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Please stop dropping skills for Biochem


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1. slicing was OP

2. everyone picks up slicing

3. bioware notices and it get balanced


4. biochem is OP

5. everyone picks up biochem

6. ________________



I hope the fix is BOP requirements are taken off of professions across the board.

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When "consumable" heal and buff items are infinite use, they are no longer consumables. They are, in essence, powerful character abilities that can be used every time the cooldown is up and never run out -just like the class buff you get at lvl 1 or the heals healers get at lvl 10 (albeit on a slightly longer cooldown).


Basically, the way it is designed now, you have to have Biochem crew skill to access these abilities. As far as I can tell that is the main issue. People are taking Biochem to get these powerful abilities because it is the only way to get them.

Edited by MorgonKara
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*checks the market* Woah! Pages and pages of cheap implants! Sweet! You are right! Don't worry, they follow stats and when they see everyone is picking up biochem now they'll nerf the living hell out of it and then people will all drop it and you won't feel like everyone is invading your turf anymore. In the mean time, let me get some shiny new imps!
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Why would seven pages of affordable, powerful implants being available be a problem again?


Hmm, good point. I need to get on GTN and buy some level 50s for my guy (he's only in his 30s) now while the market is flooded. If they change biochem and I have to pay fair market price I'll be upset!

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Except that you need Biochem skill to use the re-useables.


As to the flooding of the market with epic re-useables, that they aren't bound on pickup may be the issue. One of my alts has Biochem and whenever I make a higher grade re-useable I sell the old one on the GTN.


You don't need it to use the Rakata reusables. They are bind on pick up when you make them. No where on then does it say there is a biochem level requirement. I would consider dropping biochem for something else since I already have those made, but I suspect the developers will be changing that and making biochem required to use them.


For Rakata adrenals, stims and medpacks, the only requirements are lvl 50.

Edited by Akella
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You don't need it to use the Rakata reusables. They are bind on pick up when you make them. No where on then does it say there is a biochem level requirement. I would consider dropping biochem for something else since I already have those made, but I suspect the developers will be changing that and making biochem required to use them.


For Rakata adrenals, stims and medpacks, the only requirements are lvl 50.


So you have to lvl Biochem to make those Rakata stims/medpacks before you can drop it and learn another crafting skill. I cannot believe that is what is intended.


I don't understand their logic here, Is Biochem the only crafting skill that has BOP epics? Is it the only crew skill that produces items that require the crew skill to use? I honestly don't know that much about it but something is kinda fishy.


I wonder how people would respond if armor crafting produced the best armor in-game but it was BOP or required armor crafting to equip. Or weapon crafting, mods & jewelry were the same. Like you have to choose your crew skill based on what epic items you want to be able to use at end-game.

Edited by MorgonKara
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So you have to lvl Biochem to make those Rakata stims/medpacks before you can drop it and learn another crafting skill. I cannot believe that is what is intended.


I don't understand their logic here, Is Biochem the only crafting skill that has BOP epics? Is it the only crew skill that produces items that require the crew skill to use? I honestly don't know that much about it but something is kinda fishy.


Rakata medikit is the BoP that requires lvl 50 ONLY.

the BOP implies you have Biochem at the time of making. the only nerf i can see to stop people from going 400 Biochem to gain the reusable purples and then dropping for something more ....hmm..was gonna say usefull but i dont think that exists yet....different i guess :), would be to put a biochem prerequsitite forcing people to keep a biochem to use the rakata medkit.


But it can be understood, when you spend all you cash on voiceovers and getting the story great then get the Database Administrator Interns code your GTN player interface whilie saving money on not delevoping player driven economy you end up shafting the crafters.

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Rakata medikit is the BoP that requires lvl 50 ONLY.

the BOP implies you have Biochem at the time of making. the only nerf i can see to stop people from going 400 Biochem to gain the reusable purples and then dropping for something more ....hmm..was gonna say usefull but i dont think that exists yet....different i guess :), would be to put a biochem prerequsitite forcing people to keep a biochem to use the rakata medkit.


But it can be understood, when you spend all you cash on voiceovers and getting the story great then get the Database Administrator Interns code your GTN player interface whilie saving money on not delevoping player driven economy you end up shafting the crafters.


I understand how BOP works, the part I don't understand is how this can be considered balanced with other crafting skills.


I'm training Synthweaving. As a Synthweaver do I get exclusive access to BOP, Artifact-quality Rakata armors at endgame that are better than those available to any other craft? I don't know. Do I have access to reusable Artifact stims and medkits without having to train Biochem? :confused:

You see what I'm saying? To me the issue is that you have to have Biochem to get or use these items. I don't think they need to nerf Biochem, they probably just need to make the items available/trade-able to characters with other crew skills.

