BH flies in the air, making him a very easy target to see and thus anyone with a brain can stun/interrupt- wait, we're facing Republic.


After flying in the air, missiles starts to shoot at the red circle on the ground. Once missiles hit the ground, after about a second from first using the ability, damage is dealt- if enemy was smart, they'd have moved by then- wait, we're facing Republic.


Damage is then dealt for a few seconds provided I didn't get interrupted, but, one could easily move out of the way of the channelled abilities- wait, we're facing Republic.



And I know you Republic whiners are lying, because I've had the ability interrupted a few times before any damage had been applied- which wouldn't happen if the damage was instant... of course, it was interrupted in Huttball by imperial players, I don't know, maybe imperials have better interrupts too?


Feels like the entire Republic has banded together to troll, if only they could band together to pvp.


Death From Above does take a half second to start, but Mortar Volley takes 1.5 seconds (I know this because it is half way through the cast bar when it starts to fire) to start doing damage.


There is a difference. Ability delay has already been acknowledged. Denying it is just silly at this point.

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But i am happy i left Empire at launch. Would rather lose alot of matches as the underdog then winn it all and belive we are good just because we out number them.


If the match starts with the same number of players, how does your faction population imbalance have anything to do with your statement?


Something something something dark side.

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