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Everything posted by Gavien

  1. Not sure if serious/10 But lets just pretend you are serious and that this isn't a troll topic, just for fun. The classes are mirrors. If our Sages are overpowered, you're admitting your Sorcs are overpowered. If you can claim any of our classes are overpowered, then you're hurting your side as well since there will be an exact replica of this OP class on your side.
  2. It's always hilarious watching the bads that play the OP classes to try and hide how bad they are, complain when their class gets nerfed. You have to be either delusional, or have a brain cell count in the single digits to think that OPs and Scoundrels are balanced. I'm guessing you're the guy that spams tracer missile and thinks that's skill, aren't you? "Dum de dum, defending left turret while my teammates try and take mid. Oh, enemy coming" "where, that was a close fight, but I beat him and defended my turret. Had to blow my CC breaker to beat him, but I got out of it." Stun, hit hit hit dead in 3 seconds. "It's your fault for not breaking the CC" Riiiight, that's balanced. I'm sure if a shadow pops out of stealth and uses his knockback to autokill me by knocking me off the bridge, that's my fault for not finding some magical way to avoid it? Though I will admit that a bit of a buff should have been given to ops/scoundrel's sustained.
  3. Mon Calamari cruisers. Sleek, elegant, and strategically well designed for being a cruise ship.
  4. Go to the entrance ramp and /dance. Troll them into trying to get hits on you only for them to come too close and get one shotted by the cannons.
  5. Hear the "Go go Power Rangers" theme song?
  6. Yeah, I played WoW for 5 years and arena was the worst thing to ever exist. /anti-sign
  7. Civil war-9 I don't really enjoy it, but I'll say that it's probably the most balanced of the 3. Voidstar-7 One major problem I have with this is that I feel it isn't big enough. Bad teams that shouldn't win do win just by spam AoEing the door and being able to run back quickly due to the distance from the spawn point and the doors being so short. Increase the size of this WZ and things may change. Huttball-3 Fun when I first tried it, and a good idea on paper. But it just comes down knockbackknockbackknockbackknockback.
  8. If you don't want population imbalance, you need to shut down character creation for the overpopulated side. That's all there is to it. Will you piss people off? Of course. It comes down to having to just accept population imbalance and piss off the weaker faction, or block creation and piss off some of the bigger population. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  9. Adding to the already large number of Ilum topics, I'd like to throw out an idea. For anyone that played WoW during Wrath, they know about Wintergrasp. This was a PvP zone where a huge battle took place every 2.5 hours for control of the zone. Faction imbalances obviously made this problematic, but one of Blizzard's earlier ideas was to try something called Tenactiy. Tenacity worked like the buff lowbies get in warzones to buff their stats. This didn't work out in the end because despite being able to 1-2 shot enemies and have massive amounts of HP, you could simply be stunlocked and burned down with ease due to the fact that since the battle took place every 2.5 hours, that's when everyone would show up in the zone. With Ilum, it's different. The battle goes all day and the zone isn't loaded up with massive amounts of people at one specific time every 2.5 hours. 2-3 Republic players could show up on Ilum which has 50 Imperials, sneak in, pick a group of them off, and get out before the Imperials could group up.
  10. You have to be an operative/scoundrel to deny that they are overpowered. I'm in near full PvP gear and Ops in less gear than me are still able to roflstomp me, and it's not because I don't know what I'm doing. They're just plain overpowered. Nerf their opening burst and buff sustained and we'll talk.
  11. As a level 50 sentinel in almost full PvP gear, trust me and avoid sentinel and the sith equiv. We're really squishy without our defensive CDs and we don't pump out the ridiculous damage that other classes can. Add in that we can be kited easily and playing sentinel is a chore in PvP.
  12. Is there a kind of "how are we doing?" e-mail I can send to them to complain about their ****** devs and their obvious bias? Maybe if enough people call bull**** on them they may just pay attention.
  13. Gavien

    Relics in PvP

    Got a token to get a champion PvP relic today and noticed that they don't have Endurance on them. Also no Expertise. Granted their Use abilities are better than a PvE blue, but a PvE blue has 52 endurance on it. So is the extra 100 or so power from the use ability worth tossing away that Endurance?
  14. One of the major reasons I left WoW in the first place was because of the obvious favouritism the Horde got over the Alliance. If this trend continues I'll give Bioware the middle finger as well. What is it with devs and getting hard ons for the bad guys?
  15. I must say that in PvP I feel completely gimped. I have less utility, feel as squishy as a light armor wearer, and yet don't bring the burst that several other classes do (scoundrel and inquis, I'm looking at you). I was talking with my buddy tonight about how stupid powerful knockbacks are in huttball. The discussion went Him: But every class has a knockback Me: Um...I don't. Him: Oh....your class is gimped, sucks to be you, my gunslinger feelslike easymode. The sentinel feels to me like the perfect 3v3 arena class....in a game that doesn't have arena. Several things are wrong with this class and it needs fixed. Focus for example looks like it was designed for PvP specifically....yet everyone goes combat or watchman.
  16. I feel Sentinel was designed as the perfect arena class in a game without arena. Put us in a 3v3 and we would be pretty solid overall. As it stands, in 8v8s we don't have the defense, the damage, or the CC that other classes have. This class is missing something for sure.
  17. Noticed this a week or so back. I can cap the left side a solid 5 seconds before the Imps do and our score goes down first.
  18. Problem I find is people telling me to throw it all the time, but they're in an area my AoE targetting circle can't reach.
  19. If I ever see anyone that might need help, I'll help them and I'll continue to do so. Are some of them ungrateful? Sure. Is it fair of me to assume everyones a jerk and screw people over all the time because of the jerks? No.
  20. Turalyon My first toon and my main for the...4-5 years I played was a Retribution Paladin named Katarn. I always felt like Jedi and Paladins were surprisingly very similar. So what better last name to choose for my JK named Katarn than the #1 Paladin in Warcraft, General Turalyon?
  21. I guess some people just think playing the bad guys makes them tough or ****** themselves by default or something. I'll stick with the good guys, at least I know we win in the end.
  22. The Horde are the obvious darker faction. Maybe not evil, but when you compare the two factions, the Alliance is clearly meant to be...less dark.
  23. I really do feel like the Empire just has the better PvPers. Something about playing as the darker side (Horde for WoW and Imps here) seems to attract PvPers which I'll never get.
  24. I guess I should have stated in my first post that I was referring more to something along the line of the X-wing series games, or even SW: Battlefront 2. How could you not love dogfighting in space while capital ships are exhanging shots and blowing up all around you?
  25. Gavien

    It could be worse.

    I'm just trying to make a request for patience. There are many problems with PvP, I know this as well as anyone. But again, this game has been out for only a couple weeks. Despite its flaws, I still enjoy the PvP here, and in year...heck, half a year, whose to say how great it could be? Don't ragequit so early, give it time.
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