Edited by MorgonKara
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who's to say though that they won't eventually put a required skill level on the implants/medpacks/grenades so people can't drop the skill but still use them and exploit it anymore....now you won't be able to use any of it unless you level to 400 again Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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To be honest, I saw the changes ("nerfs") to Biochem they are experimenting with.


It's not enough. It's still, by far, the best profession even if the changes Darth Hater datamined go live. Why? Because, with exception to Cybertech, every other crafting skill is useless at 50. These changes don't make Biochem useless, therefore, it's still going to be the best profession.


For God sakes, you replace everything you can make with any other skill by doing a round of dailies in Ilum. It's ridiculous.

Edited by McVade
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When "consumable" heal and buff items are infinite use, they are no longer consumables. They are, in essence, powerful character abilities that can be used every time the cooldown is up and never run out


That's pretty much the reason a good whack with the nerf stick for BioChem is probably the only possible way out of this mess. Consumables being the best ( and more often than not the only useful ) crafting product once reaching endgame has been a trend in MMOs for a while now, but BW took it to the extreme. With the reusable versions you absolutely need the buffs and heals provided by BioChem in PvP because everyone else has them. And let's not kid ourselves, if things stay that way, PvE will be balanced with that same approach as well, sooner rather than later.


who's to say though that they won't eventually put a required skill level on the implants/medpacks/grenades so people can't drop the skill but still use them and exploit it anymore....now you won't be able to use any of it unless you level to 400 again


Having the reusables require a skill level would only prevent people dropping BioChem after making the stuff they need though. Because it would still be so much better than everything else they would just stick with it and that solves none of the actual issues.

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That's pretty much the reason a good whack with the nerf stick for BioChem is probably the only possible way out of this mess. Consumables being the best ( and more often than not the only useful ) crafting product once reaching endgame has been a trend in MMOs for a while now, but BW took it to the extreme. With the reusable versions you absolutely need the buffs and heals provided by BioChem in PvP because everyone else has them. And let's not kid ourselves, if things stay that way, PvE will be balanced with that same approach as well, sooner rather than later.




Having the reusables require a skill level would only prevent people dropping BioChem after making the stuff they need though. Because it would still be so much better than everything else they would just stick with it and that solves none of the actual issues.


Nerfing biochem essentially means NO crew skill is interresting to level with after end game, and during play the bulk of the player come to realize that you get with each new planet tier relatively quickly much better equipment, or equivalent enough that the price on GTN is not warranted.


Naturally this make sense if you want to make *ALL* crew skill equally useless to all player, rather than pump them up all to the level of biochem. It is much easier to nerf and make evrything equally useless and THUS balanced, than delicately pump the under used crew skill. It does not take too much development talent to do it that way.

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I don't know what the heck the problem with everyone is but... In the last 4-5 days it appears every single person in my server has gone BIochem.


Every market is absolutely flooded (There's 7 pages of epic implants, while the other professions items are practically non-existant)


I can't sell anything, what the hell?



Why is EVERYONE on my server biochem? Is everyone really such a follower that they have to pick this crewskill just beacuse we get some sweet bonuses? Irritating..



Please stop dropping crew skills for Biochem en masse. You're going to ruin the entire crafting part of the game. Stop being a follower and be a leader.


You know, as a dedicated cybertech, i actually agree that people should not just drop whatever they are doing for Biochem.

But asking people to not do something just because you can no longer reap profits from other people because of large supply of similar product?

So i agree with you on "what", but i find your "why" to be horribly self centered.


I have an idea, go pick up Synthweaving.

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It's really frustrating to see your day 1 crewskill become the FOTM-nerf target for the masses.


I knew EVERYTHING biochem offered well WELL WELL BEFORE the game even went into EGA. I did my research, and picked the one I felt benefitted me the best.



All of the sudden everyone is calling for nerfs because they got blew up by someone using an adrenal in a warzone, or someone who was almost dead healed back to full with a rakata medpac...causing all the rage here. That's honestly what it is, lol.


Stop being FOTM rerollers.

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Funny. I have a complete 100% monopoly on all things Biochem on my server. It's not like I'm on a low-pop RP server or something either, it's one of the higher-pop servers, and I"m on the more populated side (Republic).


Either the people on my server are lazy (likely) or just very, very dumb (also likely).

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Funny. I have a complete 100% monopoly on all things Biochem on my server. It's not like I'm on a low-pop RP server or something either, it's one of the higher-pop servers, and I"m on the more populated side (Republic).


Either the people on my server are lazy (likely) or just very, very dumb (also likely).


It's likely that people just rolled biochem just for their stims and medpack and weren't concerned with making sales on the gtn

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It's likely that people just rolled biochem just for their stims and medpack and weren't concerned with making sales on the gtn


That's what I did, maxed it out , got the regular purple stim and medpack, which is fine until I get the last biochem item from HM's for the rakata one.

Selling the crap on trader or buying anything else than the required schematics for my class is of no use to me.

Edited by excentric
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